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Everything posted by StarZander

  1. Best cosplayer I've ever seen:
  2. I liked that poem. It could very easily have been cheesy, but you succeeded in avoiding that. I liked the intro/outro best though. Shame you ripped those And I believe she is singing "Colleen" and not "Carly" in that song. I've listened to it many many times, in very good speakers I might add, so I'm pretty sure of it.
  3. The credits songtitle is "Angels Thanatos". What would this mean then?
  4. First of all, congrats on reading the entire thread, I guess. The sirens that you speak of appear in all games. In SH1 they sound when you switch from normal Silent hill, to alternate, and back again. I.e. after every boss, you hear the sirens, as everything turns back into "normal". This is also in SH3, when you switch the same thing. But if you want to connect this to a diety, then it's most likely Valtiel, since his valveturning represents the change between "normal" and "alternate" SH.
  5. Well, it has become more and more action oriented through the games, and with SH4 they introduce a healthbar and realtime weaponchanging. alot less menus to use. More action. This is sitting on the edge of a knife. Might be great and we'll all worship it, or it'll suck and we'll hate then for doing this to SH.
  6. I think that there can always be a sequal. Basically, we've seen different perspectives in each game of Silent Hill. There is almost an infinite number of perspectives to be shown, and if they can manage to present these in a good enough way, then they should keep on making them.
  7. I won't write in white, since I'm not racist. They are probably just monsters in her eyes. It's her view of reality. Maybe everything is beautiful in Claudias eyes?
  8. Good to see you back here. But how do you explain the loud thumping noises? They are being made by this monster, since they disappear when you kill it.
  9. Well, since you find that big painting with PH in the Historical Society, he must have existed in Silent Hill's past. If we, for arguments sake, say that the town itself is creating everything here, then this was it's best way to reflect James' dark side. But it still has some of the "real" PH's "personality" left in it. That's why it keeps executing Maria, in the way he does. And also, the raping might have been part of the "real" PH.
  10. Yes, I know. That's what I meant. We've been over this so many times, I hoped I wouldn't have to elaborate. Oh well. ´
  11. Too bad hearing ifirit leaving the discussions, but I have to agree with him. This thread is not what it once was. Therefor I thought I'd try to get the theories going again. The SH2 theories seem to have been the most popular ones, so here are a few that I don't think we've covered as of yet: I played through SH2 once again yesterday, and noticed some things. First, that after you've spoken to Angela in the room with the large mirror, you get the knife that she tried to kill herself with. Now... After this, Pyramidhead gets his Great Knife. He didn't have it before this, and doesn't have it after the fight with him either. I think that, since Pyramidhead is in fact James himself, the Great Knife is just the gruesome version of that kitchenknife (they look very alike actually), and this fight with Pyramidhead symbolises James own fight against committing suicide. If he beats Pyramidhead, then he stops thinking about it. If he loses... Well... Then he does infact kill himself since, as I said before, Pyramidhead and James are the same person. The next thing I noticed in the game this time around, was something that we have discussed, but I don't remember if we ever did this particular thing. In the prison, with the rows of cells, you can hear those heavy footsteps, or whatever they are. I used to think that this was the prisonguard patrolling the upper levels, and you could aim your gun at it. This time I shot at it, but it was inside a cell, and I killed it. It made noises when I hit it, but not like a regular monster. After a few shots, it fell to the ground, and I kept shooting it until it was dead. You never saw the body, although I saw the blood coming from my shots. After this, those footsteps stopped. Anyone care to explain? Discuss this, and I'll add more later on.
  12. *bump* This is needed. My mind is empty. I need to play the SH games again...
  13. I played the Crimson Room a long time ago. It was pretty fun, and almost nostalgic with all that clicking.
  14. And then some things about the main character and her main adversary: Sound like Heather? Hmm... I also found it mentioned here, if you search for eye of night there. Don't know what it means though. But I think the Qabalah is the book used to inerpret the tarot cards, but it says here Book of Numbers. Perhaps the locations of the five cards in SH3 has some meaning. I will quote from a faq, the location and description of the different cards, that you could read in your inventory: There. Can you make something out of this?
