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Posts posted by Protricity

  1. You're about to hear some great music on MP3.com and it's totally FREE.

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    That is my review

    maybe if I can aquire the song in some other less time consuming manner, I'll give it a review.

    Please direct link in the future. Thank you


    (PS. no 'yes' or 'no' just yet, I'll probably give in and register just to hear it later on...)


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    What the HELL?

    Is this some kind of sick joke????

    BAH! I'll just get rob's link,...


    Well, its not a midi rip, thats good


    Original concept

    Movin beat


    Sorta simple

    MONO!!!!!!!!! D:

    More could be done

    Good enough with the ideas presented.

    Next time nix the repeating and fade plzkth



  2. Pros:

    Great feel! Puts me in da mooooooooooood.

    Love the strings. have no problem with the guitar. Guitars are hard to make sound good.



    fade out ending/beginning

    More could be done, but I really like what WAS done. I would recommend a better transition, more work on the guitars, perhaps try different instruments, change the melody around a bit.. something to kill the repetitive nature of the song.

    Aerowing, I hope you take these things and other things the judges here said and work on the song some more. Like I said, I love the 'feel' it just needs... more and it will be fine.

    Good luck!



  3. Since everything was lost/backed up, I'll repost this stuff(good thing I had a back up copy on log :D)

    SysteManiac's Email:

    Hey y'all.

    I've been working on this beast for weeks now, and I think its ready for your consideration. It was made entirely in Fruity Loops 3.55. It's a ReMix of the Perfect Dark song "crashsite confrontation". Hope this doesn't fall through the cracks.

    Should be just under 6 megs, ID3 tags should be in order, you can find it at




    A submission that fell through the cracks, or not. Either way its been a month for SysteManiac AND I think it kicks ass. Notice this is not a direct post to the forum, SysteManiac HAS been waiting a month.

    I will not vote because I know him.

    EDIT: Disco Dan brought up a point about how I bitched you all out to stop posting on the judge panel and giving people 'short cuts' and made you all lose faith in life and so on... and that now Im doing it. Well, to reitterate, SysteManiac posted this a month ago. Sure we havent set a LINE time to define a 'lost remix' but I feel a month is decent. Also I favor this mix and think it deserves recognition. So if I pissed anyone off, please let me know (breaking the rules I bitched to create would make me look like a real dipshit ). Anyway,

  4. HAHAH

    Pizzaman ???

    agent 522 ???

    geez, if I put the clues together its.., no, its ok. Never mind.

    ugh, I downloaded this song at 300bps :(


    Mr. ? showed me this song on OC long ago. I hope it didnt take this long to get here. <:@

    so basically this an expantion on a 4 second song from megaman 1.


    I like the beat. Creative.

    I like how it progresses into a more melodic mix. But not by much.

    Nice Feel

    Heheh, the ending reminds me of the days I used to record megaman music from a SH*TTY Mono television onto a SH*TTY children's recorder and it came out all flanged and gritty.


    Repeats. Simplistic. No changes on the beat/chord structure. No changes in melody.

    Much more could have been done with this mix.

    Sorry pizzaman, but normally first attempts at mixes never get posted. Its just like sports. You cant make the team if you dont practice at it first.




  5. Pros:

    Decent drums.


    Lets trim the sustain down on that voilin. Lets use more than 2 instruments at any given time. Lets go for some harmony. Looks like we have some harmony on these 8bit 10khz choir samples now... but not much, and not very well done.

    Repeats. Bad use of samples. Slow. Original segments were simple and repeating.



    ...the music of my groin...the sound of my groin.. I can play it all day lo... WHOOPs, .. er... sorry. :oops:

  6. Very nice. Very creative.

    It gets a NO for one big reason, however.

    Too short. I dont feel that we should have 1:20 songs on this site. It denotes lack of effort. While the first minute is rather well done (on the guitars, cant say the same for the synth/drums) it could have also been longer.

    Further reasons are as follows:

    The song didnt follow the original from the game too well and did verge on the TV show melody quite a bit. I remember the original from the game very well and I would have rathered this follow the GAME theme rather than the TV show theme. This reason isnt that relevant, however. I would have given a YES anyway.

    I am aware that we HAVE 1 minute rock songs on this website (ex. http://remix.overclocked.org/detailmix.php?mixid=OCR00506) But we also have a judge forum now.

    So make it 2:30 + and resubmit it and you'll get a definite YES from me, bud. (If the quality of the mix continues consistently, ofcourse)


  7. OH BOY. Another klutz piano.

    There should be a direct link from his songs to the arrangement folder on OC aswell as someone to stand watch and instantly post/writeup his songs as they are submitted. etc...

    Anyway, This is going in the FF Piano Collections folder regardless of no affiliation with FFPC.

    oh, and a YES will go along with it.

    One gripe I had was that the original FF7 overworld theme was much longer than this, there is a whole section that is missing. Also it seemed that the song basically repeated instead of attempting something else with the melody. oh well, Im spoilt.


  8. As a user of "bad samples" for the longest time, I know that you can make good songs with bad samples. Its not how they sound, its how you USE them.

