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Posts posted by zircon

  1. This is one of my favorite MM remixes. The synths and arrangement, though not spectacular, are put together in such a way to make this a truly awesome hard dance song. The middle part (the second repeat) would be my favorite, as I love the synth there. However, the end synth sort of annoys me, as it sounds sort of like the synth is 'clicking'. It's sort of hard to explain, but it irritates me on a barely-conscious level. While there's hardly any variation, I still think this remix deserves a 7/10.

  2. Minimal, but very enjoyable to listen to. The arrangement is not terribly deep, but it sounds very good, and the top notch playing (or samples/effects, I don't know) compliment it well. I've been playing this myself for the past few weeks (not the original theme, but this remix) and I've gotten some compliments on it- to which, of course, I respond that I didn't make it up or arrange it or anything.

    Definitly good stuff, 9/10.

  3. I can not believe that I never commented on this. It's a great piece with a nice full sound to it. The piano seems to get a little muddy at a few instances, but other that that it's a very solid mix.

    I agree with RC here. However, I think the arrangement is a bit simplistic. I may be spoiled by the Trial in Concert (one of my favorite remixes, and definitly my favorite piano remix), but nonetheless, it is my belief that klutz could have increased the level of complexity a good bit. It DOES sound good though, with few to no technical flaws and superb playing.

  4. I do like the quality of the music itself. The arrangement and effects are well done, and the theme is not a simple retread, but has more variation and is quite unique, to say the least. However, the rapping is questionable. When you don't understand the lyrics, there's not much point to them. Also, the rapper's voice is distinctly "white" (for lack of a better term) and does not sound like professional rap at all.

    However, overall, this is an above average remix, even if you don't overlook the subpar rapping.

  5. I'm working on a remix of this theme myself. But is it just my imagination, or does this remix only have about 15 notes from the original melody, and the rest is improvisation? That's not a bad thing, but it just struck me as being not much of a remix and more of a complete and total rearrangement.

    But anyway, yeah, this does have an urban feel to it. It could have used more of the original melody, since the 'new' stuff can be annoying at times (like the scratching and the 'yelling' for lack of a better word). Overall, again, it doesn't seem like that much of a remix, and for that reason it's hard to review.

  6. The opening clip is directly from the game, I thought.

    Anyway, this is well-arranged, but has very little variation. The choice of instruments could be better (I mean the lead was a simple midi square wave it sounds like). The general introduction was a bit long, but the drums sort of made up for it. Overall, as several other people said, this is more or less average. It has a few good points (like said drums), but those are negated by the bad points (little variation), bringing it to average.

  7. This is an example of guitar remixing at its best. The arrangement is near-flawless, as is the guitar playing and the drumwork. The synths towards the end add an epic feel to it, and the mellow guitar playing at the beginning and end are very suitable. I believe this sums up CT's positive side VERY well. A few things I didn't like; one section was repeated quite a few times, the section that is eventually played with synths in the background. So, it could have been a little shorter. I also would have preffered if the drums continued to be as awesome as they were when the 'rock' portion first begins. But seriously, I don't see how anyone could have major complaints about this piece.

    I love it!

  8. Very cool. While the sample quality seems to be a bit low (perhaps that was intended to make it sound 'funky', which it does), the arrangement is superb. There is plenty of variation in both the melody and instrumentation. The drums are well-programmed, though not as awe-inspiring as those in Actraiser - Freestyle. I actually shouldn't compare the two remixes, as this remix is in a considerably different style than Freestyle- a style that is quite refreshing to hear.

    I suppose my one gripe would be be the general 'noise' level, which is slightly high. Nothing a change in my equalizer can't fix, though.

  9. CotMM summed up what I was going to say nicely. The tune-up sounds artificial and annoying. The tapping of the conductor doesn't sound right. The piece itself is 'jagged' in its sample quality, and sounds more or less like a midi rip. This is one of the few pieces on OCR that I think do not belong there.

    However, I think it has potential if the author improves the sample quality a WHOLE lot, and improves upon the arrangement to make it truly orchestra-quality.

