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Majin GeoDooD

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Posts posted by Majin GeoDooD

  1. Well, I can tell you that GE Money is legit. They're the guys that provide PayPal's Buyer Credit line (of which I have $250 of).

    What I couldn't tell you is why they'd have your number. Maybe someone got credit with them, charged it up, and provided a false number that happened to be yours?

  2. Can't find the Tech 21. I see a Tech 30 for a lot more, which has good reviews; I also noticed this one but GC has a 5 star review for the Roland Cube you listed and this only got 4:


    Mm. Musing. I'll hit Guitar Center tomorrow and see if they have any of the Rolands and Marshalls on the floor for comparison probably, after I finish getting fingerprinted.

    (Edit: Yes, I did just change the constraints and flirt with a $120 amp)

    From everything I've heard the Roland should be a much better amp than the Marshall.

    Do they not make the Trademark 10 anymore? I can't seem to find it anywhere. That would be a great pick if you could find one for the right price.


    Per Tech 21's site:


    This unit has been

    discontinued and replaced by:


  3. Thanks guys, that X1950 looks like a possibility. I've never really gone about upgrading a video card like this; is it pretty much plug and play?

    Plug and play yes, just make sure theres room in your case for it. The X1950 cards use dual slot cooling and are much longer than lower end cards (9" or so).

  4. Well.. you can go with a near top card from last generation - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814241063R or you can go with an 8600GT - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130085

    The X1950XT is a near top of the line card from last gen (DX9), and the 8600GT is a current gen lower end card (DX10). Both would be a huge step up from the 6100. I'm pretty sure the ATI card will outperform the nVidia card, but the nVidia card has the DX10 advantage.. which of course wouldn't matter if you don't use Vista.

  5. The new E8x00 series are amazing. They should be in retail within the next week hopefully.. I'm gonna pick up an E8400 when I upgrade. I forgot that its tax return time, so I'll be upgrading within a month, yay! :)

    You should definitely pick up one of those unless you're really going for a quad core.

  6. IRC clients

    mIRC, duh :)

    instant messangers

    I've always used DeadAIM, you need to use an outdated version of AIM for it to work right, but I hate the new AIM anyway :)

    browsers (I've already downloaded Firefox)

    It never hurts to have a few installed.. I have IE7, Opera (main browser), Firefox, and Safari.

    BitTorrent clients

    Personally I use BitTornado.


    FCEUltra, ZSNES, Gens, VisualBoyAdvance, No$GBA, Project 64, etc.

    media players

    For music.. Winamp, unless you have an iPod, for which you'll probably want iTunes.

    For video.. Media Player Classic w/ QT and Real Alternative (if needed). Always get the latest ffdshow for your codec needs.

  7. Contacted you on Myspace tonight. Tried serveral times on Aim, but it always says your offline...

    Should've said I was away, I was at work. Just got your msg on MySpace.


    Hmm.. seems MySpace is lame and you have to be my friend for me to reply. The card is in excellent condition, I've had it for about 2 years and its been out of my PC sitting in its original box since spring this year. Since I'm on the east coast and you're on the west coast shipping is gonna be $8 for USPS Priority Mail. My PayPal e-mail is neomajingeodood@hotmail.com

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