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Posts posted by phill

  1. There are still a few bugs in the BuiltinVotes extension, although it appears to be working correctly for multiple-choice votes. The remaining bugs appear to affect Yes/No votes only. Having said that, I'm not really updating BuiltinVotes any more...

    Who is? or is the plan to let it die?

  2. Why dont ya'll use Dynmap? It's hella tight MC Fukka Slut.

    The host bitches that it's too memory/CPU intensive, especially for legacy maps. They say they will allow it while in the same breath stating the server will be shut down until removed if it's found to be the cause of high cpu/mem usage. So, instead of pocking the bear, I continue to create the map.

    Edit:Plus, mine looks better :P

  3. {edit 2} - Just a warning. Fire DOES spread. I don't have a way of preventing it at the moment. So, be warned: Pyros who start forest fires will be banned swiftly and for a decent amount of time.

    Fire spread should be fixed, as should creeper explosions and ender block moving.

  4. AncientGates - No available update at the moment.

    CraftIRC - Updated

    *Essentials - Updated, little broken

    *Multiverse - Seems to break servers, will wait before grabbing it.

    *PermissionsEX - Updated

    RocketBoots - Installed, not tested, to lazy

    VoxelSniper - Working but doesn't effect most of you.

    *WorldEdit - Not Working

    *WorldGuard - Not Working

    So essentials isn't doing it's job correctly, creepers may spawn and do damage to blocks, so watch yourselves when playing.

  5. Looks like Bukkit just released their Recommended Build for 1.2.4. Have to ensure plugins are updated and compatible, so the server should be up to date soon.

    Edit: Should take note of the fact that the API changes to Bukkit has kinda thrown the plugin community for a loop, so between the API changes and general inactivity over the past little bit, some plugins may be inactive for a while.

  6. Ugh...

    Does anyone know when bukkit will update?

    I know it's a stupid question to ask, but I feel like it's one that needs to be asked.

    I'm less worried about bukkit coming out then I am about the plug-ins. I still expect a good two weeks before bukkit has a stable RB but some of the more important plugins could take a while longer.

  7. If you forget, I've got a copy of the 1.1 bin on my website:


    {edit} - Oh, shit! Somehow the server settings got reset. Fire is now spreading and creepers explode. Damnit. I'll be fixing that now. I recommend waiting until I have it fixed to hop on.

    {edit 2} - It looks like it's Itch's fault. I hopefully fixed it, but we might need to load a backup to repair the damage.

    So, it wasn't my fault, it was Clanforge installing the incorrect version of some plugins. All fixed...the plugin problem, check your stuff to make sure there isn't to much damage.

  8. As is often the case, the OCR MC server will wait till a Recommended build of Bukkit is released. If you want to play with the new stuff and on the server I suggest backing up your bin folder prior to updating. If the server is your life, don't update till the server is updated.

  9. Penis jokes aside, what is it with the OCAD server?

    And here I am wondering how a giant hole might play perfectly into a giant penis joke.

    On an unrelated not, I am impressed at how minecraft has matured since the early days; all the programmers that have been brought on to work on it have done a wonderful job moving it forward.

    Also, I foresee a month long wait for bukkit when the next update comes out so everyone should be prepared for that.

  10. I tried to link to the server, but it says I'm not white listed!

    maybe he forgot?

    I'm not sure what he did, but he sure as hell didn't added Auronon to the whitelist. So this guy had to come along and save the day again.

    Edit: and by that I mean I've added you to the whitelist Doommasterfourteen

  11. Can I possibly get whitelisted? I've been looking for a new server for a while since the one I used to frequent got shut down :(

    Username is MoombaDS

    MoombaDS has been added to the whitelist.

    Just make sure to read the /rules, /sethome, and label anything you build. Be sure not to build in anyone else's claims. Here's a map to help out:


    You can right-click, "show claims" to see what's taken.

  12. I'm told that there has been a Minecraft update, same rules apply as always, don't update if you want to play on the server. Once Bukkit comes out, which will hopefully not be to long.....we will update everything.

    Oh, right and donate to aba.

  13. Ok ya cheap bastards, it's time to pay up or get out....well maybe not get out, I won't prevent anyone from playing....but yeah, pay up anyways with absolutely no repercussions if you don't....Long story short, Abadoss here just renewed the server for another 6months with an added 500mb of memory and I am sure he would appreciate some donations to offset the costs.

    You don't have to be like me, and give him $20 but something is better then nothing and the standard seems to be $5 anyways. Now get your wallets out and stop being freeloading assholes.

    Donate Here

  14. Oh, haha. Username's 'Kenogu', then. Thanks! :)

    You should be good to go, here is the main world map http://minecraft.angryitch.com/ just right click and 'show claims' to see who owns what. If you want to set up on the new map, type /spawn, go up the stairs just behind you, to the portal room and take the portal marked "brave new world" or something like that. At some point, all the other maps along with any markers/claims, will be added to the google map I created.

  15. Flatgrass is a little weird, Abas portal isn't near the map spawn and map spawn isn't anywhere near 0,64,0. What I did learn is that the area around 0,64,0 is fairly nice.

    Hopefully I will be able to get off my ass this week and put together maps and markers on all the maps, minus nether.

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