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Posts posted by KakTheInfected

  1. After playing some Elite Beat Agents, I can safely say I was right about the music totally sucking and dampening the game experience...but, it's still the same old gameplay and it's pretty addictive nonetheless.

  2. I have been playing quite a bit with a bunch of people from another board. The only problem is the game is so addicting and you don't realize how much time passes when you're playing stupid games of poker and rummy.

  3. Also, I kinda remember Japan having strict export legislation to avoid exporting crappy products... how is this interfering with the battery fiasco?

    Apparently they don't, I still see PSPs in stores.

    Ba-da ba ba-da bum.

  4. I've played Custom Robo for GCN a few times. I didn't like it; the controls were slow to respond, mainly because I couldn't fire and run at the same time, and the arenas were too small. The ability to run while firing your gun in the DS one should fix the first problem to some extent, but how big are the arenas? Overall, if the game will be as big an improvement as Mario Kart DS was over Double Dash, then I'll keep an eye on it. And if the game isn't out yet, I'm assuming you played it at the Fusion Tour or something?

    The controls seem fine to me. The only weapon I've noticed you have to stop to fire are missiles (and that's pretty much because they have to be aimed). Some guns make you stop too, but instead of firing a burst, they fire one shot at a time and can fire faster depending on how fast you mash the button. There is almost zero lag too.

    I'm playing the Japanese version, by the way.

  5. So, is anyone getting Custom Robo Arena in December? I cannot stress enough just how good this game is, which sucks even worse because I'm terrible with descriptions. It's easily the best online game on the DS right now, even better than Hunters.

    In the RPG portion, you go around and fight other people from rival schools and whatnot (blah blah blah typical Japanese stuff) and collect parts for your robo as you advance the storyline. Once you buy the parts in the RPG portion, you can use them online.

    The weapons are nicely balanced and each serve a purpose. Guns can be fired while sliding so you can attack while still avoiding fire, missiles can be lobbed over walls, pod weapons will chase your enemy (think snarks from Half-Life) and you can boost yourself at the enemy if they get too close and cause a lot of damage.

    I know I'm babbling and a lot of people probably already know all of this from the GameCube game but...wow, online is so damn fun.

    And the game is beautiful, too. One stage has you fighting on top of a stealth fighter with boxes on top of it. The boxes slide everywhere as the fighter tilts and the shadow work is pretty damn amazing for a DS game.

  6. Anybody have Starfox Command? How is it?


    also how is contact?

    Star Fox is good for multiplayer and online. The single player sucks, yes, but if you can play multiplayer it's certainly worth a purchase.

    And Contact is both incredibly good and incredibly boring. It's one of the games where, when you die, you don't feel like playing again for about an hour but you never truly feel like just quitting.

    Edit: Found another goofy reference in Contact. "I wish a base like this belonged to us."

  7. I think the reference is the fact that "goons" and "something awful" are used in the same sentence.

    Unless of course, you mean "goons wrecked them up something awful", which would be a really strange coincidence.

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