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Patriarch K

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Everything posted by Patriarch K

  1. Here´s another irish one Leitrim fancy is the name.
  2. This is some geeky videos i made with a couple of different instruments in one video. The first song is the irish song Seven drunken nights: ....and the second one is the irish party song from Titanic: Hope you like it!
  3. I dont really like the electric piano either, but i just love this as it is. GREAT work...When i listened to this, you got me to think about the game "Atlantis - the lost empire"(CRYO) i dont know why. But i really love this.
  4. I love this I hope that will explain what i think about it.
  5. Did you buy the full soundfont plugin, or are you just using the regular old demo soundfont plugin that comes with FL4? You need to have the full version of the plugin in order for the program to save your soundfont tracks properly. Nope, i didnt buy it, i use the regular ...well, so there is nothing else that i can do if i dont want to buy the plugin?
  6. I have a problem with fruity loops 4. If i make a song with soundfonts from internet, save the song, and load that song again. Then "ALL" my instruments changes to some strange strange, very strange instrument, that sounds weird. And each time i load the song, then i have to put all the instrument back to their original place if its going to sound good again. WHY??? i hate it, i hate it, i hate it!!! It has been like this for months It takes about 5 minutes or more, to put all the instruments back....
  7. Does someone know if www.thesoundsite.net will be back again?
  8. I have a soundfontplayer, but i cant install it, when i do it then, an error message appears..something about "couldnt find the fruity loops directory"?? i need the soundfontplayer, because all of my soundfonts changes to one crap sound.....
  9. But cant i get some free samples somewhere????
  10. I downloaded som samples from this place http://www.thesoundsite.net/ , but when i should save my track, then i couldn´t do that because a message appeared....."Warning some of the samples may be deleted because it is only demo samples" or something. So i lost my belowed samples ...how can i get similar samples that will work forever????
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