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Everything posted by zircon

  1. Well, first of all (to Clefairy) I wouldn't call myself 'fortunate'... I just have standard cable internet service. Something like 95% of Americans have access to broadband internet. I think a very, very small portion of the 5% that doesn't have access would actually be interested in a game like Diablo III. Just hazarding a guess on that last one though. And, I dunno, even though I've used Comcast for years (supposedly the worst ISP / worst company in America) I've had virtually no problems with outages, dropped connections, etc. Maybe a few hours out of every year. Is that really such a problem? Penny-Arcade put it best: http://penny-arcade.com/comic/2011/08/08 I guess I just think the response is a bit overblown. If it were some other company, like EA with their crappy Origin service, I'd be concerned. But I've had nothing but good experiences with Blizzard and I don't mind being online and using their servers when I play.
  2. Sorry for the triple-post but the winner is PROTODOME! Thank you to everyone who submitted art. I know you all put time in and I really enjoyed looking at all the entries, each of which had its own unique style. Here was Blake's winning piece: Thank you to everyone who submitted. I really appreciate it, and will probably do this again next time
  3. http://www.sporcle.com/games/n3rdychick/league-of-legends-champions-updated-periodically I got 82/88 :[
  4. I actually enjoy LoL slightly more than Dota2 right now but again, really, these champion designs are not good. The new champ's abilities are VERY very rehashed. There are so many other mechanics they could be using. They've proven with certain champs (Orianna, Brand, Twisted Fate, Shaco, Heimerdinger) that they can use some unusual mechanics, but they prefer to release very bland champions instead. I guess people prefer the dumbed-down ones like Wukong over interesting ones like Ori.
  5. His abilities are just really bland. He basically has a carbon-copy of Jax's ult passive (ramping attack speed -> bonus damage every few hits) and Singed's fling with a movement buff. Other than that, an AOE damage/slow and an on-hit attack booster. Wow, I've never seen those before.
  6. Patch notes are out! http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/volibear-patch-notes Too bad the new champion looks extremely bland (IMO.) As usual :[
  7. I doubt it would be more than $10, so let's just say $10. Can you PayPal $210 to aaversa@gmail.com? I'll mail it out today or tomorrow!
  8. UPDATE: FLAC/torrent support for all albums! Auto-donations to charity! FOUR MORE ALBUMS @ $10+ - available for all previous buyers!!! Even more reason to get in on this now with <24 hours left!
  9. Most companies want to make the most net profit. All the people who weren't even gamers before the Wii probably aren't complaining that it's a garbage console. Say what you want; their strategy worked really well.
  10. I think these new changes are going to be great. Anything to make the game more aggressive.
  11. Yeah this sort of blew our minds. Funny that all the various posts on the sale itself (r/gaming, r/music, r/indiegaming etc.) didn't make it on the frontpage but the AMA did. Oh well, we're not complaining. Direct link in case anyone wants to pick any of our brains: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/mq8ka/we_are_the_musicians_of_the_game_music_bundle/
  12. Doesn't matter, at least for now - if you win we can go over details and specific files!
  13. Got some great submissions so far. Can't wait to see more!
  14. It's the double CD special edition: http://dbsoundworks.bandcamp.com/album/super-meat-boy-double-cd-special-edition-soundtrack
  15. It's over 9000! Seriously! 4 hours left, if you haven't scraped up at least $1 (but preferably $10 for those delicious +7 albums), time to call in a few favors!
