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McFoley's Achievements

  1. Super Castlevania IV - The Submerged City Remix
  2. Undertale - MEGALOVANIA Remix
  3. Time Trax - Stage 2, 5, 7 Remix
  4. FINAL FANTASY IX - Boss Theme Remix
  5. Holiday Island - Floatin Remix
  6. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Marble Gallery Remix
  7. Undertale - Ruins Remix
  9. FINAL FANTASY VI - Battle Themes Remix
  10. yes in this case you are right. just couldnt resist ;) Tim Follin is indeed one of the greatest
  11. Gauntlet III - Title Theme Remix
  12. Pictionary - Title Theme Remix
  13. Treasure Master - World 4 The Forest Remix
  14. Time Trax - Mission Briefing Remix Have Fun! :)
  15. Hi! :) next one: Thunder Force IV - Space Walk Remix
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