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Everything posted by zircon

  1. ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION [X] Too conservative - sticks too close to the source for first half PRODUCTION [X] Low-quality samples - some of the drums/claps [X] Generic/cliche sound choices - trance synths [X] Overcompressed (pumping/no dynamics) - lead synth distorts [X] Lack of bass/low-end in parts, muddy in others [X] Excessive reverb PERFORMANCE (live recorded audio/MIDI parts) [X] Timing not tight enough - lead guitar STRUCTURE [X] Lacks coherence overall (doesn't "flow" enough) [X] Abrupt ending WHAT I LIKE ABOUT THE TRACK [X] Good solos [X] Source tune choice(s) NO
  2. ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION [ ] Too conservative - sticks too close to the source PRODUCTION [ ] Low-quality samples [X] Overcompressed (pumping/no dynamics) - adjust mixing/levels to reduce pumping/distortion on sustained sounds [X] Mixing is muddy (e.g. too many sounds in bass, middle or treble) - muddy bass, harsh leads STRUCTURE [X] Lacks coherence overall (doesn't "flow" enough) - abrupt transitions WHAT I LIKE ABOUT THE TRACK [X] Creative arrangement ideas [X] Good production ideas [X] Instrument choices [X] Source tune choice(s) Focus on re-mixing, fixing compression and muddiness NO
  3. ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION [X] Too conservative - sticks too close to the source, need more variation + original material PRODUCTION [X] Too loud [X] Generic/cliche sound choices - lead synths, plain drums [X] Overcompressed (pumping/no dynamics) [X] Harsh treble, main lead synths [X] Mixing is muddy (e.g. too many sounds in bass, middle or treble) STRUCTURE [X] Too repetitive WHAT I LIKE ABOUT THE TRACK [X] Instrument choices [X] Source tune choice(s) Need more variation, dynamics, breakdown(s), fix mixing on harsh leads NO
  4. ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION [X] Too liberal - not enough connections to the source (too much original writing, source connections not identifiable enough) WHAT I LIKE ABOUT THE TRACK [X] Creative arrangement ideas [X] Great production quality [X] Instrument choices Needs more overt source usage NO
  5. ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION [X] Too conservative - sticks too close to the source for first section PRODUCTION [X] Low-quality samples [X] Unrealistic sequencing (particularly acoustic instrumentation, e.g. notes use the same velocities, mechanical timing) [X] Drums have no energy STRUCTURE [X] Lacks coherence overall (doesn't "flow" enough) [X] Pace too plodding [X] Too repetitive WHAT I LIKE ABOUT THE TRACK [X] Instrument choices [X] Source tune choice(s) NO
  6. ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION [X] Too conservative - sticks too close to the source in many places PRODUCTION [X] Low-quality samples [X] Unrealistic sequencing (particularly acoustic instrumentation, e.g. notes use the same velocities, mechanical timing) - orch elements and drums [X] Drums have no energy [X] Mixing issues - orch elements too bright/thin, piano too soft STRUCTURE [X] Pace too plodding WHAT I LIKE ABOUT THE TRACK [X] Good live performances [X] Instrument choices [X] Source tune choice(s) - Arthur's theme by Christopher Cross NO
  7. PRODUCTION [X] Too quiet [X] Low-quality samples [X] Unrealistic sequencing [X] Drums have no energy STRUCTURE [X] Not enough changes in sounds (e.g. static texture, not dynamic enough) [X] Pace too plodding WHAT I LIKE ABOUT THE TRACK [X] Creative arrangement ideas [X] Instrument choices [X] Source tune choice(s) NO
  8. PRODUCTION [X] Overcompressed - volume level OK but multiband is making some freqs (treble) harsh [X] Mixing could use work (too many buzzy high freqs) [X] Lead sync synth abrasive STRUCTURE [X] Abrupt/fadeout ending WHAT I LIKE ABOUT THE TRACK [X] Creative arrangement ideas [X] Good production quality [X] Instrument choices [X] Source tune choice(s) [X] Wubwub NO, RESUBMIT adjust buzzy high-range saw to be less buzzy, cut silence from end fadeout
  9. PRODUCTION [X] Low-quality samples [X] Overcompressed (pumping/no dynamics) [X] Cluttered/off-time sequencing [X] Mixing is muddy - many sounds do not gel together, too much reverb, panning, compression etc STRUCTURE [X] Lacks coherence overall (doesn't "flow" enough) WHAT I LIKE ABOUT THE TRACK [X] Creative arrangement ideas [X] Creative production ideas [X] Instrument choices NO
  10. PRODUCTION [X] Low-quality samples - drums don't fit [X] Overcompressed (pumping/no dynamics) - drums in particular [X] Mixing is muddy - bass, too much distortion/treble, harsh on ears [X] Panning & gating effects are tiring/harsh STRUCTURE [X] Lacks coherence overall (doesn't "flow" enough), abrupt transitions WHAT I LIKE ABOUT THE TRACK [X] Creative arrangement ideas [X] Creative production ideas [X] Instrument choices [X] Source tune choice(s) NO
  11. ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION [X] Too liberal - not enough connections to the source (too much original writing, source connections not identifiable enough) - main hook not close enough to Ryu PRODUCTION [X] Overcompressed (pumping/no dynamics) - drums/guitar really popping and clicky WHAT I LIKE ABOUT THE TRACK [X] Creative arrangement ideas [X] Good live performances [X] Instrument choices NO