  10. Let me say this upfront; I've never been a big fan of ffmusic_dj. His remixes have always sounded like purely mediocre techno, the sort of stuff you might hear on a pop radio station at 1am on a Saturday night.

    This remix is NO exception. In fact, I believe this is not OCR-quality at all. The 'vocals' are not interesting, but randomly strewn throughout the remix for no apparent reason, adding absolutely nothing to it. In fact, they actually sound very irritating to me. The arrangement sounds like it was done by an eight year old. The melody synth, while somewhat cool sounding, is ruined by the fact that it sounds like it was played with one finger. The accompaniment is pitiful; no chords, no arpeggios, nothing at all to make it interesting to listen to. Then, instead of variation, we get repetition. And one repeat is the same melody with lower volume.

    Even as techno tracks go, this one is below average. Even songs like Sandstorm have more interesting accompaniment with strings playing chords in the background.

    Can someone please explain how this got accepted?

  11. Its a very good piano arrangment, there's no denying.

    Its a very VERY good piece of playing...

    but its too looooooong.

    As good as it is, I found myself wondering "Will it ever end?" after a brief while...and kinda stops it being as good a track it could have been if it was shorter.

    And this doesnt go away after a couple of listens through.

    Nevertheless, Its still good.

    This is relatively short in comparison to other classical piano pieces.

  12. This is an average (perhaps a little above average) interpretation of Frog's theme. For reasons I can't understand, the overall sound quality seems to be very low.. sounds like 96kbps to me. But anyway: while no one aspect of this remix stands out, it is put together well and flows in a way that is pleasurable to my ear. It is perhaps a bit minimal during the first half, but that is amended during the second. The bare bones percussion could have been better, especially considering the length of the piece. Regardless, the use of variation of the melody and a group of different instruments is commendable.

    Though I think the interpretation and arrangement is good, the execution was not amazing for the reasons I described (boring drums, low sound quality, minimal first half). Out of ten, I would give this remix a score of 6.5.

  13. Wow. That's the first thing that ran through my mind after it was finished being blown away by this prime example of how electronic rock can still kick ass. I think everything I have to say has already been said, but I'll reiterate why I like it. The guitar (which is actually a simply square wave from what Prot tells me) fits perfectly in the superb arrangement of the three themes, pitch bending and modulating like no one's business to create what sounds like an extended Hide or Slash solo. The three themes are blended together nicely, with no transition problems. The drums are not simply looped throughout the entire piece, but sound (more or less) like they are actually being played.

    The bass could have been a bit more prominent, but that's no big deal. And of course, higher quality encoding is always favorable, but I realize that would have been impossible in this case.

  14. An interesting contrast to Metalman Goes Clubbing. This remix is distinctly electronic in nature, which CAN be a bad thing, but in this case is certainly not. AE clearly can work his synths, especially during the fantastic variation included in this remix. It's sort of an acquired taste; the first few times I listened to this, I found the synths to be irritating and 'unclean' compared to Metalman Goes Clubbing's instruments, but subsequent listens gained my interest and favor.

    One big complaint that I have is the 'breakdown' where the only instrument playing is that weird basslike instrument playing a note and pitch bending to another. This lasted a bit too long, and the following section of the remix paled in comparison to the excellent arrangement of the previous section (again, the variation ruled).

    Overall, if I had to give this remix a score from one to ten, I would give it a 7.5, primarily because of the aforementioned later section being somewhat boring.

  15. This is a very solid arrangement of a frequently remixed theme. When I first heard it, not looking at the title (and not having heard the original theme before), I actually thought it was the theme to some sort of ice level or ice world, ironically. Anyway, the intro is done very well, using nice-sounding synths and an arrangement that I have found no problems with. The main piece is a step above normal dance or techno; the percussion is ordinary, but the rest of the instruments used sound very pleasing. The overall tempo is a bit more relaxed than that of BlueLightning or Mega Man 2003, which is a welcome change.

    I really can't find anything wrong with this remix. Keep up the good work!

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