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Everything posted by zircon

  1. As the topic says... it's a short file, too. Can anyone help me with this? Here are the files: http://www.impactsoundworks.com/misc/ I need to keep the same resolution. No audio needed, and I can deal with a bit of compression, but nothing too lossy. I'm hoping to keep the file size at about 1-1.25mb or smaller, so I can deal with a dropped framerate. Check out: http://www.vi-control.net/forum/ For examples of the intended usage. Thanks in advance!
  2. Yeah, I know where to look. But it says that I don't have a key when I go there. MS has said that they ran out of keys and many users have reported the same thing. They said they will have more keys "within a week."
  3. I picked it up, but I didn't get an activation key. So you can buy it, but don't expect to be able to play for awhile. Known problem, apparently...
  4. It really depends on the type of music. I don't do so many A:B references anymore unless I'm really having trouble mixing, since at this point I've developed a style of my own that I'm pretty confident in. However, previously, I definitely compared to artists like The Crystal Method and BT for my electronic music. I also listen to just about everything at the same volume on the same pair of headphones, thus giving me a good idea of my own mastering relative to everything else.
  5. Nonetheless, I find it hard to believe mobile processing/GPU power can go much higher than the PSP, which can already do ~PS2-level stuff. That's why I'm skeptical this will be much more than a basic redesign as opposed to a true hardware upgrade.
  6. Product page is up; preorders are available for $19. http://impactsoundworks.com/products/instrumental/acoustic-revolutions-vol-1 Final sale price will be $25, so pick it up now and save some $
  7. I hope so, but I'd like to see confirmation. As was mentioned above, the PSP already has about as much horsepower as a PS2 (maybe a tiny bit less.) Do we really believe they can push it up to PS3 levels?
  8. I care about specs more than anything. Who needs more redesigns? We've already have enough of those (what... 3 or 4 for the original PSP?) So, hopefully this will be a big step up in horsepower.
  9. Jooj and OC ReMixer Jimmy Hinson (aka BGC) came to me recently with the concept for an acoustic guitar loop library. His samples and demos sounded great, so we agreed to work together, with him producing the library and Impact Soundworks distributing it. I'm really excited for this one, and you should be too! Check out all the info below, including links to FREE LOOPZ
  10. It's basically up to the artist, within reason. If one or two people get replaced out of a large group, but the artist still wants everyone to be included in that group name, that wouldn't be a problem.
  11. The first thing that came into my head here is that this reminds me of old-school OCR. Retro drumloops, synths and a sort of rough production style overall. It would have fit right in around 2003 or 2004, so the question is whether it merits a post now. The amount of arrangement and original interpretation is pretty impressive, IMO, and I disagree with some of my fellow judges that there's nothing original going on. The production might be on the plain side, but there's definitely a lot of interpretation and we've certainly passed FAR more coverish dance mixes. We should recognize when a dance mix is going above and beyond. I'm with Fishy: I don't agree that the sounds are all completely cookie-cutter and unoriginal. There are a lot of generic sounds, yes, but we've gotten so many more generic pieces than this, AND we've passed a number of them. Let's not be hypocritical. Not every mix needs to blow us away with originality in production. As someone who has made his fair share of dance music I can identify when someone is really on autopilot when it comes to sound selection, and when a good amount of work has gone into sound shaping, layering and design. In this case, it's the latter. A fairly close... YES
  12. Sounds to me like a bouzouki or some other East European plucked/strummed instrument played tremolo. It could be any one of a number of zithers from the region and it would be impossible to tell.
  13. If you want to perform someone else's song live you need to get the right for that specifically from the publisher, that's not a mechanical license issue. The reason cover bands can do it in bars (etc) is because the venue owners pay blanket licensing fees.
  14. Haha, awesome! Thanks Sephfire Also, I played your "bad writing" video for my Video Game Music & Audio class yesterday (Drexel University) because we were covering voice acting, and bad writing is often a major component in bad voice acting. Everyone loved it.
  15. First of all, you're definitely SUPPOSED to load multiple instruments in one Kontakt instance. That's what it's built for! So, you should get used to doing that as it's far more efficient on your CPU + RAM. Anyway, as for your question, Kontakt has up to 64 outputs all of which can have their own mixer/FX track in your host. That's not a problem at all - just load Kontakt_16out for example and it will be preconfigured with 16 outputs. You can select which output you want each instrument to go to within Kontakt by clicking on "output" on the main instrument interface - it's basically right in the middle. Other than that, output configuration depends on your DAW. They all do it differently.
  16. Yep! Someone on my Facebook nailed it... Thanks
  17. I found these two MP3s on my hard drive. I love them but I have no idea what they are. Anyone have any ideas? http://www.zirconstudios.com/filedump/example1.mp3 http://www.zirconstudios.com/filedump/example2.mp3
  18. Hey, we're just talking numbers here. By saying that editor reviews don't matter, consider the following. When people like something, they generally don't go out of their way to say so. How many people do you know would call up or write a letter to a company after a good (or even average) experience? How many people call the manager of a restaurant because their meal is enjoyable? The reason user scores tend to be lower on review aggregator sites is because people are more likely to be vocal when they DON'T like something. If you spend $15 on a game you enjoy, you're happy. Why waste your time just adding a 10/10 score to a pile? On the other hand, if you spend $15 on a game and HATE it, you're going to tell people, because you're pissed that you wasted your money. That's why editors and product reviewers - people who have to write about everything they review, whether they like it or not - tend to deliver more balanced opinions. Yeah, you can point to a case like K&L on IGN, but for every one of those, there are 20 editorial reviews saying K&L was bad (and in fact MC reports that it got almost no positive reviews.) Long story short, people like to complain. You of all people should know this. What percentage of your posts is you complaining about, well, anything, and what percentage is you spreading the word about how great things are?
  19. Kane & Lynch has a 67 on Metacritic, majority gave it mixed reviews. Sonic 4 has an 80. So unless you're saying that SEGA just bribed everyone (and better than Eidos), MC is a pretty trustworthy metric.
  20. That's up to each individual project director, but we certainly don't have a rule against it as a site.
  21. I do what I can in my video & written tutorials, but I don't think I have the time to do a full class... as it is, I do the videos/tutorials for free and I'm only an adjunct at Drexel so I don't do that for the money either
  22. We don't look for any particular arranging technique. If you simply listen to any posted remixes from the last few years and compare them to the source, you'll hear the wide range of styles, genres and interpretations we've accepted. The key point is that we don't just want covers of the original tune. We want you to add your own touch in some way. On the other hand, the mix still needs to be predominantly based on the source material, so you can't go crazy and make a track that is 80% new stuff and 20% VGM. I know that was a broad answer, but really, the best thing to do would be to listen to what's already posted.
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