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  1. Hey Hemophiliac, thank you so much for the detailed feedback! I really appreciate you taking time out to give me an evaluation. If you could enjoy this as a background track then I think that's a huge win for me! It's good to know that the main limitations you feel are the mechanical things which I haven't really learnt yet like mixing and varying velocities. That really helps guide me on what I need to focus on learning next. Cheers, Hiro
  2. This is fantastic; it sounds very professional. I don't know the original song, but as a fan of older Zelda games if someone had told me that this was official I'd have believed them.
  3. Hey! I don't know if you're still looking for feedback, but I wanted to come on and say I really like this source song and your interpretation brought something new to it that I hadn't heard before, so thank you for that. About the only constructive thing I could add to the review above is that I found myself expecting the bass line to be more varied, maybe jumping up an octave in some places or playing a higher note from the chord. But I'm very much a novice myself so I'm not sure how helpful that is. I enjoyed the song either way!
  4. Hi OC ReMix! I'm very much new here. About a year ago I decided to get into making music as a hobby, and this is one of the first tracks I published. I'm very keen to hear what other people think of it, in particular if it feels too repetitive or if a particular note / chord sounds off. I'm also still trying to figure out the legal standing of creating a track like this and publishing it on a personal YouTube channel, not intending to ever profit from it. I've read some things about synch licences and stuff which I didn't have before publishing this. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! Cheers, Hiro
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