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keypat reborn

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Posts posted by keypat reborn

  1. On 22/12/2016 at 3:23 PM, REMEMBER CITADEL said:

    Really nice work, loved the 80ies inspired pop feel of it. Interesting to hear an organ piece could work well for that kind of stuff. ;)

    Thank you so much sir!!! I'm glad you liked my remix, I'm inspired by genres from the eighties and nineties like synthpop, synthwave and eurobeat. I also like to play a little with the tempo, syncopations and back beat in my music. (Sorry for my english. Isn't my native language).

  2. Thank you for you input, You won't believe in what kind of pc I made thse tracks, Its a really humble PC, anyway, I wanna ask you to be more specifiv In what kind of sound design you find more ''dynamic'' cause I don't get what you mean by ''plain sound'' it would be really nice to get into specifics, It would be ver awesome, to have that kind of imput, sorry if Im asking much, Im really new to all this, only been making track for 2 years in my home.

    @Rozovian  can you give me some critique too, thank you.


    thanks to everyone who responded, this is helping a lot.

    sorry for my english

  3. wow the feedback was even better than I expected, I really apreciate this, this song is my first videogame remix so I really wanted some good criticism from people that appareciate video game's music a lot, my boyfriend suggested this site and I even uploaded the song to be judged ,I followed the standard application and email but its been nearly 2 months and they haven't answered yet, so I submited here to have some feedback from the guys on the forum, my machine is very humble so I'm limited so some vst, I used sytrus vst for most of this song, I hope you enjoyed the song and sorry my english, it's not my my language I'm even using my boyfriend as a translator lol.
    thanks again @The Nikanoru @timaeus222

  4. On 11/10/2016 at 6:12 PM, CGrail said:

    I like this! I love the way you add new moments and elements to keep things interesting. That's what I always strive to do, and it seems like you've got a decent idea. The song has a pretty cool vibe, I could see this in some sort of fast paced boss fight or something. 

    Thank you for listening, I really aprecciated it, this song is gonna be used in a mobile cars game in the style of initial D

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