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Everything posted by StarZander

  1. He tried this in the game. He bangs and shouts with all his might, but they can't hear him, even though they're just outside his door.
  2. Didn't ifirit just cover all that?
  3. I'm not sure if that made me less, or more, confused. But I'm hoping for less. The part where Heather "aborted" god, she swallowed whatever was in the pendant that she got from Harry. What was this pendant, and what was it that she swallowed? Where did Harry get this? (sorry for just adding questions, but I haven't played the games for a while, so I don't remember enough at the moment, to add to a discussion)
  4. Heather lived in Portland. Not Ashfield. They say this in SH3, didn't you ever notice? Common mistake. Heather grew up in Portland before Harry shot the "crazy occult guy". She moved after the incident. The name of the town where the first half of the game takes place is unknown. Many people overlook this fact and assume that it takes place in Portland. Now, stop doubting my information! Alright alright, I shouldn't doubt you, but we all make mistakes. I've seen you do it too But okay, here's a question... Alessa was one of the children from Wish house, and she got her powers, but did she have them since birth, or did they evolve throughout her years at that place, just like with Walter? Also, about Alessa... She seems to be a neverending cycle of rebirth (like a phoenix) because when she dies, she is reborn. She is both the mother, and the child of god, right? Been a while since I played SH3, but I think that's how they said it. But... Did this cycle begin with Alessa? Or were there others like her before her? And if not... Why did it begin with her?
  5. Heather lived in Portland. Not Ashfield. They say this in SH3, didn't you ever notice?
  6. Quoted for emphasis on LOL
  7. *bump* We can't let this glorious (well, it was in it's younger days) thread just die out. We need to get some theories going here! SH4 didn't leave room for many though.
  8. Post it anyway.
  9. Hmm. So why weren't they all floaty like everything else? Why turn them into a big-ass demon that flaunts the laws of physics like they were the speed limit. Maybe the victims that fly around, were sacraments 12+? Since the first 10 were killed differently, and were in a different phase of it all. Or maybe just for fun.
  10. I must say I really miss the flashlight, or really the need for it. This game has been way too bright. Every area has lights, and it just ruins alot of atmosphere. It is SUPPOSED to be dark in most places! I read a preview of the game, right after E3, and they complained alot about the lack of darkness. I can see what they meant now. The lack of a radio didn't really bother me. I never really notice it anyway. They should have made it like the "Born from a wish" scenario in SH2, where you didn't have a flashlight nor a radio. But it was still dark, and the music didn't change every time you met a mannequin, so they freaked me out a few times there, popping up, when the camera shifts, since they're so silent. Something else I didn't like about SH4, was the lack of significance of the main character. In the previous games, the main character was on a quest to find someone or something inside all the madness, or they were the actual reason for the madness, or both. But in SH4 it's like Henry just happened to be there and thought to himself "Hmm, mosters are coming out of the walls, and I'm being teleported to various areas through my bathroom wall. Let's check this out, there's nothing good on TV anyway." and he just doesn't seem to care about anything that he does throughout the game. He hardly ever says anything, and when he does, he sounds like a moron. The fact that he was the last sacrament didn't make him one bit more interesting. Henry is no hero. He is just a passer-by who had nothing better to do at the moment.
  11. I was thinking last night, and even though the games in the series are going way downhill, there has been one splendid constant throughout the games, that hasn't deteriorated or anything. It's just as great as it was in the first game; The music. When I beat SH4 I was so sick of it, that I didn't think I'd play it again for months. But I was listening to it's OST yesterday, over and over, and I felt like playing the game again, just because of the great music. This fact comforts the idea of Akira Yamaoka coproducing the SH movie. There is still hope.
  12. Wow, did that game dissappoint me. Frustrating, tiresome and oh so repetitive. If they make a SH5, then I might just throw up. I'm too tired and too depressed over this game now, to write something big about it.
  13. I like how they've put the bunnies from SH3 i the game. The one in Eileens room creeps me out, but I like the floating heads of the dolls/suits that you can se in the air when you look out the bedroom window.
  14. Old, but cool nonetheless.
  15. Well, here in sweden it's being released on the same dat as the PS2 and XBOX version. Which is on the 16th.
  16. Damn you. Damn you all. Still a week until it's released here... And I don't have any money. If anyone spoils anything, I will personally bitchslap you to hell.
  17. I suppose you only mean the mp3's then?
  18. ifirit, get on MSN, right now! Please.
  19. 'Tis true!
  20. Yeah, I killed Cybil the first time aswell, but then I had no idea I could save her. But yeah, since there are 5 endings in SH1, you should try to get them all
  21. Well, I did that quiz aswell, and I got Harry Mason. Fits pretty well, imo. Now, I should post something good here, probably, but I don't have anything to say, really. I'm just trying to get the willpower to play SH3 again, and I'm trying to get hold of all the resident evil games... Felt like playing them, until SH4 is released here. Whatever.
  22. Good to see you posting again ifirit. Hope to see you on msn sometime soon aswell, if possible. Got lots and lots to tell ya. See ya around.
  23. Aah, well I guess having an entire forum about Silent Hill, will generate a few spam threads about it, but having only a single thread in a gaming forum, is different. Then only the more serious SH gamers come out to play, and write theories.
  24. I tend to like wild speculation, as long as it's still reasonable. But yes, many theories lack a good foundation, but I haven't heard any REALLY ridiculous theories though. Could you give me an example of these retarded ones?
  25. The Lost Memories book is cool, all in all, but it ruins everything for people like us, who love to theorize about these games, since now the SH team have made theory into fact. They just took the fun out of it, but I'll just be stubborn and claim that they're WRONG, and that I'm right. Yeah, that's what I'll do. Yeah...
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