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Posts posted by zircon

  1. This is a pretty easy one. It's on the short end, but the original is simple to begin with. We have some well-played heavy guitar playing with spot-on mastering and production work. A great example of how a rock guitar mix should be engineered. The arrangement of the mix logically builds on the original tune, adding new sections, variations, and improv stuff to spice things up - not a cover by any means. Though.. I have to say, in terms of style and presentation, this mix doesn't do anything to stand out from the guitar mixes of people like virt or goat. However, it's still excellent. Unquestionably a


  2. I think the vocals here were solid, but (and I hesitate to say this) could have used some additional processing to be made more interesting. I certainly don't have any major problem with them as they are now, and they don't take away from the mix at all, but combined with the relative simplicity of the rest of the mix, some vocal treats might have helped. The production IS great, though - really nice balance between the different parts, great equalization, good synthwork, solid percussion. I have to disagree with Dan's request for punchier drums - I think they fit the laid-back vibe of the song well, and have a warm, tight sound to them. I would think that additional compression or layering on the snare/bass drum, for instance, would contrast poorly with the other parts of the mix.

    I don't have a nice speaker + subwoofer system right now, but on these headphones, I'm hearing a pretty good bass presence. A good, unobtrusive bass sound to accompany a groove is tricky to find + sequence, so I think Malcos did a good job with the bass here. It's particularly effective when combined with the distorted synth, which is a particularly rich sound that really doesn't need any more processing/automation. The subtle pads and bells are used well, too. Normally I'm a big advocate of layering, automation, and a big variety of sounds, but I think the mix really works with the selection of sounds it has in its current state.

    Getting back to the arrangement: after listening to the original a few times, there's no doubt in my mind that this mix is above the bar in that area. The original is pretty sparse and repetitive, and not at all like this mix stylistically - I think there's plenty of rearrangement, variation, and unique interpretation here.

    Overall, while additional vocal processing (or maybe even more harmonies) wouldn't hurt, this mix is above the bar.


  3. It's no secret that I'm a big fan of Ty's original work, but his remixes have also been consistently good over the years, and show a real growth in his ability as a musician. This remix in particular I think is his best work yet. The arrangement is absolutely superb - VERY nice usage of tempo changes, variation, bridges, and original sections, among other things. There is also a great structure present that keeps the listener interested with plenty of changes to dynamics and layering. At first, I felt that the climax might have arrived too soon in the piece, but on further listens, I found that I actually like the creative approach Ty took with the middle to ending passages. It's not what one would expect from a dramatic orchestral piece, but it's well-executed and really works.

    I'm particularly fond of the instrumentation as well, as it incorporates plenty of different melodic and percussive instruments, not just focusing on the standard orchestral pallette. While the instrument samples themselves aren't as convincing as those used in, say, "The Frontier", I'm tempted to say that Ty has used his free tools better than most people I know use their expensive multi-DVD libraries. Good use of automation (tempo/dynamics), pitch bends, swing, harmony, unison, and effects really brings the mediocre samples to life. If I had to give any criticism of the production values in the mix, it might be that there could have been a slightly stronger high end to make the strings and brass instruments brighter, and the MP3 could have been encoded in VBR, but this is just nitpicking.

    At least on these headphones and speakers, I don't hear any problems with the dynamic level of the melody instruments. I find the percussive and harmony work to be complex and interesting enough to merit a slightly different balance than you might otherwise expect from an orchestral piece.

    Anyway, a resounding YES from me.

  4. This is from a few months back. Really great stuff from Unknown (aka Tyler Heath).

    This is a song I originally arranged for the CT Movie Soundtrack Project audition, but decided to release it publicly as well (due to length issues it was discarded from the audition). Orchestral with some ethnic percussion underneath - hopefully this is a little better than previous submissions.

    (also, I guess you know my username/realname/website/etc)

    In case you are not familiar with the CT soundtrack, this is a remix of the main theme of the game, "Chrono Trigger" (track 2 on the RSN from this site).

  5. oof.. yeah, these sounds are very bad (they really are FL defaults and presets). I'd go to hammersound.net and kvr-vst.com and pick up some new samples/synths ASAP. Don't forget, there's always the Remixing forum if you need help with that. The mastering and production is not terrible, but try using FL's Parametric EQ and 7 band EQ to give the different instruments their own "space", so they don't mesh together so much. Another thing you need to give some attention to are your drums. The patterns are fairly close to the original, and really aren't interesting - vary them up a bit more, put in fills, add a bit of swing. Don't forget the pick up new samples here too, or try layering your current samples to create more pleasing timbres.

