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Posts posted by zircon

  1. Well... You use the "old" technique then. But with newer samplepacks, you load one single patch not "once" into your RAM (with keyswitches and the like) but if you go for "each articulation - 1 channel", chances are you load the patch up to 5-6 times into your RAM, each with the same samples,keyswitches and the like. A very negative thing with every sampler I know - no samplesharing like Musiclab RealGuitar if you load 2 instances with the very same samples.

    It seems like you're talking about something slightly different. For example, in QLSO Gold, you have one patch for, say, Sustains, and one for Marcatos. If you load the Marcato patch, it's an ENTIRELY different set of recordings for that articulation. It's not simply loading the Sustain samples into your memory, but truncating them with an envelope. Thus if you use a keyswitch, it's still loading both sets of recordings, but now it's only on one channel. To me this doesn't seem like a big advantage; you don't save any CPU power or RAM. You're just condensing the MIDI channels.

  2. You know, keyswitches really aren't the be-all end-all though. I'll be honest. I don't use them at all. I just load the individual patches and work on separate MIDI channels. I've tried using them and they just don't seem that great. I definitely wouldn't let that aspect influence a buying decision.

    At any rate, sample CDs like the ones being sold here can really be useful even though they don't come with all the modern bells and whistles. I still use Florestan Martellato (derived from an old Roland expansion card, which I also own) alongside libraries like VSL, Garritan Orchestral Strings, and QLSO. Some of my favorite drum samples come from a $9 CD I got at Soundsonline called "Gota Yashiki Groove Activator". etc.

  3. This was a problem that occured only pre-FLStudio 6, as far as I know. Why aren't you using FL6?

    Anyway, in the VST wrapper (the QLSO window), go to the upper left arrow. That drops down a menu. Check "Rendering Mode Notify". That will solve the problem. This option, as far as I know, is enabled by default in FL6 for sampling utilities which is why it's odd that you're experiencing the problem.

  4. Hey, just so you all know, both pixietricks and myself have a lot of real life stuff to attend to over the next few days and so it doesn't look like we're going have a show for you this week. However, we'll be back on track next week - thanks for your support! :D

  5. MIDI latency is due to the drivers you are using. Better soundcards with better ASIO drivers will allow you to reduce the latency (by reducing the sample buffer) without using too much CPU power. With typical sound cards, the default drivers are not very good - you can't get small buffers/low latency without really taxing the CPU. The 0404 has excellent ASIO drivers on the other hand.

  6. A few things.

    1. A "synth" in the sense of the Access Virus are good for basically one thing - synthetic sounds. If you're looking for an all around setup, a synth like the virus is pretty much the last thing this guy would probably want. I really would NOT recommend he get one unless he's strictly looking for electronic sounds. Even the ones you recommended aren't really good for all-in-one synth stuff (though the Voyager, for example, is excellent in general for what it does). If he was going for something that produces a wide range of synth sounds, I think there are better choices.

    2. You really can't generalize and say VSTs are not as "warm" or "unique" as hardware synths. With the latest generation of VSTs, like Minimonsta, Imposcar, Arturia's line of stuff, and the Korg Legacy synths, VSTs sound pretty damn good. Also, things like Reaktor and Absynth are every bit as unique as many hardware synths are - if not moreso.

    3. Echoing Yoozer's recommendations. All of those models are quite good in my experience.

  7. ~3450 armor now self buffed, still sitting at around 4650 HP. 6.2-6.3k mana. However I also have +15 defense now which doesn't hurt. I am now the most durable priest Hordeside on my server. NEED MORE GEAR

  8. I agree that the live sax elements are pretty cool in theory, but the performance leaves something to be desired, and I think it's a bit too loaded with effects. In regards to overall production, lots of work needs to be done there. The drums are pretty bad overall. I can't say much positive about them besides the fact that they're playing a relatively decent sequence - but the tone is just BAD. You need to find some new samples there. There are lots of good free ones. The poor sample quality comes in again at 1:26. I don't even know what that plucked instrument is supposed to be. The dry mono synth sounds out of place and very dull. The woodwinds aren't terrible in comparison, but making use of more velocity changes and pitchbends would give 'em a bit more life.

    The arrangement is actually not all that bad. It's god some pretty cool ideas. I like the variations and original material that's added. It's the execution that desperately needs work, so focus on that for now.


  9. Pretty nice first section here. However, :45 through 1:47 or so is really lacking in energy or development. I was hoping for a strong sort motif or melody there but there was none. The marcato strings tended to be overbearing also. 2:25 things START to pick up, but the texture is still really minimal and I feel again that there's too much of a reliance on the marcato strings, which aren't even very interesting to begin with. 2:44 brings a rather abrupt tempo change, in my opinion, and as Liontamer noted, things aren't very grandiose here. There's a lot of sustained notes and very few rhythmic patterns which leaves the general soundscape feeling more like a "bed" or a "pad" if anything. It's only at 3:11 where that begins to change, but the brasses are on the muddy side there so you can't really here the nice staccatos. The ending is rather sudden and feels like it just peters out.

    Overall I feel like this is somewhat rushed. I think it could use more polish in several areas before it can pass our bar. Most importantly I think you need to work on making a logical structure and one that has more movement and dynamics.


  10. You'd think that, but I probably have more software than just about anyone here, and it's all legal too. Plus, I'm not rich either.

    Ah, but was it free? I mean the EXPENSIVE good stuff, ala Quantum Leap and all that other jazz.


    Collectively worth at least $10,000. I spent upwards of $500 on some single pieces of software there. Here's a slightly outdated series of pics of my setup (I've obtained a good chunk of stuff since this was taken).







    In conclusion, you don't need to be a pirate to have nice stuff. A LOT of nice stuff. I worked very hard for my gear. Anyone can do it.

  11. I've recently rerolled with a bunch of my Lothar buddies on Dentarg. It's only a month old. I'm having a good time. If anyone wants to reroll there and join us, let me know. My warrior's name is Putrefaction.

    Alliance or Horde? Please say Alliance.

  12. Don't expect AKAI to go higher than 44kHz/16bit. Unlessthe 5000 format was 24bit (which I'm sure it wasn't) - wasn't that much into AKAI. But 44kHz/16bit was the limit. You can expect more with GIGA, but this is a complete different world.

    For CD quality mixes, does it really matter if its 16 or 24?

    It's really debatable. I have both 16bit and 24bit samples and hell if I can hear any substantial difference.

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