    This song's lead trumpet isnt so bad. But it sounds bad because of HOW it was used. In the classic JB theme, the trumpets were used in harmonic chords; this trumpet's polyphony does not go beyond 1. Its not the same. Also DJ.. ... .. Fartz.. .. .. attempted some trumpet effects that just scared me shitless for a second. I was listenin to the song rather loud. all the sudden the trumpet becomes even louder. I was all WTF !@#.

    So anyway, this song is unrelenting simplistic. More should be done with such a song that is vetran to like 30 JB films aswell as some (weak) games.



  9. Pros

    well, at least its not an spc rip.

    HAHAH, a frog chirp sfx!! That made me laugh :D.


    Bearly any melody throughout, save for the frog theme at the beginning and middle. Most of the song is looped, so its really a 20 second song looped into a 4 minute song.

    The leads are weak and there is no chord progression on the background bell synth.

    Song isnt going anywhere....

    Good try. By try I mean you managed to do something beyond getting FL to open properly. Next time try to expand on the melody and work on chord progression. The same notes looped throughout the song will really kill the melody. Also try not to keep the entire song on the center. Try expanding the stereo a bit. Try making the leads more prominent and obvious. Try not to drone the entire bass into one mushy river of goo.



  10. Pros

    Great Feel


    Listen closely to the piano. Hear the sustain/reverb? It cuts off after the loop point. The piano is a loop (or is made to sound as such).

    So far I am still wondering if any of this song was actually sequenced or if its just a bunch of loops strung together.

    Im guessing the violin and bells are sequenced because they dont sound like loops. I could be wrong, ofcourse.

    What the HELL? was that umpa lumpa? WTF....

    Hmm, I really hope the last 6 seconds redeem the rest of the song..... nope.

    That scream sf is annoying.

    Good job on the feel, but next time, try doing the melody yourself, kthx



    (64kbps isnt a problem as long as the song sounds good. I've made 64k songs sound good in the past, its possible.)

  11. Pros:

    Amazing original.


    What a great song, too bad jason didnt do anything with it.

    Im guessing a direct spc rip with simple instrument resellection. Some modification on the melody at certain points to make it seem like it wasnt a complete rip. Again, if I falsly accused the mixer of ripin the spc, Im sorry, but the point still stands that everything is the same as the original with different sounding instruments.

    A simplistic beatloop is present. It changes to another simplistic beatloop later on.

    I know this song by heart, and I know nothing has changed.

    Finally, I want to reitterate that this is NOT Overclocked Rerendering. This website does not post rerenders of songs. There needs to be some serious expantion present, some new ideas, some new melodic progressions, perhaps. SOMETHING that makes the song new and interesting. Sounding exactly like an SPC with a beat and better (or in this case, not better) instruments does not even approach this goal.

    Jason, please take these words into consideration for next time, but for now,



  12. 3 No? does this deserve a mercy YES?

    lets see..


    Im putting this sentence here so it doesnt SEEM like there are no Pros.


    Clippin straight off the start

    128-320kbps VBR? HAS THE WORLD GONE INSANE? THAT will NOT solve your cliping problems, I guarentee.


    Nothing happens. No expantion on the theme

    No melody. Lets try bass/lead harmony next time


    EDIT: the no was too small. so, NO[


  13. Pro:

    Well, I can tell its not a midi rip because the chord structure doesnt follow the lead.


    Well, I can tell its not a midi rip because the chord structure doesnt follow the lead.

    At one point the bass disappears and the stringsynth goes WAY too high, EWWWWWW.

    Way repetitive.

    Good enuf.


    But how about we do OTHER songs in the future? Theres easily 20 remixes of this song.

  14. ok, third time around, Im gonna give this song a ......


    I still think its too simple. It sounds nice, but these kinds of songs need to be longer because they really arent THAT involved..

    Im sure it will get enough yesses regardless, but that is my true feeling.

    The ending should have been expanded.

    Alright, at the close of this nepotism issue, I will let this song be the last to bypass the queue. I will also revoke my decision and Give it a fair listen:

    wow, 256k on s 80k server, so no streaming :(

    Ok, here we go

    First off, Id like to mention that this is over the limit by 0.03megs. No biggy right? ACTUALLY, its encoded at 256kbps. There is NO REASON to encode it at 256KBPS. This is a waste of webspace, time, HD space, and even Mp3 player space (yup :D)

    So Im already at the big NO with that problem. The only way this is getting a yes is if it is reencoded at something more reasonable like 128-192kbps... WHOA.. its already over

    Too short, man.

    Symphony was way too simple aswell.

    Im gonna have to give this a NO based on these problems alone, and I do recommend a more reasonable bitrate in the future.


    Old Post:

    I know plenty of people who have remixes that impressed the hell out of me still waiting in queue. They have been waiting for some time now.

    I clearly expressed my belief in being fair with songs and queues, so I am gonna give a No to any song that goes here directly without the afore mentioned reasons.

    (If anyone has a problem with this, let them voice their opinion, but not here. We have a disussion board for that)

  15. Angelfire does not allow direct linking

    from offsite, non-Angelfire pages,

    to files hosted on Angelfire because Angelfire sucks ass.

    This practice of 'remote linking' reduces

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    of our members quickly and efficiently.

    I feel that submissions should include valid links as a requirement to submit. Thus, this gets a No. Maybe if someone would somehow get the song and host it, that would be cool. But I think invalid links are a waste of our time.

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