  15. This is offering some very good insight into the meaning of Silent Hill 3. I mean, you've gotta admit the plot to the sequel was very easy to follow, but it was hard to tell if there were any deeper connections than the obvious. Yet, looking at the relevance of the "Hanged Man" card, I can make some better theories and connections. Silent Hill 3 was the only game to seriously look at religion from the follower's perspective and not a by-standers or historian's. The focus just seems to be about Claudia's search for love, since it seems she was not shown much. Her only real source of love, affection or whatever you want to call it came from the seven-year-old Alessa. Claudia just wants her back, sort of the same way Laura wants Mary back. Though I can see some ties with SH2, I think it is more relevant to the plot or philosophy of SH3. Once I sort everything out, I'll report my findings. I don't think the "Dying God" part refers directly to Samael, but more towards the Older Gods mentioned in the "Lost Memories," "Crimson Book" and the various files around the town. Remember, there are other gods like Lobsel Vith, the yellow god and Xuchilbara, the red god. "God created beings to lead people in obidience to Her... many gods and angels." You're also right about the many references to hangings in SH2, so I understand the idea of being upside-down. Yet, the references all have the person hung right-side up. Maybe a better explanation is the skewering form of execution. Remember how Maria dies the last time before the end? She is hung upside-down in the "skewering cage" (not sure what else to call it) and then speared by one of the Pyramid Heads, a formal execution in the Toluca Prison. And, when you fight the demon form of Maria, she is still in that same cage and position. Also, if you notice after the Pyramid Head fight, there is no body or sign of Maria's death. I believe that there is some significance of the bed as Maria's final form, seeing as how it was Mary's murder site. Yet, I don't see it as the only source of influence. Though, we can tell the art designer's were trying to pick a scary design for the final boss, maybe they also played on some hidden fears in James. Maybe James had an aversion to things that were hung upside down. Maybe he was afraid of bugs, which could explain the use of swarms and the scorpin-like tail. Maybe James had some experience with the scewering form of excusion, causing an emotional scar that Maria exploited. I'm not saying that James was executed, even in that manner, but that maybe he had some contact with it in the past and it manifeasted here. Wait! I just thought of something. Since I think Maria's final form looks like a form of execution performed in the Toluca Prison, Maria's form may represent the idea of being executed. Mary had been sick for a long time and towards the end had accepted that fact that she was going to die. So, she was just waiting for death. Then, James took her life in a short, but exection-like manner. (Note that he tucks her in, fluffs her pillow, and kisses her on the forehead before he smothers her.) It causes him a lot of pain later that he did this and especially so in the hotel. By taking the form of being executed, not only earlier in the game, Maria is trying to exploit his pain about being a murderer. She was just conveying the thing he regretted most. Another interesting connection to water: the one reference to Metratron I was able find related to Tarot about the Ace of Cups, which represents a cup that flowed a fountain of water, similar to the "Holy Grail." The other four cards were the "Priestess," the "Fool," the "Eye of Night," and the "Moon" cards. The numbers on the cards may also have some significance. They are II, 0, XXII, and XVIII respectively. The number for the Hanged Man is XII.
  16. Now, let's revive that old discussion!! Now, I see several similarities here, with SH2. (Also they had several references to hanged men in the game) I don't have time to interpret all of it at this moment, but maybe you can to it for me. But the card being the card of the Dying God, could be referring to remains of Samael's power perhaps? He is dying, since the encounter with Harry, but he linguers in Silent Hill still. There was talk of the Hanged Man card also had alot of connections with water. Don't see any connections with the game here, except for maybe the lake, and the In Water ending. I don't recall the other tarot cards that were used in SH3, except for the priestess. Could someone check up on these?
  17. I just listened to it, and it was pretty good. It gave the feeling I got in the game, in that scene with Lisa. I should also say, welcome to our thread. I hope the kind of theories that were discussed in the beginning, come again. Those were the most interesting ones. Do you have any theories you want to share? Btw, ifirit, are you never on msn anymore, or do I just suck at timing?
  18. This dividing the SH fans into two groups... I don't like it. Atleast not those groups. I, myself, first played SH1, and I have never been so scared in my life, as the first time I played it. I love that game. After that I actually played SH3, and lastly SH2. Although the atmosphere is different in every game, I enjoyed the SH2 atmosphere best. Some parts of SH1, and 3, seemed almost clisché(sp?), with a god-trying-to-take-over-the-worldish kind of thing, although that's not exactly what it's about. But SH2 had a special twist to things, and it made me feel... well... comfortably uncomfortable. I don't know, but I liked it, even if it wasn't that scary. It had alot more surprises that made me think "so THAT'S what happened" and such. I don't know, maybe this qualifies me to be in one of those two groups, I just didn't like the generalisation.
  19. Well, if she spent alot of time with Mary in the hospital, then when James came to visit, he probably met Laura. He DID meet Laura. In Mary's letter to Laura it talks about James. I can't remember the exact text but it's something along the lines of "Don't hate James, he's a sweet guy, he's just very quiet". It's the same letter which says that Mary and James intend to adopt her...which explains why Laura leaves town with James in the Leave ending. So in that respect, she serves (to James at any rate) as an incentive to carry on. Find out what happened and get a daughter, y'know? But why doesn't James remember her then?
  20. Well, if she spent alot of time with Mary in the hospital, then when James came to visit, he probably met Laura. EDIT: I like my postcount
  21. Couldn't find it. I did, however, find a new calendar, for 2004. It's still in progress, but a few months have been released. http://mariasunderland.deviantart.com/
  22. oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, mariiiiiiia.... *drools* Yeah.
  23. Let me have my dreams, will ya? Still Heaven's Night....
  24. Lets just keep a discussion alive here, people! Now... The titles of the songs usually have some meaning... What can we make out of these? The last one says "Heaven's Night [Live]" which could mean that in the game, you will go to Heaven's Night, the bar that Maria worked at, and see a performance? That would be awesome.
  25. Check the link in my post, yo. There is a flashplayer there, with soundclips from several tracks, including the track with vocals, which kicks ass.
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