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Everything posted by Z-Saber

  1. Hooray for a new clan. Gamertag is still Z 5aber. Anyone actually buying the maps Monday? I'm sure you are all aware, but for the sake of those who aren't I'll explain. Two maps are free, two are not. I'm undecided about it really.
  2. Yeah, I remember the first time I heard this song. He posted a link to the VGmix page from Metroid Metal. Very metal indeed. Great jorb.
  3. Very beautiful arrangement of the main theme, with a little bit of a certain Chrono Cross string progression thrown in the beginning if I'm not mistaken. Very nice piece that transitions into several genres that all mesh into a great remix. I'm really starting to like your style, Unknown.
  4. This song is definitely a classic. Strange idea, kinda makes you wonder what Shael was on at the time. I also like some the stuff on his music page, http://lobachevsky.homelinux.net/~sriley/Original/ Check it out if you haven't already, especially the 2003 Mobgoblin Remix of The Music of my Groin. Definitely worth at least one listen
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