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Broadcast Bowsette

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Everything posted by Broadcast Bowsette

  1. You can beat him. It took a hell of a lot of reloading saved states and mentally kicking myself for not just giving up, but he doesn't always do the sneeze attack early enough to save himself.
  2. Ah hell, all my old characters are on medium population servers, so I can't move them.
  3. Oye, damn ye, I'd have t' start all over again. Unless we can transfer characters now. Horde or Alliance?
  4. Ignoring the flamewars... I play on Maelstrom. I've got a level 24 paladin named Solitaire, and a level 9 thief named Kattara, both alliance of course. Feel free to PM me if you guys play there.
  5. I'm looking to get a hentai sig made, if I possibly can. I've got some pretty nice pictures to go with it and I'm hoping to get something thrown together (for unmod only!). If anyone can help me out or is interested, please, email me or drop me a message and I'll send you the pictures.
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