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Everything posted by Inimitable

  2. The site is getting hammered (downloading at 12 kb/sec), is there another MP3 mirror available? edit: thanks a bunch guys!
  3. Because you're the samaritan OCR deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
  4. Over the last several years I've been transcribing note charts for all sorts of songs, including a bunch of OC ReMixes. I've worked directly with a number of remixers to create these note charts - ansgaros, Evil Horde, Armcannon, Prince of Darkness, Level99, Ailsean, Fishy, Kidd Cabbage, Skummel Maske, and now elzinfernomusic - and generally it's been a lot of fun! Most recently I've worked with elzinferomusic to transcribe his new track Sonic & Knuckles "Doomsday" on guitar, bass, and drums (which you can now see on Youtube). I'm going to show you how you can play them yourself, using the PC Rock Band clone Phase Shift. It's very simple stuff! Rhythm games aren't nearly as popular as they used to be, but this is for anyone who still enjoys them or didn't know this was an option. What You'll Need Just 2 things: 1. A Windows-based PC, or the means to boot Windows programs. 2. An input for gameplay - a USB Guitar Hero or Rock Band guitar/drum set (the preferred method, for obvious reasons), a controller with at least 8 buttons (360 controllers work fairly well), or just a keyboard. Download the Thing Grab the latest version of Phase Shift from the download section of their website. If you get the Full version, it comes packaged with about a dozen songs (or just get the Lite version if you don't want them). Take a look a the ReadMe file if you're so inclined. Lots of basic info in there. The Music Things Open up the Phase Shift install folder. There's a subfolder called Music. Guess what's inside?! Each song has its own folder. Inside are several important files: 1. notes.mid - The actual note chart for the song 2. guitar.ogg - Songs for Phase Shift are very often created using just the mixed audio file (because stems are hard to get!). In these cases, guitar is the default audio file used in-game. For songs with stems available, you'll see multiple audio files (like drums, rhythm, keys, vocals, and song). OGG is the go-to format for Phase Shift; it's not quite as wibbly-wobbly as MP3. 3. song.ini - This contains song data, like artist, song name, difficulty tiers, etc. This can be edited in a text editor, or in-game. There's likely a couple other files in there too, maybe an optional background file or a .dat file for Phase Shift to use. Don't worry about those too much! Oh God, My Eyes, They Burn Phase Shift's default theme is, at least in my opinion, utterly horrid. Fortunately, you can change it to something a bit more pleasing by downloading additional themes, placing them in your Themes subfolder in the Phase Shift install directory, and changing it in the in-game Options menu. You can grab the Rock Band 2 theme (that's what I'm using in the video up there), or peruse the forum for something that tickles your fancy. OK, So Where Do I Download the Music? Why not start off with my newest creation, elzinferomusic's Sonic & Knuckles "Doomsday" remix? (A smaller download, the single audio version is also available in case you have little baby internets.) Other songs can be downloaded from forums such as the Frets on Fire forums (FOF is the program Phase Shift was initially based off of) or Phase Shift's own boards. And how about more shameless self-plugging by linking you to my personal song release thread?. That does not seem unreasonable, as there are lots of OC ReMix songs available there! Uh, I Guess That's It? Yup. Have fun! This thread dedicated to DJP's insistence
  5. Gentlemen, we can RBuild him. We have the technology. We also now have a Guitar/Bass/Drums video, and a thread detailing how you can play it yourself!
  6. Another familiar song... I worked with this late 2010 and produced a (what I would now consider pretty bad) .Nice to see it floating around again!
  7. All the cool members live on the East Coast. Needless to say I'm Sacramento area.
  8. I'm moving up in the rankings... Soon I will be KING OF THE BRONZE LEAGUE!
  9. Most excellent. I don't hear this style very much, and it suits Metroid incredibly well. Also looking forward to MM.
  10. Hey Nekofrog,

    I work on custom Rock Band tracks in my free time (you may remember talking to me a long ways back about your Wily's Requiem track). I recently started work on another of your tracks, The Omen of Jenova. It's a boon to both me (as I work on the track) and the player if separate tracks for instruments are available.

    Would you be interested in sharing them? Or, if not for that particular track, anything else? (What I've heard of your original work is great too!)

  11. Terra's Theme will always have a special place in my heart. <3 Being at the LA concert would be amazing.
  12. Looking to buy a fighting game, can't decide which. SF4, DOA, or BlazBlue. I'm pretty new to the genre, can someone help me out and point out some of the major differences in their play styles and/or recommend one?
  13. Lemme just check something here... Yeah, this album is still awesome.
  14. First 30 minutes impression: worth the wait. Bedtime now!
  15. We're not sure what's going to happen to potatoes after the launch.
  16. Everyone who owns Killing Floor, please play or idle in it. We're trying to make the best use out of the potato overclocking before they run out, and KF is the most difficult to fill (and will get us the biggest chunk of time taken off if/when we finish!). The Ball is also (edit) done. Here's the current priority list (for those who don't own all of the games): Killing Floor (current focus due to potato overclocking) Super Meat Boy Amnesia Defense Grid
  17. Most of the games are quite good anyway (Defense Grid, Super Meat Boy, Killing Floor, The Ball, Amnesia, Rush), so, uh, I'm sorry Valve didn't provide you free entertainment?
  18. Good luck figuring out the entire ARG yourself... Practically impossible. It was designed as a community project.
  19. You didn't need to have all of them (or any of them) to participate in the first place; just hang out in IRC and say WHAT'S THAT SOMEBODY CHECK THIS OH GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING like 500 other people did. Helping investigate the games you did own was part of it, but the puzzles and clues that came out of them were worked out by the community, not just by the people that owned that specific game. Two things you can do if you own any of the games in the potato pack to speed things along: 1. Earn the potatoes in the game you own, and 2. Play or idle in that game until its glados@home bar is completed. Right now, we are (as a collective IRC/Reddit/everyone ball of playtime) working on one game at a time. We're playing AAAAA now, and when that's close to done (about 90%), switching to RUSH. If you don't own either of those, check out the priority list of games to play on the ARG wiki homepage.
  20. You're such a tease. And for those who haven't been following, read up on the last couple weeks' of puzzles at www.valvearg.com
  21. Hey, G-T... How many potatoes you got
  22. "Rock Band is on hiatus." WTF? New DLC and RBN songs are still released every week, and the new Squier guitar controller was recently released (for real guitar action just like this game is aiming for). Sounds like this game already has a whole lot of catching up to do. Hopefully it'll at least be better than Power Gig.
  23. You're going to buy it day one and you're going to like it.
  24. I'll definitely buy it, and I hope more OCR musicians will follow your lead! I have been trying to fish some originals for the RBN out of some members but no bites just yet.
  25. All the cool kids are buying it. None have regretted it even a smidgen.
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