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Everything posted by zircon

  1. Read all of my tutorials (they are in a stickied topic). FLStudio is GREAT for drum programming. Also, listen to episodes 049 and 057 of VGDJ: www.vgdj.net - I do 2 audio tutorials there on ReMixing, called "The Flow Basket". Check the shownotes on VGDJ.net of those episodes for the exact time the tutorials start.
  2. Very cool, man! I'd love to pick it up as soon as I escape from $700 worth of debt.
  3. Yeah, we got some kindling at a local grocery store. It was bagged, so it was completely dry. I mean, the fire was basically fine, but we took so long to set up that eventually all the kindling got used up.
  4. "Flat" means that the frequency response curve is... flat. That means that if you listen to a song, the frequency balance in the song will be just as it should be. If the frequency response curve is NOT flat, then the frequency balance of the song will be "off" and not what it should be. There might be more bass, not enough bass, too much high end, not enough high end, weird stuff in the mid range... the list goes on and on. You don't want any of that. You want the true sound, even if the true sound doesn't appear pleasant to you (which is GOOD, because if your own mixes aren't pleasant, you need to work with them until they are!) "Transparent" is a term mainly used with effects like EQs and compressors. A transparent EQ will alter a sound in a subtle manner, maybe even in a way that isn't perceivable on the conscious level, but makes a definite difference nonetheless. This is as opposed to something that is NOT transparent, where the effect is very noticeable and has a substantial impact on the color of the sound.
  5. I don't know, Eon. KiC is still considered by a lot of people to be the best project on the site. There's something to be said for just a high quality collection of ReMixes from a game soundtrack. I liked RotC as much as the next guy, but KiC had a certain magic to it - a combination of the mixers involved and a really great soundtrack. I'm going for that same sort of thing with Voices of the Lifestream. You're going to hear classical guitar, breakbeat, drum n' bass, synth metal, new age, solo piano, the works. But I think the mix of styles is what's going to make the project strong. But the most important thing about a project is that you end up covering themes that would probably not get touched normally. Ok, we have 51 FF6 ReMixes on the site. How many people have covered Spinach Rag? Mines of Narshe? Locke's Theme? Mt. Koltz? Cyan's Theme? The Unforgiven? The Serpent Trench? Under Martial Law? Metamorphosis? Any of the opera themes? Johnny C. Bad? Blackjack? Gogo's Theme? SLAM SHUFFLE?! Frickin SLAM SHUFFLE! I mean, geez! There's so much great music on there that hasn't been touched.
  6. The FF7 project is pretty enormous, but once we finish it, I'd like to turn to another popular OST and see what can be done. In the case of FF7, even though there are lots of ReMixes out there from it, the vast majority of the soundtrack was untouched. Not quite so w/ FF6... it would have to be a themed project or at least not just a "remix anything you want in any style" kinda deal. Either way, not gonna happen for a bit, I'd say.
  7. What you're asking is this; "Can I record MIDI in FL?" The answer is a definitive yes. This is a very, VERY basic feature of music making programs.
  8. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! We're about to gorge ourselves on a wide variety of meats, breads, and pies. But more importantly... Episode #066 of VGDJ has been released and is now available at www.vgdj.net! It's our second ever, full-length videocast!!! Hope you guys enjoy it! :D
  9. and posting a link to a video that's already been on this forum helps how? Yep, checked archive.org and that's the one. Boo! Shame that it's down, but thanks for the help anyway.
  10. Awhile back, MythrilNazgul (I think) posted a link to a site that was selling a collection of almost every break imaginable. I've been scouring the web for that site but I've had no luck - I believe it had a demo player on the mid-right side of the page, that's all I remember.
  11. He subbed some things when Gray was still around that got rejected. He hasn't submitted since.
  12. even if we got pins can we win the shirt? Yes.
  13. UPDATE: We've gotten so many responses that we can't give any more pins out. However, you still have the chance of winning an OCR or VGDJ t-shirt if you fill out the survey.