  16. It's a Black Friday surprise! www.gamemusicbundle.com Ten albums: * Minecraft: Volume Alpha ( C418 ) * Cobalt EP (anosou) * Super Meat Boy: Digital Special Edition (Danny Baranowsky) * Imposter Nostalgia (Big Giant Circles) * Ravenmark: Scourge of Estellion (Josh Whelchel) * A.R.E.S.: Extinction Agenda (HyperDuck SoundWorks) * Return All Robots! Original Soundtrack (zircon) * Mighty Milky Way / Mighty Flip Champs (virt / Jake Kaufman) * PPPPPP: VVVVVV OST (Souleye) * Tree of Knowledge ~知恵の樹~ (yogurtbox) ...for $1. Or pay what you want above that, since this is probably the best deal on game music since, well, OC ReMix. But wait! There's more. Pay $10 or more and get SEVEN more albums. That's 17 albums for $10. * Wind-up Knight OST (Josh Whelchel) * The Binding of Isaac (Danny Baranowsky) * 72 Minutes of Fame ( C418 ) * MilkSnake OST (yogurtbox) * Antigravity (zircon) * Extreme Road Trip (Souleye) * Contingency (Big Giant Circles) Seriously, what are you waiting for?! http://www.gamemusicbundle.com/
  17. I thought about that actually, but since we released our original Shreddage libraries, another company has used that same font. So we kind of feel like it is getting overused a bit. We might be releasing one or two more bass libraries in this same family too, so giving them their own font is probably best.
  18. As some of you may know, I am part of a sample library developer called Impact Soundworks. We produce virtual instruments for composers and producers. One of our most popular libraries to date has been Shreddage, an electric guitar designed for rock and metal rhythm playing. It has been so successful that we created an expansion pack (Shreddage X) and now, we're working on a matching electric bass library. I'm looking for someone to create the product logo/art for this new bass library which will be called "Shreddage Bass". This is an instrument that will also be oriented toward rock and metal, but the art doesn't need to be so close to the original Shreddage library (with the flames and stuff). Here are the details: * Your entry should be square, and at least 1200x1200 in resolution (higher is fine.) For example: zirconstudios.com/filedump/ShreddageX%20Final.png * The logo should include the product title "Shreddage Bass" prominently. It should also include a smaller subtitle, "Picked Edition". * The product title should be apparent if the logo is resized to 900x340. This is size of the logo as it will appear on our website, eg: http://www.impactsoundworks.com/wp-content/themes/isw/images/shreddageX.jpg * You may use stock art/photos, original art, stock fonts and any other resources as long as you have LEGAL access to them. * The winning entry should be submitted with the PSD file. We'll ultimately want a JPG for the website. If you browse our website you'll see our other product logos. What you create shouldn't be TOO different stylistically, but of course use your best judgment. The winner will have their art used for the product and will be credited in the product manual. We'll give you any three ISW libraries of your choice plus $100. Submit entries either here or email them to admin@impactsoundworks.com. Deadline is December 1st. Have at it!
  19. I have a Firestudio Project and it seems like that would fit the bill here. The only thing that I can't really speak to is its durability, since it's anchored to my desk. Though before we moved, Tucker knocked it over a few times with no ill effect. It's not exactly small though (it's like two octaves and a half long when put next to my MIDI keyboard.) I guess something to consider is whether you have additional road/gig gear that you would be bringing. eg. How would you be setting stuff up on stage? If you have a lot of gear, you might consider some kind of portable rack case. I bet you could get one used for a good price. http://www.sweetwater.com/shop/live-sound/racks-cases/buying-guide.php There are a lot of sizes, including ones that are basically just bigger than a briefcase. But I don't know how much you'd need to bring, so it might not be worth it.
  20. That is the official word. I think the reasoning for that decision is because the Wii console music is still written for a console, and not a game. For a long time now OCR has had a pretty strict policy that only original game music is eligible as a source. Not game trailers, game commercials, licensed music, etc. I'm pretty sure this came directly from Dave but I've brought it up in staff chat for a discussion.
  21. Voices of the Lifestream did have open community involvement. I hosted a contest where anyone could submit remixes for tracks that had not yet been taken. The community voted and not only did several tracks from here make it on, but I had also invited others who entered (but weren't necessarily in the top 3) to participate as I was impressed with their stuff. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4987 So, everyone had the opportunity to be involved with the project, provided their skills at the time were up to the quality bar that I had set (which was no higher than OCR's normal submission standard at the time.) Not unreasonable, IMO.
  22. Our policy is that it has to have been written for a game, not a game system. So unfortunately the Wii music is not eligible as source material.
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