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Super-Duper Sombrero

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Everything posted by Super-Duper Sombrero

  1. So with the release of the steam community, and The Orange Box, I feel it's necessary to create a steam community for OCR. I was late to the party, though, as a quick search of "overclocked" led to me finding an already existing community created by Species 8472. The group only has 11 members in it, and I know more people on OCR have steam. Join the community for maxcore awesome. Also to cut down on joining random games with jackass players. EDIT: The group name is simply OverClocked Remix.
  2. I'm running dual monitors on my PC, and it's great. Until I try to playt Counter-Strike or watch a movie. CS (Or any OpenGL game, it seems) doesn't want to work properly on my main monitor. it takes what seems to be a static snapshot of what was there, and it sticks, kind of like when you open a window and it's not loading properly. It does this with certain movie files, too. Any idea what would cause this or how to fix it? It seems to be related to video drivers, but I can't think of what to change to fix it.
  3. Generally speaking, increase treble and increased bass seem to make things sound better. Increased mid-range makes music sound tinny and low quality.
  4. I tried to do that a while ago when my drive stopped booting. Unfortunately, all the programs that I found required you to have both hard drives with you or even to be in separate computers. It's best to burn stuff you can't re-install onto a disc, then write down a list of things you want to reinstall.
  5. I'll have to disagree and say the book was much better. Although it was hard to judge the movie without referencing the book. The movie left out more than too many events that I saw as character- and story- development.
  6. Equilibrium is good. I'm sure you've already seen Advent Children, but it's still fun to watch. Pulp Fiction or Kill Bill are some good fun too. I thought Mission Impossible III was pretty good, much better than the second, less cornfusing than the first.
  7. Are you sure he said no Video Games? Or just no Wii? The Wii is fairly justified, considering how many people choose to act the fool and chuck the remote at a TV...
  8. Yes, it's a desktop and I have plenty of open PCI slots.
  9. Music and gaming, mainly.
  10. So my integrated ports on my computer have started to go out. I have to wiggle the jack around in order to get it to send sound to both channels at full volume. I have decided that buying a sound card is the best solution, as I want to get some surround sound, anyway. I was looking around on Newegg, but I quickly realized that I have no idea what I'm looking for. Anyone have any recommendations or general advice on this topic? I'm not looking to spend more than $40, but I'm willing to make an exception if it's worth it. EDIT: A MIDI port is a plus, but not entirely necessary.
  11. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v396/CheezMastah/desktoperror.jpg Not posting a image, it would break alot of screens. Why do the icons scoot slightly away from the edges? It's very irritating. It wouldn't do this before, but now it's become very intent on pissing me off. I'm running at 1152 x 864 (one step above 1024 x 768). Changing the refresh rate doesn't seem to do anything. Is it a problem with the icon resolution? Is there a way to change that to fix it?
  12. Well, when I went through to try to repair with the XP CD, I think I found most of the corrupted files. I'm thinking if I can copy the entire hard drive( Corrupted one - A) over (to HD , then replace the corrupted files(from A) with good ones(from , I should be fine. Theoretically. Or, I could copy everything but the windows folder (from A) over(to , then install a fresh copy of windows(on , and then take the config files(from A) and use those(on , I could use B as my new drives and reformat A for possible salvage.
  13. The problem with doing that is that if windows sees something that it can't copy, it'll terminate the whole copying process instead of skipping over or trying again.
  14. So I got my new hard drive, but I would like a way to transfer all the data (files, folders, registry, windows config if possible) onto the new drive. Is it possible to do? Do I need a special program? If I DO have to install windows on the new drive, can I still copy the config files? This is the hard drive that windows got corrupted on, by the way. I tried doing a system repair on it, but several files were un-replaceable. However, I have full access to all data on the drive other than those files, it seems.
  15. Yes, No, and Yes. Safe mode did the same thing as just regular booting. I did a virus scan and a spyware scan, both turned out negative. I haven't been able to locate my XP CD yet, but that's pretty much what I'm relying on. (If I can't find it soon I might have to 'legally acquire' it.) It's possible the drive may be damaged, but it booted up fine several times with no sign of problems before it just stopped. I can still access all the files and folders fine, I can even run programs off the drive. Well, everything but windows, it seems. When I shut it down, I don't know what it was doing, but it was REALLY slow, and may have been managing system files. In hindsight, I shouldn'tve shut it off.
  16. You are very good at the piano playing. Those are very good pieces. Is there a chance you could post a better recording of the battle theme?
  17. I was on my computer the other day, and it started to get really slow. So I decided it was time for a reboot. Only, it didn't start back up. It still won't boot. I turn on my computer, and the DOS-lookin' screens go through fine, they say there's not a problem. Windows XP (professional) takes about 5 minutes to try to load, and then the screen goes blank. After the blank screen, there's a BSoD that spurts random gibberish (Fatal error at oxc0000000xx or something). I have another hard drive with XP installed on it, and I'm running my computer off of that. All the data on the old drive is still accessable, but it can't boot. Also it has just recently started telling me that the drive is BAD and needs replacing on the BIOS screens, but I think it's just a corrupted windows file. I've tried the checkdisk tool, and it didn't seem to work. Is there any way to isolate or fix the problematic file without losing all my windows settings or formatting the drive? I'd really rather not go there.
  18. Indeed it does. But seriously, I'm looking for this particular song. It was made in the BEER/EAR-mix fashion, and I thought it was great. Unfortunately, I lost it. Must've fallen through in the format. Does anyone have this? Would anyone care to send it to me or host it? Extensive google searches reveal nothing. Also The composer(Blizihizake/Blake).
  19. Agreed, but I'll still probably get it anyway... Singing? Gansgsta rap hero, anyone...?
  20. This is the good news. Weird that it's from Portugal. April fool's...? Probably not, but that would suck.
  21. Ah. After much trial and error, I finally got the loader installed. But now it only gives me Apple OS, Disk Mode, and Sleep. No Linux or Rockbox... I've tried to follow the instructions, but I think maybe the instructions suck, or I'm just terrible at this. Either way, any help would be greatly appreciated...
  22. OK, I got the stupid ipod_fw.exe file, but it get's confused at something. Also, the wiki file on installation instrustions (http://www.ipodlinux.org/Loader_2#Manual_installation) seems to be missing some sort of files. Particularly, apple_os.bin does not exist. I tried using bootpartition.bin, but that certainly didn't work. Did anyone install manually?
  23. I tried using the automatic installer, but it didn't work. I guess it won't work with my version of apple firmware, so I need to manually install. Unfortunately, this requires the program ipod_fw.exe, which does not appear to be downloadable. Does anyone have this file? Feel free to message me on Xfire (superdupersombrero) or AIM (SuperDSombrero).
  24. I have recently become frustrated with the iPod firmware. There are various things wrong with it, such as the lack of user customization. I've seen various alternatives, but can anyone recommend a reasonably safe, me-friendly software? That would be awesome. Some EQ customization would be nice, and maybe a way to dim the backlight (this may or may not be possible). I have a 1th generation iPod nano (2GB), if that's helpful.
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