    In terms of arrangement, this isn't a direct copy of the original, but you do need to expand on it much more. Nearly all of the original rhythms, notes, and motifs are still there. We certainly don't want you to make your mix unrecognizable in comparison with the source tune, but you need to make it YOUR interpretation. Add your own ideas; change around the progression, alter the rhythms, vary the melody or harmony, do some tempo changes, etc. Give it a shot.


  6. Yeah.. intro is way too long. Even for the genre, the quality of the percussion could be WAY better - the samples sound like 64kbps MP3s. Synths are bread-and-butter, but not bad. The overall production is kinda muddy and dull, with the low and low-mid frequencies being pretty cluttered and the high frequencies mostly absent. There's some serious recording noise going on and a few actual skips in the track, as well as clipping in a few areas (like when the deep bassdrum hits). Once we get into the actual arrangement, production-wise everything falls apart. Bad EQing/compression stuff aside, there is so much reverb and delay that everything sounds mushy.

    Like analoq said, first thing I'd do here is focus on your production values. Go a little lighter on the reverb and delay, watch for clipping, equalize the different instruments more clearly, and upgrade your percussive samples. If you need help with any of this, the Remixing forum (such as the Sample Request thread and the VST Instruments thread) would be the place to go. Once you've fixed up the mixing issues, try reducing the length of the intro and being more creative with your interpretation of the original. The Aeris theme is good source material, so you should be able to go at least a little deeper with it.


  7. Alright, I just finished talking with PLBenjaminZ over AIM - I explained the situation, but he basically said that he deleted the project file because he didn't thing the mix would get accepted :( However, he did say he was thinking about redoing the entire track, which I encouraged him to do after checking out the final decision here.

    So.. that said, I guess we're voting with this version, in which case my vote would be NO for the reasons stated in my earlier post.

  8. The intro threw me off, but as the mix on, things become a little more controlled. Production is pretty strong here overall, with generally good mixing (high end is a little lacking, but that's because of the compression - maybe try VBR next time). I'm especially impressed with how all of the parts don't clutter or muddy up eachother, which is something that happens very often with this kind of mix. Major props to Christian on that one! The guitar playing, while not perfect, certainly doesn't take away from the mix - I don't hear any major rhythmic problems or flubs. So, in terms of overall execution, I'd say this is more than passable.

    However, I think that the structure and concept are a on the weak side. I would have liked to see more sections like 4:50; varied playing styles and harmony, rather than a relatively unchanging set of timbres. The level of rearrangement and reinterpretation is great, of course, but there really don't seem to be many changes to the fundamental sound (besides the beginning and end). I realize some of that is because of the genre of the mix, but I really think a little more polish on the arrangement and structure would go a long way.

    Very close, but for now NO. Please resubmit!!

  9. uhh.. the intro section alone makes this a NO in my mind. But going on, we have some seriously low-quality samples and production playing a very un-interpretative and uninteresting arrangement that seems to be actually LESS complex than the original. Having just remixed this myself, I'm very familiar with the original, so I know there was almost nothing done here in terms of rearrangement. As it goes on, the poor mastering work becomes evident with MAJOR overcompression/distortion/clipping problems, not to mention the instrumentation is very similar to the original theme. Really, even if you were going for a metal or heavy metal feel..


  10. What? Techno? Why is this here??????!!!!

    Anyway, seriously: this is a very interesting mix. It doesn't really follow a lot of the conventions of dance/trance that we're used to hearing from people like ffmusic dj and blind. It has a familiar percussive line, but besides that, it uses a lot of creative non-pitched sound effects with rich pads and solid synths. However, despite a fairly interpretive and dynamic arrangement, I have some problems with it. I think there's not quite enough layering going on, for one. Bringing in new percussive sounds, changing the pads, or introducing some automation to alter some of the synth lines would give a more progressive feel to the piece, which I think is pretty important for this genre and this mix in particular because of its length. Production-wise, I think the kick might be pitched a little too low, making it difficult to hear, and the hi-hats sizzle and reverb a bit too much, making it hard to hear any of the other percussive parts.

