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Posts posted by TheChargingRhino

  1. I have a feeling that they just wanted to get Zelda out the door ASAP, cause we've had to wait over 6 years for it.

    They should have just released the Wii U version and continued to fix up the Switch, THEN release the Switch version later on.

  2. YYYYaaaaayyyyy.

    I was looking back through Serious Monkey Business :A History.

    That album took up 56 pages.

    Anyway, it'll be interesting looking back through this, cause eventually this thread shall be locked.  

    ALSO- Do we have art yet? (other than the banner) No? I can come up with something, I think. 

    The website? (my mom's a graphic designer, I'd feel a bit weird asking her to design a VG website, though....)

    Album trailer? 


  3. I might remake some tracks 'cause I have more plugins now for FLS...

    I will remake some tracks. 

    If you all want to, then go ahead and remake your tracks if you want. 

    I realize that I did most of the tracks now, I'm sorry for taking most of them. 

    Anyway, I tried to get a Star Fox 1 project like this one started, no one was interested. 

    However, Lylat System CLEAR has the most replies right now. 

    Which is good. 

    Link to my SF project


  4. I am back with yet another topic. Yep.

    I am on it today.

    First things first- I have perfect pitch.

    Meaning, I know what note is what in tracks.

    Want a few examples? I'll try to get something up, have to record myself talking and stuff so...


    Anyway, yeah, about the title. I don't know what I "have" but here it is. 

    I can remember a song note by note, play it in my head, and get the right notes.

    I can now play Countdown from Punch Out. 


    And I haven't listened to the track in at least...8 months.

    I also learnt Eye of the Tiger that way as well.

    So? Tell me, what condition, if it is one, do I have?

    Is it rare? Am I the next Mozart or something?

    Will put up examples if I can. 

    Thanks to all in advance. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Ridiculously Garrett said:

    I know you didn't ask me, but here:


    Learning music is something that takes time. Time and effort. Especially piano. Piano, is in my opinion, the hardest instrument to master. But, that doesn't mean it's impossible. Sure, your stuff may not be great, but keep at it, and each day, it'll get better. If you have any questions about music theory, you can feel free to ask me. That's a personal invitation.

    Piano is hard to master? Please. Though I have perfect pitch so I really shouldn't be saying anything....

  6. 1 hour ago, The Nikanoru said:


    Well, we're into it now ... I have now submitted the application for this project to become an official OCR release. Or, to become OCR-approved, as I like to say.  

    It will likely take some time for processing and review, so don't expect changes tomorrow; however, I will let everyone know ASAP when I hear back from the Projects Team.

    Once again, great work everyone - we are (hopefully) one step closer to @Thomas Neil's vision. Let's continue making this an album to remember! :)


    One step closer to VICTORY!


    Why wouldn't they accept this? Too close to the release of another album? Too few tracks?

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