  12. PRODUCTION [X] Needs more mixing/'glue' on vocals [X] Drums have no energy [X] Mixing is muddy - needs more compression/eq carving for glue PERFORMANCE (live recorded audio/MIDI parts) [X] Poorly recorded - vocals only, sax good STRUCTURE [X] Not enough changes in sounds (e.g. static texture, not dynamic enough) WHAT I LIKE ABOUT THE TRACK [X] Creative arrangement ideas [X] Good live performances [X] Instrument choices NO
  13. PRODUCTION [X] Unrealistic sequencing (particularly acoustic instrumentation, e.g. notes use the same velocities, mechanical timing) [X] Overcompressed (pumping/no dynamics) STRUCTURE [X] Abrupt transitions [X] Pace too plodding - left hand in particular WHAT I LIKE ABOUT THE TRACK [X] Creative arrangement ideas [X] Instrument choice NO
  14. PRODUCTION [X] Abrasive sound choices [X] Generic/cliche sounds [X] Overcompressed (pumping/no dynamics) [X] Mixing is muddy (e.g. too many sounds in bass, middle or treble) STRUCTURE [X] Not enough changes in sounds (e.g. static texture, not dynamic enough) WHAT I LIKE ABOUT THE TRACK [X] Creative arrangement ideas NO
  15. I don't think your attitude is too far from the truth... people do often have overly-optimistic views of their chances at success in the entertainment business. That being said, GDC is primarily a place to make friendships. As a composer, there are few 'open calls' for music so if you want gigs, you need to meet people and network organically. I definitely do not agree with the notion that you need to be successful already for this to work. Some of my most valuable connections are through people I met and became friends with before any of us were successful.
  16. I don't think Trundle's damage output is that high... it's decent, but all single-target and based on auto attacks. Don't get me wrong, I think he's a great champ and probably one of the most balanced around. But I don't think of him as high DPS compared to champs like Riven, Renekton or Lee Sin. He is definitely a tank/initiator/ganker.
  17. Yep, just a raw sine wave with vibrato (LFO -> pitch), portamento and lots of pitch bends. If you have an additive or wavetable synth you could add a bit of extra interest by using a triangle or sine-tri waveform which will add a few more upper harmonics.
  18. Jill and I are doing audio pass as we have in previous years. We network with a lot of audio folks so getting access to those events, and to a lesser extent panels, is nice.
  19. The licensing fees with MP3 only come into play for commercial applications, not individual artists distributing their stuff. In theory, anything that does MP3 decoding and encoding requires a license fee. Also, I thought iTunes didn't use MP3, but it's own format (AAC) to avoid this (and other) issue(s).
  20. Nah, it's not like that. You're right that just handing out resumes doesn't typically work unless people are actively hiring (and there ARE people there actively hiring.) It's more about meeting people in more casual settings. Parties and that type of thing. Plus, the panels are cool too.
  21. Jill, myself, Jimmy Hinson (BGC), Danny B, C418, Another Soundscape, etc. will all be going. However it's hard to plan group things because generally everyone is running around trying to make it to panels and events, so even if you go with friends you often end up splitting off. Do you have an audio pass?
  22. Yeah but depending on who you're playing with - cough Wynks - you/we could lose to AD Sona Poppy jungle is WAY too slow to be any good. She would get virtually no XP/gold at all without kills and because she has no blink/jump that isn't targeted, wards counter her 100%.
  23. Jungle, really? Her clear time would be abysmal though and she has no sustain. Usually a jungler needs at least one of those things to be effective (eg. Trundle is single-target, but has decent sustain, Udyr has both, Skarner has fast clear). Top I would imagine she'd just get dumped on since she has no poke and no CC unless she's right there, so good luck escaping from any ganks. But I'd be interested to play a game with you and see you try it.
  24. Well, she's not an AD carry like Yi, Trynd, Talon or Jax. She's kind of in her own class. A melee.. AP.. offtank assassin, I guess. I agree she's pretty strong overall, I think the issue with picking her is where to put her in the laning phase. She has very poor farming and lane presence unless someone can help set up ganks/kills, such as Alistar. But then that throws other things off. Someone like Singed fills a similar role, in that he can run into a teamfight, take little damage, and really ruin someone's day, but he is also capable of solo laning. Poppy has no range or pokes whatsoever.
  25. Right. He has the problem that all melee champions have. Even with Cleanse and QSS, they have a very hard time dealing with CC and champs that can boost their own speed, blink/flash or leap away (which is a sizable portion of the cast, at this point.) The reason Tryndamere and Gangplank are considered somewhat high tier is because Tryndamere has 2 ways of closing the gap very quickly, plus an ult that lets him stick to people even longer, and Gangplank has both team utility and a ranged poke. Yi doesn't have any of these things. His best use is as a backdoor/pusher but again, competent teams can deal with that. Melee AD carries in LoL generally need some love.
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