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Kyle Nin

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Posts posted by Kyle Nin

  1. What are you two doing?!

    Stop posting. There's no reason to keep posting. You already made your point very clear several posts earlier.

    Or maybe I should thank you, because every time you two post something, this thread shows up on the main page. I don't even have to bump it. You're doing it for me.

    I'm not sure what a Star Trek thread is doing here anyway, especially considering it had nothing to do with a video game until the very end here, and even that was more of an advert for this campaign thing. I could see maybe in Off-top, but there are millions upon millions of Star Trek boards, even a few for Enterprise fans, that I would think would've been a better place for your post.

    There was nowhere else to put it. And not all of the topics in this forum are about video games. I saw one for the Transformers movie and also one for the TV series Lost.

    EDIT: You know what? I didn't even notice that there was an Off-Topic area. Is there a way to move this thread to that sub-forum?

    EDIT2: Okay, I asked one of the moderators to do it.

    And your snide little comments haven't helped the situation.

    I hope you're not talking about me. Because all I've been doing is trying to defend myself from the relentless onslaught of "certain" posters.

    I've never witnessed such seething hatred in my life.

    But I suppose that's what a troll is. You can't blame me for reacting the way I did. If there's something that I can't stand it's continuous annoyance. Stating that you don't like a TV series or movie or video game or whatever is fine. But to say it over and over and over again after you've already made your point is crossing the line.

    You want to talk about any other topic, that's fine. You're welcome to.

    Has anyone see the new Die Hard movie? I still think the third movie was the best, but this one wasn't too bad.

  2. Fuck, would you two just shut up and leave things alone? God, it's like having to yell at little children fighting over who's the better imaginary singing dinosaur.

    You're not so much better.

    It's like everyone that goes out of their way to post something only has something negative to say.

    Now I'm sorry that I even posted this thread in the first place. Maybe I should just delete it, huh? Or wait, can I do that? Or does a moderator have to do that?

    Anyway, I can see now that it was a big waste of time. You can't force the blind man to see. Hey, that's good. Maybe I should use that in my signature.

  3. No offense, but the people who are interested probably already check the SE blog. I understand if you want to keep this thread alive, but if nobody except you wants to post in it, thems the breaks.

    Well, someone besides me is looking at this thread, because it's getting about twenty views a day.

    Oh, and you just made a post.

    I have a question about the show. Did Captain Bakula ever meet Ziggy? Did Al make a guest appearance?

    Dean Stockwell made a guest appearance in the Season 1 episode "Detained". He played an enemy.

  4. E-Day contests are now open (http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=166025855&blogID=286802672):

    It is with great pleasure to tell you all that the contests for E-Day is now open for everyone and below this is information on how to enter, please remember you must be registered with the TrekUnited or one of the sister sites forums to be able to enter.


    The contests are: Best original SE avatar (who can make the best avatar promoting the campaign and best original SE inspirational speech (who can make the best speech about the campaign, it could be about why it's worth doing, or why there's still hope, or something else). Winners will receive a beautiful signature banner made by acclaimed photoshop artist P0is0n0us proclaiming your victory.

    Contest rules:

    All entries must be posted here, you must state that your entry is an official entry for the contest you are participating in. You may enter both contests. Entries will be judged out of ten in three categories (Aesthetics, inspirational effect, and originality for avatars and writing ability, inspirational effect, and originality for speeches) by our three judges (Myself, Johnbart_HUN, and Captain_Hair) for a maximum possible score of ninety. Judges may not make entries. Maximum of two entries per person per contest. Please note that scores for multiple entries are not cumulative I.E. if one of your avatars scores forty-one and another scores fifty you will not have a total score of ninety-one. Entries must have been made for this contest, that is you can not enter avatars or speeches you have made prior to this. Entries must be posted before 12:00 AM EDT on August 1 2007. Entry with the highest score in its category will win. Winners will be announced and prizes presented on E-day. Any entries not following the rules will be deleted and ignored.

    To view additional details please head over to http://www.trekunited.com/community/index.php?showtopic=14328 which is home to the contests and a place to view all entries.

    Happy Competing everyone and best of luck to everyone.

  5. Here's the lastest SE news (http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=166025855&blogID=285844017):

    26 Days until E-Day arrives, there is a level of excitement starting to build up over at SE as everything is starting to fall into place and today's edition will focus on the latest on E-Day.

