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Everything posted by StarZander
*BUMP* Don't want this to die.
Hmm... That's pretty good. But it seems as if Maria was a person of her own at first, and then slowly became Mary... Or something. Wasn't she trying to end her own life, with that gun, at first? If so, then maybe she wanted to commit suicide, because she felt she was changing into Mary, and didn't like it. It scared her. She felt helpless or something. It made her feel bad, or depressed her... who knows. But she wanted to die because of it. But then she turned into Mary even more, and Mary took control. Oh well, this is really reaching but.... I don't know. On another note... I don't remember if we went through this... But Angela, Eddie and James all committed crimes, and was therefor in Silent Hill... But not Laura? Why was she there? In the cemetary at the end, James, Angela and Eddie have their own graves there. Aswell as other criminals, right? Walter Sullivan was there too, I think. But no place for Laura.
Angela must've been "called" from Silent Hill itself. She is looking for her family in the Silent Hill Cemetary, and the newspaper where her father's murder was described, was also from Silent Hill, wasn't it? Then Laura was in the hospital with Mary, right? Well... which hospital? Some facts indicate that they were in a hospital in some other town, but they seem to have been in the Silent Hill Hospital aswell. And Eddie... Well... I can't really connect him to Silent Hill directly, but as you said, there was no indication that he was from a neighbouring town either.
In the Complete Soundtrack there is a song called Flooded Estate. Is that the one you are referring to perhaps? Probably not. I can't say for sure which one it is, but check out True from the OST instead.
I believe that the Resident Evil games concentrate mostly on making the monsters scary, and not so much the situation. Also RE doesn't really try to freak you out with sound effects, but just make you stressed. In short, in RE they only seem to try to use the "Booh!"-effect, whilst Silent Hill tries to really mess with your mind. Silent Hill is something we can relate to a little more. Just a normal guy, coming to a "normal" town, and strange things happen, in places that we can really relate to. Because... The more you can relate to something, the more you believe it could happen to YOU, and the more scared you will become. The sound effects in SH aren't some sort of music with increasing tempo, but erratic freaky sounds that doesn't really make any sense. Hence, we add some degree of confusion to the situation. I don't know about you, but I hate confusion. Well, anyway, this is my theory on why SH is scarier. When I was a kid, RE was scary as hell, but now it's just silly action for the most part. SH on the other hand... A few years ago, I couldn't play it at all, because I was so scared. Unfortunately I am near unable to get frightened nowadays. Only time I got scared from SH, was from the extra scenario in SH2: Director's Cut, because there you had no flashlight or radio. I might try to play through the regular games without using these two things (unless they are necessary for a riddle).
It walks about on the arms. Yeah, its hard to describe so when I get a GOOD drawing of it Ill post (the idea is that is wraps its arms round you like a hug before trying to collapse your ribcage) Oooh, so it jumps up at you... maybe even bites you? Well... sounds Silent Hillish enough, but a drawing would still help. =) No, it doesnt bite you...since the original plan was that it didnt have a head. It's based off a monster in a british TV ad...the idea being that it wasnt a monster but a big fluffy thing that hugged people whenever they drank a cup-a-soup... But thats just dumb and boring. I prefer my bad-ass collapse your ribcage version So do I, my friend, so do I.
It walks about on the arms. Yeah, its hard to describe so when I get a GOOD drawing of it Ill post (the idea is that is wraps its arms round you like a hug before trying to collapse your ribcage) Oooh, so it jumps up at you... maybe even bites you? Well... sounds Silent Hillish enough, but a drawing would still help. =)
So... It's a flying head, with arms for ears? Or is it a head, still with arms for ears, that's walking around on these arms? What does it do? Breathe at you, with it's horrid breath fron hell? Sorry.
I love you, ifrit. I checked up on the Eye of Night tarot card, since it doesn't really exist in any tarot deck of cards. But the only thing I could find, was a book called "The Eye of Night", where the main character is a female magician. I will quote some stuff from a review: And then some things about the main character and her main adversary: Sound like Heather? Hmm... I also found it mentioned here, if you search for eye of night there. Don't know what it means though. But I think the Qabalah is the book used to inerpret the tarot cards, but it says here Book of Numbers. Perhaps the locations of the five cards in SH3 has some meaning. I will quote from a faq, the location and description of the different cards, that you could read in your inventory: There. Can you make something out of this?
Hmph, I really don't like being ignored. Nobody commented my theories...
yes, hint please.
Hey, Eccles, how's Adobe Premiere working out for ya?
Nice to feel ignored.
I thought about that too, about her hanging upside down and stuff. The tarot card The Hanged Man (which is one of the cards used in SH3 to open to final door) is a card of a man hanging upside down. Although the hanged man is on a cross, Mary's "cross" could be her hospital bed perhaps. If you look at it, it resembles a metal hospital bed, without a matrass(spelling?) and such. Quoting from a site with a description of its meaning: Now, I see several similarities here, with SH2. (Also they had several references to hanged men in the game) I don't have time to interpret all of it at this moment, but maybe you can to it for me. But the card being the card of the Dying God, could be referring to remains of Samael's power perhaps? He is dying, since the encounter with Harry, but he linguers in Silent Hill still. There was talk of the Hanged Man card also had alot of connections with water. Don't see any connections with the game here, except for maybe the lake, and the In Water ending. I don't recall the other tarot cards that were used in SH3, except for the priestess. Could someone check up on these?