  14. Subbed back in early September, apparently. BTW, I mastered this so no production complaints lololol Remixer Name: OA Real Name: Andrew Luers email: andrew@oceansend.com homepage: oceansend.com number: 14936 Name of game(s) ReMixed: Phoenix Wright Name of individual song(s) ReMixed: Victory! The First Victory Additional information: Phoenix Wright is for the DS, and was composed by Akemi Kimura (and/or) Masakazu Sugimori Source tune: Victory! ~ the first victory http://oceansend.com/5502/rockp3/collab/25%20Victory!%20~%20The%20First%20Victory.mp3 Remix name: This Feeling Original composers: Akemi Kimura, Masakazu Sugimori Comments: When I first heard this song, I was struck by it's energy and feeling of elation, despite the ultra lofi sounds. Attempting to improve my production qualities throughout, I recieved some very helpful critiques from the WIP forum and through talking with some of the judges. Special thanks to Zircon for always being availible and willing to listen and critique. The willingness of people to take time out of their lives to help a fellow music lover is very inspiring. This assistance and support I recieved only helped me relate to the theme of the mix, which I took to be unity and ardor. I love the community of OCR, and all the work that people put into it, whether it be the site itself, the podcast, the surrounding sites, the R:TS and OLR, and the love of game music by everyone, just for the sake of the music. -OA
  15. Of course I liked Snapple's version, but as I understand it he lost the project file awhile back. Haven't heard an update for 9 months.
  16. It's temporarily down. In regards to MIDI controllers, I used to use an Edirol PCR-30. Synthy action, kind of clunky, but got the job done. Good price too. I now use an M-Audio Keystation Pro 88, which has weighted action (more realistic) and a buttload of knobs, sliders, and buttons that are all assignable. My only complaint is that it's really heavy and really big - it's three times the weight of some other 88 key controllers.
  17. We don't allow that kind of stuff as OC ReMixes, though you're welcome to post them for fun. If you're going to do a rap mix, the vocals have to be original... not from another song. Also, the background track has to be your own arrangement of a tune, not just the original video game track. You can't just add some extra drums, either. You gotta really expand on it. Many people here use the program FLStudio or Reason. Other popular ones include Cubase and Sonar.
  18. Time for another Good Idea Bad Idea. Or... Episode 065 of VGDJ has been released, and is now available at www.vgdj.net! There are actually TWO girls appearing on this episode! Possibly three! And lots of other cool stuff. Take our short survey and get a free VGDJ pin! UPDATE 11/20: We've gotten so many responses that we can't give any more pins out. However, you still have the chance of winning an OCR or VGDJ t-shirt if you fill out the survey.
  19. Are we sure we want to do the 28th and not the 29th? For people that have work?
  20. sgx and myself also work "in the box" - eg. all software.
  21. Yeah, he does kind of sound like me! Cool.
  22. I have to agree with Malcos and Liontamer. This just needs more material. It's like you had half the tracks muted. Also, the drum pattern could probably be a little more interesting... you know, something big beat style maybe. I don't really have anything much else to add here except to beef this up and vary the arrangement more. NO
  23. I agree with Larry on the plucked synth that comes in at :10. I feel like you would have been better off using a piano or e.piano there rather than the lo-fi stuff. Some sections sound kind of off-rhythm to me for some reason, like at about 1:25. Between the guitar, vox, and synths, something seems off. Try to tighten that off. Also, the weird pads and FX in the background aren't helping things imo. They're too dark and muddy to really add anything to the track, and take away from the stuff that should be in the forefront (guitar/vocal). Try different pads instead or roll off the low end and reverb on the ones that you have now. Besides synchronization of the harmonized vocal parts, and the flatness in the same pats, I didn't think there was anything really bad about them. For the most part, I thought they were fine. Hey, if you really want an easy fix there, try picking up an automatic pitch corrector like Antares Autotune. You'll never have to worry about this stuff again. I wouldn't say this would be an easy pass if you fixed the vocals but they're a big problem currently. The arrangement was repetitive, for sure. I would have liked to hear additional elements at least in the last quarter of the song to keep things fresh. That said, maybe I'm just not used to hearing songs in this genre, so perhaps this isn't as weighty of an issue. The interpretive factor is certainly there. Fix up those vocals and some of the production issues and you should be a lot better off. NO
  24. Beats are really muddy here... the kick is practically lost in the sub range, and the other parts are really hard to hear. The snare needs to punch me in the ear! The arrangement is not far from the original either. This really reminds me of old-school OCR mixes circa 2001. The kind of stuff CotMM, Daknit, or mutagene might do. However, our bar is considerably higher now. You're going to need to tighten up your sounds, clean up the production, and go for a much deeper arrangement. NO
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