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Everything posted by Xelebes

  1. What the? Are you trying to control them during recording with a mouse or midi controller???
  2. copy and paste files into the file. Unpack and then you should be set using the Soundfont player
  3. I think it has to be unpacked. And put the soundfonts into your soundfont folder in the sample folder.
  4. Okay Kimchi.... solution. Use a flanger with no feedback and a waveform (LFO) that is negative in polarity but same exact rate to that of the Tremolo... such that the flanger's high is the tremolos low and the flanger's low is the tremolos high. I'll see if my friend Dave can score me up a VST that can do that... even to get the specific waveshape created (like hastened down-pull or hastened up-pull).
  5. ok...how do you even extract a sfpack file to become a sf2?
  6. I know... this is a big bummer.... me thinks you'll be able to do this Cubase though... me hopes
  7. Channel length? No such thing... perhaps channel routing or pattern length?
  8. Record it live or through Midi.... make it sound like you heard it and want to recreate it but you have a big thing for a certain genre and you wanna make every melody to that style. I dunno... that's how you'd go about it.... then you shift to another style.... always shift.... Be the vagabond, the planete, the jack-of-all-trades...
  9. well... sounds like you might be using the wrong time signature
  10. 3.0? get Studio..... yeah.... don't stay with the petty 3.0
  11. Okay... echo in music talk is called delay... just to let you know why? Because sound data is delayed through a 'fire-bucket' model crystal delay chip and fed back into the original signal... Now about your fade out? It's called automation. How do you do it (or wanna do it for the exact piece...)? 1) Master volume.... (this one is bad because it fades out your delay too which isn't what you want) right click on the volume slider and it should have an Edit Events option (if it doesn't... you got FruityLoops 2.x or got a really crapallicious ripped version of Fruity.) 2) Piano Volume..... (this is probably best) same method as before except on the piano volume knob. Questions on how to control the automation?
  12. There's always more... plenty more... I have friends who make VSTis
  13. If that's the case... you have to copy and paste to new generators... MIDIout channels only work with a keyboard... me thinks. But this opens to new options, and thus dling VSTis from KvR-VsT would be a solution.... Okay so open as much generator channels (generators include 3xOsc and VSTis and the handy-dandy sampler) now... copy and paste which ever you wanna play.... this can be fun cuz you can expected sounds going on... does this help. Why does it make no sound without a keyboard? Because the keyboard takes all the duty in making and processing MIDI out... since MIDI out goes straight out... not through the Sound card wavetables or anything along that line.
  14. Sounds like you gotta midi keyboard... before I get flamed... I'm goin' to avoid this question...
  15. You might find a VST that does parallel filtering... that is the only one that would do the trick... Pentagon is probably the best (by rgc)... I would like to know of other synths that have parallel filters if anyone knows any other...
  16. okay... Open Fruity (I have done this about 50 times and thus 70 or 90 VSTis are on my compy...) Now you see the Channels menu? You should see it... the says insert track... go to the new menu popup and click on more... then click on Refresh and do a Fast Scan... and new plugins are there... Make sure the new ones (they are always in red unless you click out of the window) have the F marked in the little boxes beside them and then close the window. Do you need any further help?
  17. What is dashboard... I see the thing and I don't get it one bit...
  18. Um... that's not including the master and sends.... so... 552 effexts possible simultaneous (possibly for those who have the mother of all compy's with 8 3 GHz CPUs and monolithic soundcard.... Probably what gol was hoping was that this was going to accomodate the more powerful computers to come... such that when one got accustomed to it to the point he wanted more than 114 plugins at once, it would be possible with computers say in the next three or four years. Gol was probably trying to eek out Reason... I dunno...
  19. Studio has some stability issues... not as stable as 3.5.6... wait until there is a better version for best improvement... But I love the fact that it has 64 FX tracks and 8 slots per track... Now I can do Stereo-Phaser-Chorus-Flanger-Reverb-Delay strings... which is uber cool for ambience. And you can compensate for the lack of Boobass by downlading Steinberg's VB-1... which can do more sounds...
  20. well... it was 5 parts to the beat at 5 beats per bar... I dunno... 4:8/5?
  21. hey... 5/5 music is really cool swing beat with a trill to follow a 4/5 set... to even things up...
  22. do you know music theoru to a substantial level... If not... contact me on AIM... ok?
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