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Everything posted by RocketSniper

  1. Also, as a note to those who check this thread and this forum for FLMC9, it's actually in Gen Disc. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=377405#post377405 It'll probably be moved soon, but for the time being there's the thread.
  2. Working on a guest mix as we speak. Didn't see this thread because it wasn't in the competitions board
  3. I think we said something about allowing sytrus. In hindsight, that's a terrible idea and completely destroys the point of FLMC. I think the competition rules were perfect this time, we just needed a little more participation on time.
  4. Alright, I sent the sample pack to gollagh. Guest mix is on it's way
  5. Smnelian provided this one (Thanks muchos :3), so I'm going to bug DDRKirby about it. Onward!
  6. If I submitted an explosion then five minutes of silence, would I be disqualified?
  7. I think I'm going to open this one up with a bigger franchise, hopefully for more entries and some more voting action. The LEGEND of Zelda!!1! (Yes, every game in the franchise) I figure that should work for most people while producing interesting resluts. Also, my sound packs all suck (The amen break is apparently NOT a unique thing to sample), so I may have to rely on gollagh to assemble a new one. http://www.zophar.net/download.php?file=nsf/zelda.zip http://www.zophar.net/download.php?file=nsf/zelda2.zip http://www.zophar.net/download.php?file=gbs/zeldaooa.zip http://www.zophar.net/download.php?file=gbs/zeldaoos.zip http://www.zophar.net/download.php?file=gbs/zelda.zip http://www.zophar.net/download.php?file=gsf/minishcap_gsf.rar http://www.zophar.net/download.php?file=/zsnes/spc/zelda3.rar http://www.zophar.net/download.php?file=usf/lozusf.rar http://www.zophar.net/download.php?file=usf/lozmmusf.rar I'm missing wind waker and Twilight Princess from that list. Any others?
  8. Woot. Thanks for the votes, y'all. So I pick the theme for the next round?
  9. Also I'd like to mention that omg sytrus is expensive. I was playing around with it last night, decided I was going to buy it, saw the price tag (about three times what I was expecting) and ran away. It was scary.
  10. That should be more than enough if you aren't running 15 3xosc's per synth... Even if you are, as long as you don't use the reverb effect too much, then you should be fine. That's the most processor-heavy effect, by the way.
  11. Damn, 22 3xOSC's and three FX tracks for that? Blaam!
  12. Do you have the project file for it, actually? It sounds like awesome...
  13. You might have to respond completely in text. Copy your sig to notepad, put the in there, then paste it into the forum comment. Mine worked fine when I quoted the original sig post, but if it's been broken since then there's probably going to be a problem - best to start fresh.
  14. I'm fine with allowing sytrus, the only downside is people that haven't bought it (and don't have the demo) will have to render to .wav or .mp3 and save the score without the instrument. Instead of completely banning things, we could also limit them to so many tracks. You can use sytrus, wasp, and whatever else, but only on up to three channels. If this *is* applied, I'd like this to come into effect next round instead of this one. We've already had entries before this started to become an issue.
  15. Kirby block ball is the theme, which means songs directly from the game, or related games should probably be used. Or, you could come up with some sort of song that reminds you of Kirby's block ball. It's all goooood
  16. Yeah, the holidays are a bit crazy, but people seem to scrounge up a little time between christmas and new-year's eve... I vote for making the final deadline January 1st, 2008 at 12:00 EST., just in time for the new year. And so that we all can remember the date. Yes, I mean the 24th hour of Dec. 31.
  17. I'd kinda like to see these finished within a few days of christmas, or at least before school starts up. Optionally, we could start a new, holidays edition, and deny all knowledge of this FLMC's existence.
  18. Ah, I know. We should post the songs on OLR and let them be the judge. Whoever's got the best score after X amount of time (a week or two) is the winner.
  19. If we're hurting for entries this badly, might we open up the theme to the other Kirby games, too? Adding another couple of weeks with that might not be such a bad idea...
  20. Do you have erectile disfunction? Is it ruining your sex life?
  21. The bonus track I posted last time? Free samples from the FL affiliated site and some synth1. Everything else was FL preset.
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