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    Funny bunny

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Ahahah oh man...I miss that animation.
  2. FLASH!! yayyyyyyyyyyyyy
  3. That was his name! Primoris Haruspex.. his posts were always thought provoking. And Lurch...dang, memories.
  4. Forgot how quick threads can blow up here... Same old, came to see how things were here, been a WHILE. And..... let me know what you want in your sig haha. Damn _excusa_, that bastard. I loved the blue OCR............. and remember multiple quote boxes that led to quote pyramids?
  5. First visitor! Sup dude!

  6. Old school, old school for real!
  7. There's a friggin' thread for this already.
  8. Read the first post. UnMod isn't very n00b friendly so I figured I would make a thread in the one place where they are welcome. I never meant for this to be a "ask Capn for a sig!!!111" thread, I just figured I would be one of a handful of people that would volunteer and help out. Guess I was wrong. UnMod as a whole is unfriendly to "noobs", but specific threads are friendly. The sig-making thread is one of them.
  9. Is one hour short? How long does it take you guys to make sigs?
  10. who that girl in ur sig from That girl is Rikku (I found that pic a long time ago and all of sudden has been popping up in various places recently).
  11. On another note, I think making the original piano piece in the first 20 seconds into a full song on its own would make a great original work...I'd love to hear it.
  12. I could just listen to the first 20 seconds of this over and over(beautiful harmony and usage of the instrument). The 'distorted' chords just add to the overall quality of this mix. I love this mix, and looking forward to more.
  13. Testing...does my sig work now? Thanks.
  14. ok here it is....
  15. Cool, thanks arashi.
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