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Everything posted by Defend

  1. Yeah its good to hear something real. I enjoy this piece, but agree with the main vibe here.. I would have liked this to have been brought together a little tighter. I think I'm just wanting to hear distinct instruments working together in one song, you know, feeling each other, instead of different layers getting it right.
  2. Arrghh where have I heard this before??? I haven't played the Megaman games, but I know this tune... Just enjoying the moment of trying to remember heh. Ohhh.. yeah I've got a clip of Sonic anime scenes to this tune. Sweet.. I loved that clip and this mix works it nice. Sweeeeeet.
  3. I was thinking the same thing, mainly because I wanna hear nothing but that piano. Great piece though, would've loved to hear more of the piano, but I don't think more would have been enough anyway. Damn that's good... this makes me realise I have to get out more to hear real stuff like this. Just the skill in that playing grabbed me by the throat.
  4. Not a comment on the skill itself, just my subjective opinion. This sounds very much like background music you'd hear in a modern church, and having to hear it every week, every year of my childhood, when I'm busting to go home and do something remotely fun, it doesn't sit comfortably in my ears. I really didn't like that church music. I figure bad opinions aren't shunned away heh. Oh how I hate the drums lol, how damn annoying stupid church music let me out of here!!!! I feel like those churchy drumbeats are so fake, so slow motion and tacked in, genre-wide. Nothing seems to be actually wrong with this mix. It just drives me insane.
  5. Four months later, just thought I'd put another reply. Still so incredibly beautiful. I'd be willing to say this is my favourite tune, ever.
  6. Dammit. There's like.. 60 something Icecap MIDI files I have. One particular one seems to have gotten around. Its very good when sped up a bit, and I've seen it land in a fangame or two, and another remix a while ago. This new remix is a take from that. It already sounded enough like a souped up midi, then to realise its just stolen the same chords/bassline. Blergh. Was reeeeeeeally excited thinking it'd be something new. Dammit. Apart from that, the pan flute part is very good, but doesn't sound icey hehe. Sorry to be so critical, you've already got some great mixes, but that's my honest opinion. I still think Icecap has alot of original takes waiting to be found, but this wasn't one of them.
  7. Just beautiful, like others have said. Took a tune that was already inspiring and just made it something incredible. Strong contender for best mix on the site imho. Slow, professional, and plain beautiful.
  8. Reeeally nice, but I'm liking this track just because its plain good stuff regardless of the Green Hill tune in it, more like it just gives the tune a point to be here. Green Hill Zone didn't excite me much anyway (other than its oldschool appeal), but this is a sweet and unexpected way of hearing it. (Now that Vectorman mix I lurved...)
  9. It sounds very nice, and from the little I played of Chrono Trigger, that was my fave tune in it. The lyrics are a great idea for this tune/concept, but I really can't hear them enough to work out what's going on. Real nice mix other than that, but because of that trouble I was a bit 'meh'. What I actually wanted to say though was the piano and strings part that the song finishes with is beautiful. That small part of the song is so nice I just keep playing the whole thing again. Love the piano hehe.
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