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Posts posted by KakTheInfected

  1. The only major problem I've had so far is the controller de-syncing (no idea if that's a word) itself after playing some NES games.

    And downloads are REAL slow, but that could just be because there isn't much RAM in the system.

  2. Sorta, kinda, maybe relevant picture about the infinitely superior PC controls:


    Unfortuntaely, 360 games are designed to use a controller. Using a mouse would make them too easy (remember the Resistance guys said the same thing about using a mouse with the game on PS3? that alone should tell you how much better a mouse is over a joystick).

    Besides, $80 is a bit steep for hardware that isn't fully supported.

  3. At the very least, PS3 is. I don't know about the 360 since they're building everything around the Xbox Live service and they are not tacking on online browsers just because they can.

    You do realize that it will probably have a browser before the end of it's lifetime right? Xbox Live is the only thing that seperates it from a PC, but is Xbox Live worth giving up a mouse and keyboard for?

    As for the "reasonable price" issue, I think you're missing the point. You're not really getting gimped on anything with $400-$600 machine which is basically mostly a gaming machine + media centers. And PCs, unless you rig it up with HUNDREDS of dollars of improvements, tends to not be media centers and especially not directly conducive to high definition feed unless, again, you pump hundreds into upgrading it. Maybe add a purely high definition CRT/flatscreen monitor to top it off. That's a few hundreds. I remember like about five years ago, I spent $300 on a single graphics card.

    Again, you're overestimating the cost of a PC on par with those systems. Will they cost more? Absolutely. Even so, the fact that the PC can do so much more aside from gaming justifies it costing more than a console. Trying to say a console is worth buying because of exclusives is acceptable, but if you're going to try and argue that it's worth it's price at $600, it's just not going to work out in your favor. There is no reason to spend $600 on a system that you can't even play games on while downloading demos.

    In the VooDoo days, I spent $250 easily on middle-of-the-road graphics cards that became obsolete within about a year. I'll take the 4 or 5 year lifespan of a 360 or PS3 any day in terms of price. Oh, I agree 100% that PCs can do more. But again, I do not see how you can directly correlate the home console, living room experience that can cost a thousand dollars less than emulating the same for a PC.

    But you realize, those console graphics get outdated every time a new line of video cards is released too. It's not like they're magically going to stay on par with PC visuals as more powerful CPUs and video cards come. I don't know about you, but I don't like the idea of paying so much for a system that I can't upgrade in the future.

    That said, when the 360 price drop comes, I'll probably get one. Right now, $400 is an awful lot to pay for Xbox Live and graphics that will look old a year from now.

    And I disagree that the gaming control is "not as good as the PC". I mean, I play PC games ALL THE TIME, and there's something good about the fact that all the controls are controllable within two fistfuls of a game controller. And besides, unlike PCs, now gaming consoles are fully wireless. PS3, 360, Wii, all of them. There is no need to do so with PCs since people sit in front of the screen all day anyway.

    There are very few genres a console controller does better than a mouse/keyboard (fighting games, for example), but for the most part, you absolutely cannot beat a PC when it comes to controls.

    Why would I want to play FPS on 360 when I could have precise aiming? Why would I play an RTS on the PS3 when I could just use a mouse to accurately select and target units? Why would *anyone* play GTA on a console when you have to use that god awful aiming system? Most PC games are so complex and use so many keys that, quite frankly, it would just be impossible to play them using a joypad.

    And you're absolutely right about the wireless thing, but the fact of the matter is, wireless keyboards and mice *are* available. I rarely play PC games on my monitor anymore, unless it's an FPS because they're just easier to play sitting closer to the screen.

  4. Not to change the topic but...what is everyone's thoughts on the Wiimote speaker so far?

    At first, I really didn't like it, but after I turned it off, it really felt like something was missing, especially in Zelda. The only thing that bothers me about it is sometimes it plays sounds that are coming out of your TV/surround speakers too, which is pretty distracting.

  5. Well, my issue with the 360/PS3 is the fact that both consoles are trying too hard to be PCs at this point. Even though they do have exclusive games that can't be had anywhere else, a lot of their other games can be played on a PC with better controls, and $4-600 is getting a little ridiculous to pay for, what is basically, a gimped PC.

    Even Nintendo has started to go in that direction with the Wii (Photo, Weather and News Channel) but at least the price is somewhat reasonable. The DS is probably the only current system I really don't have a problem with when it comes to this.

  6. You're absolutely right, but PCs now exceed the power and visual capability of both the PS3 and 360. They're only going to look better with DX10 and newer video cards (obviously).

    Don't get me wrong, I know PCs are more expensive. I just think it's worth paying since they do so much more than consoles can ever do when it comes to games.

  7. A 15-20 inch CRT screen is not the same thing as 40+ inch plasma television with superior clarity to anything before it. I mean, I have one right now and the difference is clear as long as you have the high definition content to make use of it.

    You are aware that many people these days, especially gamers, have flat screen LCD monitors right?

    And another thing is that a PC is not the same thing as a home console you play on a living room. It's simply the different type of mindset. I do agree that with some games on the PC in the last few years, it does things that at the very least, almost rivals what a 360 can do (because not everyone is gung ho enough to have a tricked out tri-processor computer that could easily cost in the $3000s). But it's not the same circumstance and the pricing is much more efficient on a home console in comparison to PCs. Again, just because I'm making a case for HD gaming, it's not like I'm bashing PCs here. It's just two different things when it's all said and done.

    Honestly, I think you're overestimating what it costs to make a PC as powerful as a 360. For example, I haven't even spent close to $3000 (under $1500 in fact) on my PC that I built nearly 4 years ago, and Oblivion looks better on it than it does on 360 (and even better, there are mods for Oblivion that give you even higher res textures for PC).

    Also, I have my PC hooked up to my TV and surround system. If it were easier to use a mouse/keyboard on my couch, I'd probably never use my monitor again.

    However, I can agree that a lot of people would rather just spend $400 than learn how to upgrade their PC.

  8. My cousin somehow mastered boxing the first time he played. He got clear to Pro without even seeing a single 2nd round just by doing jabs. I can't even get a normal jab to work on the goddamn Wiimote so I just use it for uppercuts :?

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