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  1. I can't download it either. Can OP fix the link, or can someone who did get it host it?
  2. That's why I liked it. Weird, but awesome!
  3. Awesome. All elements were very clear and fit together perfectly. Top tier.
  4. With Geocitites, I finally figured out that you have to do it all through the File Manager instead of the actual webpage. I guess I am the only one who didn't know that. LOL
  5. Ok I read through this and I still can't figure out what I am doing wrong. I have renamed the file ext. to txt on my computer. I have tried re-uploading it but Geocities does not allow you to upload txt files through the pictures menu. Also, I can't rename the file in my FileManager because it has to be an HTML file. So what else can I do? Thanks Nana
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