Note to all: http://www.zone.ee/black_cube/sh/enter.html If you haven't checked this site, then do it NOW! This guy has hacked the camears in the SH games and checked out most things. The pics here could add some theories perhaps. Especially this one pic from SH2. It's the guy who was smached into the TV in the aparment. Look! It's James himself!! EDIT: Copy and paste the link into your browser
I'm not entirely sure, but I recognize that line. I think it's in my version of SH1. I'm playing through it once again, as we speak, so I'm gonna make sure.
Whoa whoa... Hey, Eccles, get your quotes right. I only said half those things. Blame ifrit, dude.
It was no comic. It was a clip from the UFO ending in SH3.
Thank you all, for your theories on SH2. I've only beaten it three times so far, and I haven't gotten the Rebirth ending just yet. I'm working on it though. I HAVE played the other two games enough to make my own theories about them... No real overall theories perhaps, but theories on a few things inside the plot. For example... It is told in the first game that Alessa was burned alive, probably by her mother, in order to stop Samael from using her. But... She lives, somehow, in the hospital. Lisa watches over her all the time, and wonders what's keeping her alive. The theory of her only having half her soul, might be a result of the tremendous injury and pain from the fire. But... At some point she dies. Or, atleast, she is reborn. This is when Harry and his wife finds her as a baby. They adopt her, and name her Cheryl. Perhaps the scorched body of Alessa lives on, even though she has been reborn as Cheryl, and when Alessa finally dies, Samael summons Cheryl, and Harry, to Silent Hill in order for them to complete the ritual and manifestation of Samael into our world. But something that's more likely to be true, in my opinion, is that the scorched body lives on, so that Samael has some power in our world, but it's not enough to change it completely. He then summons Cheryl to Silent Hill, and with her help, he can be complete. The "Nightmare" states of the school and hospital can be explained by these theories: Samael want to create a "Paradise" for all of humanity (as suggested in SH3), but he has no knowledge of what paradise would be to a human. Since he has possessed Alessa, the only source of information available to him, are her memories. But Alessa has no pleasant memories... She has only experienced nightmares. At school, the kids teased and hazed her and called her a witch, because of her powers, and therefor the school is the first place to be turned into the "Nightmare" state. The walls look scorched, from the fire experience she had, and this manifest itself everywhere, probably since it was such a traumatic experience. Then the hospital room had a grating floor (which also manifest itself in most "Nightmare" places) and since the hospital is a very important place to Alessa, that is also turned into "Nightmare" early. Then the rest of the town start to change into all of this. Then the characters. There are only a few people "allowed" to be in Silent Hill, and those are connected Alessa or Cheryl in some way. Harry was Cheryl's father, and since Cheryl wanted to be with him, he didn't disappear or turn into a monster. Also Dahlia was Alessas mother, and Alessa probably saw some comfort with her, so she could be there aswell. Lisa watched over Alessa in the hospital all the time, so Alessa knew that she was no monster, like the rest of the town and the kids at school (they are monsters to Alessa because of what they did to her). OR maybe Alessas "Paradise" was to just kill everyone that made her life hell, or show them what a hell it was, and therefor this occured with Samael's powers. I don't know how Cybil fits in though. Perhaps Cheryls way of trying to help Harry. Everyone needs a friend, right? Same with the items you find everywhere. It's like a fight between Alessa and Cheryl sometimes. Alessa wins over Cheryl a bit when Cybil is possessed and tries to kill Harry. Then we have the Doctor and the drugs... I have no real theories about this... Was he one of the doctors standing over Alessa, planning on the whole thing? Anyway. I have to go to bed now, but tell me what you think of my theories, and I'll read it in the morning.
Yeah, that's just crazy. Harry's flying around with the aliens. =) 'Tis a shame James wasn't in the SH3 UFO ending... But I can't complain too much... The UFO ending in SH3 rocked. Love that song!!
SPOLER! Could someone please explain something to me? In SH1 and 3, Alessa is the reason the town is so fucked up. From her nightmares, and being the mother of God, she has powers, and people called her a witch. But... In SH2... Where the hell does everything come from? I mean... James is no witch. Is he? He has no powers. Still... Most things revolve around him there. Does he have some connection to Alessa? Or was Mary and Alessa in the SH hospital at the same time? In those deep underground, wierd hospital rooms? I haven't seen every ending in SH2 yet, so if it is explained in one of them, just let me know. Otherwise... Could someomne explain? =/
Well, I've only faced it once... But... I don't think that i's attacks are supposed to have a purpose. Maybe that's just his worst thought's about what could happen to... uh... spoiler. Won't say who. But you know.
I got Adobe Premiere yesterday actually (warez iso) and it's great for video editing! I could give it to youe. PM me about it. Btw, I have all the Silent Hill games, and I know I can rip all the movies from SH1 since it's only PSX, but I can try to rip them from SH2 and 3 aswell... If you'd like. =) But... We're there any FMV's in SH3? The graphics we're too good for that.
I love the silent hill games... and i have analyzed the connections between SH1 and 3, but i couldn't find any real contradictions... not that i recall anyways. what did you have in mind? oh btw... i've only beaten SH2 once, when i rented it, but i'm getting the directors cut edition for christmas (finally) so i'll be able to analyze that aswell. because i have no idea how all the "freakyness" appeared in Silent Hill in that game. it was pretty clear in the other games, with Alessa and that religion and all... but in SH2... i'm perplexed.