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Joshua Morse

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Posts posted by Joshua Morse

  1. It might not be that scary now, but when I first got it when I was a kid, I was too scared to even play the game. I remember the music that played when you entered the houses was creepy as hell.

    "Creepy house" music + actually running into Jason while in that house = the last time I ever played that game. I think I also peed myself a little bit too.

    Yes! That game scared the living crap out of me!

  2. ..... arguably the easiest genre that people do around here.

    Though I completely disagree with the statement, I think I can see where you're coming on this one, Brandon. To the untrained ear, hip-hop can seem like the easiest thing in the world to write. However, we should all bear in mind that many more elements come to into play outside the arrangement itself--you'd find similar elements in electronic music in general. In essence, it may not be as easy as you think to write *good* hip-hop.

  3. "itt" is not a misspelling of the word "it," it's an abbreviation for "in this thread."

    itt we talk about ocremixes and youtube

    itt we discuss ratings and favorites

    itt darkesword possibly missed the joke

    It's a common abbreviation used on a lot of message boards all over the net.

    I was being sarcastic. I probably should've used a smiley face!

  4. I'm pretty sure you're taking this way too seriously, sport. :lol:

    Thanks for contributing absolutely nothing to the thread. Keep up the good work!

    itt JM does not recognize either sarcasm or humor

    Sure I do; I find the fact that you misspelled "it" to be utterly hilarious!

    2) Despite representing the site's mission as best as possible, people will always have opinions on mixes, which is why people are allowed and encouraged to leave feedback on them whenever possible. When a judge is doing judge duties, then yes, they should have the mission first and foremost in their minds. The forums system here also deliberately states that "best of" threads aren't allowed for all of mentioned reasons. However, if it's a personal blog, even OCR-hosted, since it is still far enough "personalized" I think that it would be fine to list the mixes one likes a lot. On the same token they should be free to list the ones they don't like, because it's not part of the forums and 100% that person's domain. I'm sure once the blogs come up there will be rules, and I may or may not be wrong about my assumption, but I don't think the blogs will be subject to censorship of personal preference.

    I feel what you're saying here, Stevo. But in this case, OCR blogs would not only be an extension of the forums, but would live under OCR's umbrella. In my opinion, if you're on-staff somewhere, you do, in one way or another, hold some representation of that organization; whether you're on-the-clock or not. My point was that you'd have someone representing the site creating a favorites list *on the site itself*. It's really not that different from a favorites thread, in my eyes. Though again, this is all opinion, and everyone else on the forums will probably disagree with me.

    No, it wouldn't. We're allowed to have our own favorites. My favorite remixer is ziwtra. I'm not promoting favoritism or elitism when I say that. I don't really understand how that promotes either, to be honest.

    I feel this is just a difference in opinion. I think it is, you think it isn't; fair enough.

    YouTube no longer uses a 5-star rating system, they use Like/Dislike. That said, we originally disallowed ratings on all videos. In hindsight, it was a complete mistake and ignorant of how YouTube works.

    I re-enabled them because YouTube's sharing and searchability is primarily based on people "Liking" videos. Disabling the ability to do that drastically decreased the ability of the songs to spread around and reach more people.

    Also, anyone could go to our YT channel and sort by most viewed or top rated, which can't be disabled, otherwise we would. Whatever's most viewed or top rated on our YouTube channel is more a result of nostalgia bias & our subscriber base at the time the vid was uploaded rather than anything objective, so ultimately we chose to live with it, realizing those sorting methods don't actually reflect what's "best".

    Well said; this pretty much ends the discussion. Thanks to all with the constructive feedback!

  5. After re-reading OCR's mission statement re: ReMix popularity, I feel like OCR should disable YouTube mix ratings, if at all possible.

    I also think that the people representing the site should be backing the site's mission as a whole as well:

    As soon as OCR blogs are enabled i'm doing a top 100 remixes countdown of my personal favorites. :-D

    I'm pretty sure this would be in direct contradiction with OCR's mission, sport. Refer to the following:

    To separate out the "best" mixes, even by a majority vote, would sway any new visitors towards those mixes and away from pieces that they might otherwise have enjoyed.

    We don't believe a rating system, or segregating out the "good" mixes by an arbitrary or democratic factor, would support that ideal.

    A favorites list, especially from a judge, could easily promote favoritism and possibly elitism.

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