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Everything posted by Z-Saber

  1. I just joined. F@H username is also Z-Saber.
  2. If you haven't been paying attention, please read very carefully: Akira Yamaoka is confirmed as the musical director for the film and is going to compose all new music to fit this media. Yes, that means you won't have to wait until Silent Hill 5 to hear more of Akira Yamaoka's work. The music you heard in the introduction was simply a montage of Yamaoka's works that were simply substitutes until the first real trailer, which will more likely contain the new, original music. I actually was aware of that, but it was still exciting to hear Yamaoka work in the trailer, even if it isn't original.
  3. The trailer looked good and all, but I was more excited that they used music from the games.
  4. I think we should all plan on being on at a specific time and date, so we can all play. How long has it been since we've done that? And, if it goes well, people will be encouraged to play more.
  5. I totally almost did that. Saw them at BestBuy, wondering if I could make a profit, but sadly I passed.
  6. That's the reason I don't play anymore. When I do end up getting on, no one else is on and I have no fun with random matchmaking people.
  7. The Soviet links don't work.
  8. Wait, you just broke a cord? What cord was it? The A/V cord or the power cord? Or maybe a controller cord? All of those are easily replaced.
  9. You'd be wrong in doing that. There was an OCR clan previous to this one. This clan was rebirthed due to the inactivity of me and Decrescendo as overlords of the last clan.
  10. Tell them that if they want to remain in the clan, come to this site, register on the forum, post in this thread, and learn to enjoy the music or die.
  11. Bringing non-OCR people into games is fine, as long as there are plent of empty spots. Bringing non-OCR people into the OCR clan is not fine.
  12. Been a while since I've played Cave Story so I don't quite remember Monster X, but I do remember the core. The core itself is godly, but the trip there is almost equally so as well.
  13. Absolutely ditto'd. I would scold everyone in the clan for not getting on... and here I am... not playing Halo 2...
  15. Your post/joke/lame attempt at humor My head
  16. So boys gone wild and Magicshmop were on last night. We glitched, superjumped, and dummied. I've never really done any of those before, so it was pretty neat. We also screwed around with Team Snipers players and Team Training guys as well, trying to spread our ways of love and non-violence. We shouldn't play this game to kill. We should play it to love. We need to love each other. I hate everyone who wasn't on last night. You all suck.
  17. I'll be playing sometime tonight. Don't know when, don't know how long. Be there bitches.
  18. Indeed, indeed. Memories.
  19. Guess who bought a new Xbox and is ready to play with you fags?
  20. Hai guyz. Guess Im sort of back (and randomly unable to type apostrophes and use my arrow keys for some reason. Seriously.).....). That sentence needed more punctuation. Anyway, my Xbox has been broken for a while and havent even played Halo 2 in many months. I might be a getting a new one as early as tomorrow and I might start playing with you guys again. Im still in the clan, right?
  21. SotC #16. I spent a good three hours yesterday trying to get him in under 9:30. Won't go into detail though because spoiling that game to anyone is a crime.
  22. Slight loss? Are your ears working?
  23. My favorite moment of the night was me singing the intro stage music from Mega Man X... Although I also enjoyed my solo kill! [/unfunny self-centeredness]
  24. You Brown vs Pink'd without me? What?!
  25. Don't feel like quoting or looking it up because that would require me to click the back button on my browser, but whoever was wondering about the old clan, here is the jist. Basically, no one ever played. Ever. The last time we had a game together was like January, maybe earlier. Since someone posted about the auto update, we all randomly got in the Halo 2 mood again and started a fresh new clan. I won't be able to play tonight. Doing my first gig with the band. Maybe tomorrow, but definitely Monday for sure. Gotta test out the new maps and shiz.
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