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Everything posted by Horadrim_Bearer

  1. Simply a wonderful piece of music, has quite a happy theme, fits in with the original well. The author of this seems to like using piano with a few accompanyments in their mixes, but overall the effect pays off. Worth downloading.
  2. I personally dislike this mix. It takes away some of the quality the actual theme had (and, back then, it was low quality) I blame the original being so poor for this poor remix...
  3. One of the best mixes I've heard for this game in a while, and I listen to ALOT of these remixes. Rydia is one of the more popular characters, and this music gives justics to her name. I doubt Nobuo Uematsu, FF's own music composer could defeat this.
  4. It's a nice song, but i don't think the speechy bits should have been in it, IMHO they ruin an otherwise perfectly good mix.
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