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Everything posted by lazygecko

  1. The original Wonderboy music was way better Super Adventure Island is a different thing though.
  2. They may not be compatible with FLStudio. Some VST/DX plugins are to be used for audio editing software like CoolEdit.
  3. Here's something that's been bugging me for a damn long time: How many cents makes a 1-octave difference in the Channel Pitch editor? MIDI pitch bending is such a bitch in FL...
  4. Either your channels are all set to mixer channel 1, or you're putting all the effects in the Master channel.
  5. It's not a VSTi. It's not for use with FL. Use it with CoolEdit or something.
  6. If you don't like the FL piano roll, you should give up music. It's the best piano roll there is out of all I've tried (Cubase, Logic, etc)
  7. Holy shit, this sounds just like Jazz Jackrabbit 2.
  8. I have the full thing. However I do recall being able to edit in the demo. Just click the Edit button.
  9. I rarely ever use the presets, it's easy enough to program from scratch.
  10. The Peach and Toad synths are mere sample players... What they do is play samples ripped directly from NES games, and most aren't even tuned right.
  11. Try Vanguard from www.refx.net I have grown quite fond of it. What makes it different from other synthesizers is that it has a shitload of waveforms available on 3 oscillators, huge selection of filters, and a built-in arpeggiator and gater. It's very inspirational, you can quickly set up the arpeggiator along with the gater, and just play some random chords till you come up with something you like.
  12. As much as I despised of the SA2 soundtrack, Knuckles' BGM always stood out from the other tracks. It was nothing awe-inspiring, but at least it had the FUNK. And this remix takes the best from Knux and makes it even better. It has pretty much everything I love in a funky track, from smooth Rhodes pianos to high-pitched vibrato synths. This is the same José from vgmusic.com, right? Excellent work José, always a fan. Looking forward to any potential future releases.
  13. You only hear what you want to hear. I don't recall a lot of swearing, maybe because I'm not really listening to the rapping.
  14. There aren't a lot of crap VSTs. I don't think you can judge a VST for example by how good the factory presets are.
  15. Are you saying OCR isn't about high production quality and creativity? I think you misunderstood what Prot said.
  16. Geez, you're all acting like a bunch of angry soccer moms about this. Just appreciate it for what it is: Music.
  17. Ahh, it's one of the VGMix 'Launch titles' The production quality and creativity is obviously very high, I love it. It's very satirical, so it's not supposed to be taken seriously. If you do, you just don't 'get it'.
  18. I once had a program that could play back .mid files with its own FM sound that are similiar to old Adlib cards... You could try that. I forgot what it's called though.
  19. Actually, it says VST effects. I wouldn't mind having it changed to a universal VST thread though.
  20. http://www.spinwarp.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=240&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0 This is a nice new VSTi that makes those growling basslines you hear in modern Drum n' Bass.
  21. Heh, that ymVST rocks my world. I can easily make SID arpeggios in no time, so I won't have to spend millions of years doing it manually in the piano roll.
  22. When I heard it was Steve Reich inspired, I was expecting a minimalist track at 20 minutes or so.... And it wasn't. I'm kinda glad it wasn't, but at the same time, I'm not Actually, this doesn't sound like Steve Reich at all to me. It's got a nice, funky groove and some smooth organs. Still a winner in my ears.
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