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Everything posted by zircon

  1. ALTERNATE TORRENT DOWNLOAD: http://www.soundtempest.net/Final%20Fantasy%20VII%20-%20Voices%20of%20the%20Lifestream.torrent
  2. VotL torrent has hit 221mbps so far. Old record was 48mbps on Kong in Concert, after it was Slashdotted. http://slashdot.org/firehose.pl?op=view&id=288299 PLEASE register an account and "+" this - come on guys!
  3. http://digg.com/music/Final_Fantasy_VII_Voices_of_the_Lifestream/ DIGG THIS NOW!!! Tell all your friends also! XD
  4. Welcome to the Final Fantasy VII: Voices of the Lifestream feedback and opinions thread! Feel free to leave your thoughts about this remix album here. You can download the project and read more about it here: http://ff7.ocremix.org/ The website and CD art is all courtesy of the man himself, djpretzel, who has been a huge force in promoting this project and getting it out to various media contacts. Don't forget to Digg it, too. This is the largest OCR site project to date, and has been twenty months in the making. As director, I hope you all enjoy the hard work of everyone involved and spread the word!
  5. It was removed from the site as it was in violation of our submission standards. I believe the name was "Haunted Hell" and it was by the ReMixer Mustin.
  6. "Orchestral chimes" in QLSO sound like nice church bells.
  7. Larry is just kidding. The actual project release is timed for midnight *tonight*, EST, which is GMT-4. BTW I think now is a good time to say Go tell everyone you know to download this tonight! Let's break some records.
  8. That Dragon Warrior mix is Miroslav or Advanced Orchestra, I believe. VSL sounds better.
  9. Yes, all projects get a front page spotlight. This will most definitely get one. Along with something else... fun.
  10. http://www.myspace.com/zirconst or http://www.soundtempest.net/ENEMY-zirconremix.mp3 This is a sick dnb remix of "Enemy" by the Philly-area metal band Octane off their album "Rise Up". I took their vocals + guitars and had a ball (with their permission, of course) Enjoy!
  11. So... we now have up to about level 20 in playable content (takes about 10-15 hours to get through). This translates to 11 completed jobs (only one or two of which have been mastered), 14 maps, 143 items, 117 skills, a fully functioning party + battle system, constantly tweaked balance (for maximum playability)... It's really a load of fun. All you have to do is /msg FFbot !play, if you're on irc.enterthegame.com. Once you have a character, use "c (whatever)" to chat to other players, and "who" to see who else is on. We also have a channel on irc.esper.net #ffrpg for additional fun. If !play doesn't work, make sure you're on a DCC-capable client.. if you're on mIRC, in the Options->Local Info settings, make sure lookup is on SERVER and "Local Host" is checked. You can also try /dcc chat if all else fails. Wiki: http://ffbot.pbwiki.com/ <- read more!
  12. Well... this is the biggest OCR project ever, arranging Final Fantasy for the first time, and specifically arranging the most popular of all FF games. Additionally I've been trying every step of the way to make this the most professional release possible: a very high standard of quality for all the remixes, uniform bios + photos from all mixers, etc. Perhaps most importantly, since the last OCR project release we've become more of a part of the VGM community at large. We have more contacts and clout now than we did before. In short, people take us more seriously
  13. Calamitous Judgment and When All Hope Has Faded simply use free soundfonts available all around the internet. Percussion came from free soundfonts and SampleFusion, a website that you get access to if you buy FL (there are both free and commercial samples there; I used free ones). Subterranean Opus used Kontakt 2's VSL Orchestra (comes with K2), QLSO Gold, and to a lesser extent Garritan Personal Orchestra.
  14. I wrote that very quickly early in the morning... keep in mind nothing on the website is final I was going to proof it and make sure I didn't make any silly mistakes like that.
  15. There have been mixes posted on OCR using GPO, I'm fairly sure. I have heard plenty of people outside of OCR get AMAZING results with it too. It's just a matter of using it properly, which may involve very detailed sequencing + processing.
  16. Kontakt is a VST, so it will run right within FLStudio easily. Just create MIDI Out channels to control multiple instruments loaded in the VST.
  17. Actually, I've been dying to remix Disgaea since I first got it. I swear I'll do it sometime! I would want to do the main theme, most likely.
  18. A few reasons for the delay - just so everyone knows... * Torrent creation involves uploading all the 2.2gb+ of material, which takes some time, but it also involves coordinating with the person running the tracker - in OCR's case this person is somewhat hard to get ahold of. * Some songs had mastering problems that needed to be fixed (in several instances, the artist volunteered to do so.) * We didn't get the absolute full 45 tracks - with titles - until the 4th, which left little time to formulate an intelligent track list. Figuring out the best order to place the songs is a delicate process as we're not just going in the original OST chronological order (though it will still make sense, chronologically.) * Press and promotion. Some won't think this is important, but as it has been noted, VotL is the biggest project in OCR history, and it is focused on one of the most popular games of all time. Additionally the standard of quality is VERY high and djpretzel and myself believe it deserves as much attention from the media as any professional arrange album. * Encoding and properly tagging 45 songs, then double/triple checking the tags, also takes time. The MP3s alone are over 200mb so all that uploading/downloading isn't instantaneous. And so forth... I will have a final date for you soon.
  19. For the record, I use FL for all my stuff. My earlier mixes used mostly free synths, samples, and soundfonts... now I mostly use VSTs and sample CDs. Just thought I'd throw that out there since you mentioned me.
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