    What I do like is the general changing of synths throughout the course of the song (though there could be more), and the creative use of different effect processing. Though I would like to see more layering and progression in some of the parts, the structure of the mix is good. All these factors make this a really borderline mix for me.. but I think I am going to go with a NO. But PLEASE resubmit! With just a little more tweaking and polishing, this already enjoyable mix would easily earn a yes from me.

  11. http://www.zophar.net/nsf/ff2.zip - Track 24?

    I'm a bit surprised at this track because Xerol's arrangements are usually pretty strong. However, this is REALLY REALLY minimal. There may not be a lot of original material to work with, but this mix definitely needs "more", even though what's there is a good start. On another note, I would try to find someone to play the guitar live, at least, because in its current form, it's very mechanical and not really convincing at all. Finally, there's excessive reverb on the whole track which is muddying up what few instruments are already there. Please go back and beef up this mix - more harmony, percussion, some countermelody, stronger guitar sequencing, etc.


  12. My vote is essentially the same as Gray's. I am really impressed by the structure and arrangement of the mix. It's rare to see a first time submitter have a complex arrangement with an actual build and lots of subtle layering work, but this mixer did it. The production is fairly good all around - I think the technical problems people are hearing are from some of the percussion, and the brass swells. For instance, it sounds like some deliberately lofi drum samples were used (bit-degraded) which would cause an unpleasant ringing/buzzing effect. I think the instrumental samples are generally solid as well: in terms of quality they seem on par with the type of soundfonts Unknown and Darkesword use, for instance. However, I will agree that some extra production/mastering work could be done to reduce some of the muddiness in the track.

    I'll definitely talk to the mixer and see if he can fix the obvious technical problems like the ringing/buzzing and possibly clipping due to the brass swell. Assuming he fixes that, this would earn a yes from me.

  13. Honestly, the length does not really bother me. I know that there have been extended remixes of short tracks in the past, but I think this one really gets the job done and explores/expands the original well in its current form. Solid amount of variation and improv stuff, GREAT production and execution. I wouldn't have expected a remix like this could be done with such minimal, difficult original material. I wouldn't be too upset if this got rejected due to length, because more length certainly wouldn't hurt, but I think it's passable in its current state.


  14. The guy submitted early October, says he got the confirmation letter but nothing else. Also, the link he provided doesn't work for me, but going to his website and downloading it from there does. Maybe you guys will have better luck. So:

    Contact Info

    Your ReMixer name: PLBenjaminZ

    Your real name: Preston Lee Benjamin Bautista Samoranos (Yes, very long name Confused)

    Your email address: plbenjaminz@hotmail.com

    Your website:

    Your userid (number, not name) on our forums: Uhh I can't find it lol... PLBenjaminZ?

    ReMix Info

    Name of game(s) ReMixed: Chrono Trigger

    Name of individual song(s) ReMixed: Underground Sewer

    Additional information about game if it has not yet been added to the site, including composer, system, etc.: Nobuo Uematsu

    Link to the original soundtrack if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site: (That .spc SNES format file thingy, iono...)

    Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc: My second remix ever, first submission ever, I made it so it could possibly be posted around Christmas, but no.... haha. My inspiration behind it... was I heard it a lot of times while playing the game...

  15. Yeah, this is really too much of a cover, with very little variation or reinterpretation involved. Please add some transitions, while you're at it. On the technical end, the guitar playing sounds good to me, but I think it could be clearer and brighter in terms of eqing and reverb. The drums are fairly weak too - not so much in arrangement, but in timbre. The kick and snare are all right, though they need some extra compression and loudness, but the hats/crash are weak. Definitely change those or at least try to bring them out more with some high end EQing.

    In short: fix up the drums more, add some solos/variation/improvisation, work on the structure. Keep at it.


  16. Interesting new-age-y opening; not at all what I expected from a battle remix. I can't help but thinking, though, that those timpani-ish samples clash in terms of quality - they sound considerably worse than the other stuff that's playing. The transition to the acoustic drums and double bass is good, but the drums themselves are a little too dry. Adding some light compression/overdrive to the whole set and possibly some crisp long-decay reverb on the snare would really help here, I'd say. Unfortunately, while the beginning was fairly interesting, the muted trumpet and timpani playing the melody are really pretty low quality. Considering changing the instrument there, perhaps to a relaxing porta synth or even a saxophone - what's there currently doesn't work that great. Also, assuming my download didn't mess up, there is a cutoff at the end that sounds awful (total length 3:19).

