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Posts posted by Inimitable

  1. Just because atma is being douchy about it doesn't make him any less right. Nintendo sucks hard when it comes to online, and despite high expectations Brawl is looking to be more of the same. Trying to get people to wake up and see that is apparently a lost cause.

  2. Speaking of score hero. Has any one used custom charts and songs? Or even better made them?

    Cause there are quite a few OCR tracks id like on GH.

    I've made a couple, actually.

    Plus I did
    which I'm rather proud of. Though those videos are a bit outdated...

    Somebody else made Zelda 64 "SoS" and virt's Contra Megamix.

    Thinkin' about Prot's MegaMan X "Brainsick Metal" next time I do something from OCR.

  3. Ah, I'm definitely excited for this. I for one am glad they kept online play simple. Leaderboards and all that stuff just lead to people playing for reasons other than fun.

    Though I really wish Nintendo would just do away with individual friend codes and use an all-encompassing Wii system friend code. It's just as safe (kid-friendly) and you don't have to deal with getting every number for every friend.

  4. Main Entry: dirge audio.gif

    Pronunciation: 'd&rj

    Function: noun

    Etymology: Middle English dirige, the Office of the Dead, from the first word of a Late Latin antiphon, from Latin, imperative of dirigere to direct -- more at DRESS

    1 : a song or hymn of grief or lamentation; especially : one intended to accompany funeral or memorial rites

    2 : a slow, solemn, and mournful piece of music

    3 : something (as a poem) that has the qualities of a dirge

    Also, there are way too many hit-and-runs goin on here. I started downloading really recently and finished just 10 ago. SEED, people!

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