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Broadcast Bowsette

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Everything posted by Broadcast Bowsette

  1. Aaaaaah, I was a little worried for a moment.
  2. ...You set this mess to e-mail you every-time someone replies to a thread after you...?
  3. <3 Eschebone. The name is weird so I don't really remember it, but I def recognize that sig. Happy Bday!
  4. What the hell are you doing? ...Oh, just joined.
  5. Bwahahah, big grats to you cats shawtayees.
  6. Why thank you good chap.

  7. Hey bLiNd, I don't know if you do requests (and you're probably too busy) but I was wondering if I could ask you to tear up a NMH song. I added you on AIM, will poke at you there if you're willin'.

  8. Hehehehe, well, true.

  9. It is good times sir. And yourself?

  10. Big happy BDay DJP. <3
  11. How ya been Sauze?!

  12. ...Hey, so do you not use AIM, or do you prefer to Boo-style it? XD

  13. wtf Meteo, get more friends dahlin'.

  14. VILE! THONGS! I missed you!

  15. Yeah, that's a Blizz thing to do. It's all about that cash and then some. Not that I really blame them, particularly not 'now.'
  16. Sweet! Never thought I'd get to be part of a mini-project with The Coop. Haha, lemme know if you need any musings! (Said to post this in convo and it posted on my page for some dumb reason)

  17. ...Considering my name on here, and what 'not a safe idea' around here implies, I am all for suggestive themes as long as they're not going to get me banned, sir. XD I suppose since Talbain chases off the smiling adorable bouncing ball, Felicia can chase it and do things like try to suffocate it in her cleavage instead?

  18. Well, you have Talbain and all. It just occured to me that it'd be cool to have a sister sig. And who better than the once-declared-Queen-of-Unmod to wear it? (...It doesn't have to be me, but the boobhang sig 'is' old.)

  19. Sounds like it. I think this could turn out to either be an amazing movie, or absolutely craptastic. But regardless of whether it turns out to be gold or trash, it will make a ridiculous amount of money based off the sheer number of people that play the game and go see it anyway.
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