    Votes are being taken for what the Live Chats will have and the current frontrunner is talking about what Season 5 or a feature film would have if it happens, to view all the votes and read through the comments please feel free to head over to http://www.trekunited.com/community/index.php?showtopic=14438.

    A reminder that E-Day will have Live Chats from the cast and crew of the audio series Star Trek: Eras and the makers of the anticipated Half Life 2 Modification game Enterprise: Temporal Cold War and you can ask them questions about how they make the series and much more.

    We like to welcome two new members to SE and they are NXO1 and AceParty and they have both made great contributions so far at SE with NXO1 helping out with E-Day and AceParty contributing a Enterprise video for everyone and you can view the video or just look at our main page with the other videos from SE.

    Our videos on our Myspace page has just recently passed 1000 views and today we have recorded our 900th reader of SE News.

    At this present moment we have 90 friends here on SE at Myspace and we are pleased to have every single person aboard and we hope we can reach the 100 friends mark very soon.

  6. Here's the newest SE news (http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=166025855&blogID=283043758):

    Just over one month to go until E-Day (August 5th) and we are delighted that it is coming closer because at SE we are confident that this celebration of Enterprise is the best that fans are going to get in a long long time.

    Ensign Edwards says that considerations are being taken to have a role playing game in the Live Chat room where members can play as crewmembers aboard the NX-01 and this could potentially be a first on a live chat room, if you believe this idea should be part of E-Day please drop us a line either here at Myspace or in the SaveEnterprise threads at http://www.trekunited.com/community/index.php?showforum=104 because as we always say this is not a day for TrekUnited, this is not a day for SaveEnterprise but this is a day for you the fans of Enterprise and Star Trek.

    We have booked in E:TCW and Star Trek: Eras to talk to fans about their efforts to keep the Enterprise NX-01 and her era alive and in todays issue we're going to show the latest events in the E:TCW development and everyone is going to love these shots because you will be hard pressed to find any gaming shot that is better anywhere in the world.




    From those three thumbnails, the potential of this Half Life 2 Modification has never been clearer and if you head over to http://www.trekunited.com/community/index.php?showtopic=11407 you can see these shots and more in full screen but most importantly show your support for the MOD by going to http://www.enterprise-tcw.com and vote for them in polls, view their videos or even join their forum ......... these guys will appreciate your support and thanks to JohnBart_HUN for displaying the latest images on TrekUnited.

    Late last week Ensign Edwards sent off a letter to Whoopi.com to ask Whoopi Goldberg to spread the word out on the upcoming E-Day celebration we are hopeful the letter made its destination safely and that what had been written has been considered and accepted, if so it would help get the word out to fans much further than we can with our current resources.

    Today's site spotlight focuses on an Enterprise website that former SE member Bruce created and is rapidly expanding by the day and visitors can view and join the forum, view what new fans of Enterprise have to say about the show, view the latest campaign ideas including feeding Porthos and much much more, so visit the site at http://www.freewebs.com/stenterprise/index.htm because this is one Enterprise site that will be rising through the interest ranks in the coming months.

    Thank you for reading today's issue, we hope you have enjoyed what we have offered you today and please feel free to subscribe to get every issue of SE News as it comes in as well as leaving comments either on the page or on this news issue, we accept every message and every suggestion that comes to us because we want to hear the opinions of the fans.

  7. But that's beside the point because I am in the process of watching Enterprise. I'm halfway through Season 4 and there has yet to be anything excellent about Enterprise. So, unless there will be some miraculous excellent thing between where I'm at and the finale which you already claim sucks and you're a die-hard fan, clearly there is little to no hope of that. In fact, there has been a decided level of mediocrity continually throughout.

    I find that really hard to believe, but whatever.

    Maybe you'll at least like "In A Mirror, Darkly". It's been noted as one of the best Trek episodes.

    But, maybe you just don't like Star Trek. I suppose I understand. I think that Firefly is mediocre. Same thing with Battlestar Galactica (up until Season 3, anyway). Maybe it's not your taste.

    And I'm not a die-hard fan. I just like the show, just as much as my other top favorites. Let's see, there's Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Lost, 24, Heroes, Doctor Who, The 4400, Smallville, Supernatural, and others.

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