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Everything posted by RocketSniper

  1. Didn't a thread kinda like this die about a year ago? I play as random characters, it's the only way to keep the game fun while still getting better. I still suck as bowser and kirby though. Needing tips am I.
  2. Pfft. I could play that C at the end of middle school. I could see it now, a big katamari made of tubas rolling around and picking up the flutes. =D
  3. Finally, I've been trying to figure out what that thing is for the last year!
  4. Hellsing ! it's my current sig. i'll see what i can do. EDIT: ... Where's the 25?
  5. I'm requesting an animated sig... It should be pretty easy though. Azumanga Daioh, 5:14 to 5:18 of episode 22. Just the car having driving issues. Hopefully within roughly sig size, and looping the car so that it's just chaotically spinning around the yard. Thanks in advance!
  6. I'm pretty sure I saw it somewhere that you could update the song if it's over somthing minor, such as removing some clipping, or increasing/decreasing volume somewhere... Dunno, I might be wrong.
  7. OMG FAVORITES THREAD LOCK LOL OMG ... Also, don't reply to someone by editing a post that was made before they said what you're replying to... it's just chronologically confusing. =/
  8. Er, translation? a bit too "wandering" for me, but a good piece nonetheless.
  9. First post sums up why I don't play WoW... =/ I started up a rogue, got to level 14, got some crazy leathercrafting, and quit playing. I had to use my brother's computer, and I ended up playing on the first night it was out. Needless to say, the random lag spikes, disconnects, and overall suckiness of the game repelled me. I ended up in a private RO server where I happily destroy random MVP's by myself at level 225. =o
  11. I couldn't get my midi to work for a while either, correct devices, everything as it should be... except for one problem. You have to add "Fruity LSD" as a sound effect in the Master channel, then change it's channel to 0. My midi's automatically start as channel 0, so LSD needed a little convincing to work.
  12. Just wondering, but did the WIP thread die? I went through and bumped all that I could find about a month and a half ago, but... hmm. Awesome mix. Nice drifty feeling going on there. Reminds me of when I was a kid, learning the "dead man's float"... Just a... relaxed... awesomeness. Thanks Ziwtra! Edit: How do you pronounce your name?
  13. Noir, I was somewhat surprised when I found out that this had gotten onto OCR AFTER your battle medly, considering that when you posted them in the WIP forum, the battle medly was nearly a WEEK after the JenovaD mix. Anyway... Great song.
  14. Would there be any way to change the bittorrents so that there are also OCR1-100, OCR101-200, 201-300, etc. , so that I can get some of them faster? It'd really suck to download everything only to get errors every few seconds, so 100 OCR's per bittorrent would limit this problem. Edit: I'm seeding now. Every other week starting this week (usually, at least until the end of the school yeah), I'll be hosting, day and night for a week. My compy will go down for about 1-3 hours each day, due to me playing halo... or something.
  15. Question: Is there a way to make a tempo change in the middle of a song? (while only using fruityloops)
  16. Only one question remains... [Rhetorical]Why did this even have to go through the judge's panel? [/Rhetorical]
  17. Nice ambience at the beginning... very cool effect. Takes a while for the percussion to set in... Good percussion, though. Nothing needs changing yet. Once again, the transition time is a little longer than I would have liked. Bell(ish)/flute(ish) melody. Pretty cool. I'm getting a bit of painful feedback with the bells... Oh... it ended.... Very good ambient soundtrack here. It's worth a listen if you're into ambient music, and still worth a listen even if it's not.
  18. What he said. Or maybe she. Prolly he.
  19. Definitely worth a listen. One for my playlist... Very nice work on the WHOLE THING (almost). the samples used are wonderful, and the whole aura of the song just says "Niceness+5". Seriously, though. if you're a fan of orchestral mixes, this is the song for you.
  20. Listen or die. This is one of the Best mixes on the site. Period. Especially the "yo, yo NOODLES yo yo yo NOOODLES!!!" section. Like I said before, one of the best mixes on the site.
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