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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. This is an interesting clip where Adam Sessler from G4TV talks with authors Lawrence Kutner and Cheryl Olson of the book Grand Theft Childhood about their research. It's interesting because they found that not only did kids show risk of getting in trouble at school/home/etc. after playing violent/mature games, but also kids show risk from not playing games at all.


  2. Another arcade of ours got PIU Pro. Here are some videos. It's kind of hard to hear because it's so loud inside.

    Dance All Night(screen)

    Dr. M (full body + screen)

    Our arcade got SN2 a few weeks ago, and here's some AAAs I've done on it so far.









  3. Because games like Madden and Mario Party are two totally different concepts.

    With a game like Madden, you're playing football. That's it. The game is the same, and the football fields are the same. There's an updated roster every year, and maybe there's some graphical improvement here and there.

    With a game like Mario Party, it's a board game. Sure, there's different "rosters" of characters in Mario Party, but you're not playing the same board or the same mini-games in each title. It's the same game as the previous title, but with each title there are new boards and mini-games. It feels like a new game, so-to-speak.

    I do agree though that Mario Party 8 is pretty mediocre. :\

    I haven't play every single Mario Party, but I assume that some of the same mini games have been carried over to some of the newer titles?

  4. I can't fathom how people can stand to grind out CoD4's online gameplay. Shit bores me to tears.

    The same reason people do it for Halo 3. Halo 3 bores me to tears, yet I can play CoD4 for a few hours.

  5. phoenix wright is one game that would definitely work no problem with a DS emulator, which exists

    its definitely worth it, PLAY IT

    Great games should be purchased, not played on an emulator :P

    I just finished the 2nd game the other day, and finished the first case of #3 last night. I NEED TO CATCH UP!

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