    This is a strong start, so now you just need to keep going with it. I liked the choir/pad parts, the sequencing of the drums, and the general structure (except for the ending). However, I would suggest polishing the actual sound of the drums more, changing the trumpet or at least giving it a more varied part, perhaps adding a little bit of reverb to the 'real' instruments to make the mix less dry, and changing the timpani.


  17. Hello, how exactly does the online download system for flstudio 5 work? If a hard drive crash were to occur, would fruity loops be able to be reinstalled? Is the download some kind of file that could be backed up on a cd? Thanks very much. I am highly considering fl via download and would just like to know. Has anybody had negative experiences with this? positive? Again, thanks. :D

    You get a regcode and username. Write it down. Input it every time you want to re-download the regkey for the software, really pretty simple. I've had to do it about a dozen times and have never had any problems.

  18. Well, this is an improvement over the previous version.. but I think there are still some issues holding it back. For instance, the synths are generally 'abrasive'. The opening synth, for instance, should be quieter and more melodic - gliding on those arpeggios rather than slicing through them. The lead synth (which I recognize from a Synth1 bank, heheh) is probably too distorted and saturated for the rest of the mix. Again, consider going lighter on that. The drums also need work. Their sequencing is good, but you need to process them in a more pleasing fashion. The bass drum is not very audible but has a lot of reverb, making the low end muddy. You might try a more substantial kick, but go light on the reverb. The snare is somewhat overpowering, though the hats and crashes are good. I'm not sure if you intended for this, but basically, the drums sound like a march, when I think a laid-back groove would suit the rest of the mix much better.

    You're moving in the right direction. Keep expanding on your arrangement ideas, add more harmony, tighten up the percussion and synthwork.


  19. Unfortunately, I too think this should not be passed, because as Darkesword said:

    In this case, we have a song written by an artist that was never used in any kind of media venue like a movie, game, or music CD. The song was remixed by another artist, and that remix was used in a game.

    I want to make it clear that in terms of arrangement, sound quality, and production, this is great. This is NOT a bad song at all. It is, however, in violation of the guidelines of OCR.


  20. hey, thanks for the comments everyone! I just want to add a few words to djp's review :D

    Basically, this was a seamless collab - we sent a project file back and forth because we use the same sequencer, and used synths effects and samples that we both had, so we could easily tweak eachother's work. It was truly a blast working with tefnek, and I give him most of the credit for this. The way it generally went was I'd throw down some arrangement and synth ideas, and he'd take those and, essentially, make them go crazy. Of course, I tried to do that too (I'm glad he was there to fix it up) and he put in his arrangement and synth ideas as well. We ended up with more audio tracks, effects, and patterns than I had ever used before.. I really learned a lot.

    Bottom line is that it was an extremely fun project, especially for me because I got to work in a style I love but had never tried before, with someone who (imo) has mastered that style.

    Glad people are enjoying it!

  21. I listened to this first before hearing the originals, and I was leaning yes at that point - Gecko's overall production values are always strong, with some tight synths, percussion, effects, and accompaniment. However, after hearing the originals, I'm inclined to say no. Gecko's style has never been to stray far from the original, and there's nothing wrong with that as he makes some of the most enjoyable mixes around. Nonetheless, this particular mix is too close for comfort. It's not just the arrangement of the mix either, which is relatively close (including some small variations), but also the instrumentation. The timbre of Gecko's sounds is more like an update of the original sounds, like the synths, organ, hats, snare, and kick. It's one thing to have a close arrangement and make up for it by overhauling the execution of the original, but it's another thing when both the arrangement and execution are close.

    I like the style, I like the production, I like the sound of the mix in general, but it's simply not enough of a reinterpretation. Switch up the sounds more and throw in some new sections or add more variations and this'll get a yes from me.

    For now, NO

  22. Yeah.. arrangement here isn't that bad, but it's difficult to judge because of the mixing issues. The drums just keep repeating themselves and are very lo-fi and uninteresting, while the other instruments are just irritating and poorly executed. For instance, the piano has a bad, super-compressed tone. Changing the pattern it plays as well as the sample (and using tools like reverb and delay) would make it much less dry. The bass synth is far too loud, which might work in a dance mix, but not here. The string pad synth is very "big" and doesn't add anything because clutter to the overall sound. The lead synth, among other things, is obnoxious and biting, partially because of the patch in question, and partially because of the seemingly-random notes it is playing.

    Please go back and completely rework your instrumentation and mixing. NO

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