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Posts posted by m68030

  1. Dar.. what?

    Such a neat little arrangement... but .... ok seriously wtf? Certainly DJ

    Freshie can find better instruments to use than this. It just boggles my

    mind that someone can write an arrangement of something like this and

    then not be able to find nice isntruments to not have it sound like reheated



  2. We are never free of controversy here, are we.

    So we have a remix of Children by Robert Miles, and a very good one at

    that, as featured in the excellent fighting game Garou: Mark of the Wolves.

    So what do we do? The remix is quite good. I enjoyed it very much.

    But where do we draw the line? Now i'm gonna pull a wild card.

    Ye Arie Kung Fu. This remix is a song by Jean Micheal Jarre. So...

    we kind of do have a precident set for songs featured in games.

    It makes me uncomfortable. but I'll say


  3. Heh. my very first remix. Oh how I loath thee. I don't think I spent more

    than 45 minutes on this little splatter on the wall. I was totally floored to

    see it show up on the site less than a week later. And in retrospect,

    I'm even more suprised given that DJP isn't very fond the style of many

    of my remixes. Anyway, the different 'key' near the end was a sinewave

    modulation of the instrument, gives it that nasty offkey sound.. No clue

    why i did that.. I probably modulated it by a sine wave of 666Hz because

    I figured subconsciously it would make people uneasy. Who knows.

    If you enjoy this, then more power to you. But please listen to some of

    my other stuff if you don't like this, because this really isn't representative

    of my other work.

  4. totally farking awesome. Definatly one of the better technodustrial type

    goodies i've heard on ocr for a while. I simply must dig out my copy

    of rez and give it a whirl again.

    i must not fear

    fear is the mind killer

    fear is the little death that brings total obliteration

    i will allow my fear to pass over me and through me

    and when i look back to where my fear was,

    only i will remain.

  5. NO ... NO NO NO..

    i hate the pacman theme. it's just so annoying. uhg. and this.. this is the

    same notes for 4:19. the bassline is the only interesting thing going on,

    and it's so muffled you can't even hear it other than a rumble somewhere

    under my desk.


  6. NO

    I love a nice deep bass line, but not one that beats me upside the

    head like a man killing mice to feed to an owl. It makes the rest of the

    song sound a bit distorted in it's wake. That's the only problem I have

    with this mix, that problem makes the rest of the song sound icky.

  7. NO

    (gosh i'm being tough today)

    Well it cuts off at the end. that makes me a sad monkey machine. The

    volume levels are just whack. Where's the lead line? Oh, it's drowning

    under all the rain in that movie with Kevin Bacon. And the drums? They

    are thunderfooting in that movie Night of the Lepus. Force this thing

    though one of those playdough shaper things and you'll have a nice

    cookiecutter rock track. but right now it's a little messy at the edges.

  8. NO

    Cute. Sounds like an 80s synth demo mode song. I got a kick out of that.

    now there is some major ickiness at -1:32 involving a key change, but

    i'll overlook it this time, however it is a MAJOR issue for me. If this little

    hiccup were fixed I'll vote yes. I just hate seeing such a great little mix

    go live with an ugly oops like that.

  9. NO

    A cute little arrangement.. That bassline bothers me. Go fire up

    "tekno wily". Sounds like it's a default instrument somewhere. I really

    think we need to start raising our standards here, define ourselves as

    more of a premiere music site. Granted that the default instrument sounds

    just fine in the mix, the drums are a little over powering. As with other

    current submissions, I'd vote yes if this were re-mastered. I know my

    vote of NO isn't going to keep this from getting posted in light

    of the number of yes's voted so far, so I'm just stating my opinion for

    the record.

  10. NO

    Don't get me wrong. This is an excellent arrangement, but the mixing

    is just icky. Way too seperated. Makes me feel like my head is being

    pulled open. The guitar line is great... and it would be alot greater if we

    could actually hear it.

    I'll say yes in a heartbeat as soon as this thing gets remastered.

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