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Posts posted by Protricity

  1. I dunno if you're being sarcastic, Prot. I can't tell with you.

    Most of this piece sounds original to me. Still in my Top 1.

    I just listened to the original. I find it very confusing how this is such a great reimagination of the original and NOT a rip AT ALL, and yet Rimco's other songs made later in time are direct rips. Confusing. Wait, actually Yie Ar Kung Fu was made before this. Whatever.

    Nevertheless, I now consider this remix justified and awesome. GJGJJGJGJGJGJ

  2. I just want to thank djp for standing up to the panel and fighting for this mix.

    It's no secret I've had issues with the panel before and often times I've hoped for something like this to happen.

    It's nice to see when active measures are taking to get great music like this posted for the fans.

    Great work to both Neil for a truly wonderful song and to djp for getting it to us.

    Yea, you definately do not understand what happened. First version had pretty major issues. I was the one who worked with the author for hours getting the song fixed. The author got all the major issues fixed. The judge panel voted YES on the fixed version. I bet you never even heard the first version. The judge panel always recommends fixing problems and resubmitting. This is simply another case of an author fixing issues in a song the panel brought up, resubmitting, and now having a better, cleaner version on ocremix. The facts are all there, non-ambiguous, clear, and out in the open for everyone to see, and as such will remain regardless of how much you want to assume happened 'behind the scenes'. Now, lets have no more of this judge hate garbage on neil's review thread. Its very disrespectful to him.

  3. This is really one of my absolute favorites on this site. If I had to pick a top 5, this would be on it. Doesnt sound like it was too hard to make, or even that too much effort was put into it. Hell, its probably a direct rip + drumloop. Nevertheless, its simply one of those songs that hits me right on that spot. Excellent. Excellent.

  4. My rule is that I never FT a song which I have a damned good feeling will be rejected. Save the judges the effort in giving out another


    00:00 into it, and I already think its a verbatim rip. However, I was shocked to discover that I was right in the end. Original section at 1:40. I'll give credit for that. No wait, I wont.

    When you do reverb, make sure the mix percentage isnt at 90% wet or else your drums will sound like trash. Lots of clipping. Etc Etc.

  5. I hear track 2 from the Gameboy soundtrack in the second half, but I'm wondering where the theme arranged for the first half is from. Certainly sounds like something from Tetris. Any need to confirm that further?

    The idea was to 'sound like something from tetris' but its not from tetris.

  6. Nothing but cool going on here. Use of sound effects did not carry the song. They simply added to the cool effect. This is very much like mazedude's nazi requiem.

    Cant find anything wrong with the song. It builds, changes. Perhapse it could have been much stronger on the 'remix' aspect.

    Just fine.


  7. Haha, that synth lead sounds completely out of sync. Its not out of sync, but its attack and release are very poorly chosen. Makes it sound pretty bad.

    Then you got htat lead at 1:00 to 1:20 which doesnt seem to want to follow any keys or go anywhere.

    Again, very amateur lead and notation at 2:00.

    Overall, amateur work. Keep at it. Its all about commitment and practice.


  8. meh, its not the sample quality that causes this to suck. The notes end ubruptly. Very unrealistic. Very mechanical. The velocities are all over the place, as if the whole song had its velocities randomly generated. Theres little in the way of compression to help, no real sustain,release pedaling at all, and lots of clipping.

    So.. fix all of that> YEA!!!


  9. Violations:

    1. Die Hard Trilogy 'I Love The Airport'

    Cant find the original song in the ost. Nevertheless, this is one of those gut feeling YESs. I mean, its just really obvious. Also we have testimony from several respected members of the community. A questionable YES it gets.

    2. Ys 'Beat of Terror'

    YES Clearly a rip

    3. Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun 'PharoTeknical'

    YES Far too close to original. Samples original. Big time violation.

    4. Streets of Rage 2 'Funkdreamer'

    YES. Direct rip. Minor improvements.

    5. Donkey Kong Country 'Strolling The Mines'

    YES Very well done, but we must stand by our rules even for impressive songs like this.

    6. Usagi Yojimbo 'Homage to Amida Buddha'

    YES I said this was a rip from the beginning. This is a remix site, not a homage site. I have the original if anyone wants it. Though there is very minor 'enchancements' to this song, it still qualifies only as a minor upgrade. I'm not much abated by the live guitar later on.

    7. F-Zero GX 'Dr. Stuard (Jeff & Toad Air Team Challengers)'

    YES Exactly the same as the original with sfx and slight differences. Dissappointing.

    8. Earthbound 'Dreaming on Distant Shores'

    This is the same problem I had with that recent black omen remix. If anyone votes no on this and yes on that, then they should explain why this should go and not that.

    This is not enough of a violation to warrant removal. NO

    May be violations:

    9. Final Fantasy 10 'The Final Summoning'

    NO The chords that support the vocal from the game are present throught the mix. Furthermore, I very much liked how jared kept using the vocal in different ways using different chord progressions, and different instruments. The only issue with this song is that it may be too original, but that is out of the scope of this lockdown. We're looking for violations only. Had this gone through the panel now, it probably would not pass. I wouldn't pass it. But through our relaxed lockdown guidelines, I feel that it should not be swept up.

  10. Hey there Protricity,

    My name is Kevin Sisk, a.k.a. Kevin "Lorenzo" Sisk, a.k.a. Debeerguy, a.k.a... that... "Terminator2... remix...guy." :?

    Anyhoo, I submitted a Sonic & Knuckles remix entitled "Machine Gun Hedgehog" about three months ago. Although I did receive a confirmation email, I was wondering if you can check on the possibility that it fell-through. It would be very much appreciated.

    And here's a few links of the Mp3 for ya, just in case the submission email can't be found:

    Anyway, sorry to trouble ya with this stuff. I just got worried is all.


    P.S. Here's my remixer's comments/thoughts on the piece, In case the thing gets posted. You never know, right?

    Kevin Lorenzo Presents

    "Machine Gun Hedgehog", A Sonic & Knuckles Remix

    Okay, this is the Act 2 boss theme from both Sonic 3 AND Sonic & Knuckles.

    Because this music is played in different levels in both games, I had to sit down and think about which level in which game should this remix reflect.

    I chose to reflect the sequence at the end of Mushroom Hill in Sonic and Knuckles where Sonic chases Robotnik(aka Eggman) in the forest through the usage of fast drumwork in certain places. It's a bit more radical then my previous effort but all in all, I'm satisfied with the result.

    Too low key and unpleasant. Synths are ugly, awkward. Song repeats a lot. I like how the percussion is handled. Work for a cleaner remix.


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