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Posts posted by phill

  1. don't sit there and shit all over the music, calling it "fucking micspam" or other things like that.

    Most people who play OCR music seem to be more then willing to stop if more then one person asks nicely. Even if they don't stop, it's not like muting a player is hard so why bitch?

  2. I suspect there's some regional language differences, so I'll clarify that college and university are interchangeable terms to me. I'm 21, if that helps pin it down. Alternately, you use university to refer to a graduate degree program?

    Colleges around these parts, Canada, result in primarily diplomas where as University result in degrees (bachelors, masters and doctorates).

    I was kinda hoping to break the top 50 before the state reset, but whatever.

  3. Real Life will no doubt play a part in my gaming patterns later on, but for now I have surprisingly little homework. (Final semester in college, you KNOW it's going to be rough.)

    What's up with that, my final semester of college was an absolute bitch where as my final semester of university is shaping up to be a cake walk. It's like they have actual expectations of you in college.

    I'm actually looking forward to the stats reset, if only so Frogg can stop topping the player list with twice the points of second place.

    You expect someone else will top the charts after the reset?

  4. So far the only ones who suggested a restart are people who havn't played in a while / ever =P

    New map is up.. missed a spot :/

    My map is updated as well, and since my photoshop script now works correctly, I will be adding markers again.

  5. Not 100% sure this will work, but you could go the host file route and modify the permissions such that your account only has "read" and "read & execute" rights to it. I believe user permissions will supersede group permissions so even if you are in the administrator group it should prevent you from changing the file afterwards. Catch is once you make the changes to the permissions, you won't be able to change permissions any further, so you will need to either create a second account in the admin group or have another user who is in the admin group on the computer change it for you.

    Been a while since I've had to deal with permissions like this, so this is more a educated guess.

  6. I also deleted all of brushes stuff and unbanned him but set it so he cannot set blocks and just spins in circles and cries

    For anyone who's wonder about this, this is what happens when you don't give crowbar your lunch money. So go here and "donate" now

  7. I still want to see what happens when we pit Frogg + Medic vs. entire enemy team.


    I've played against Frogg when he's got the shaft and ended up on a useless team, same thing right? Even with his pocket medic the end result was my first domination of Frogg.

  8. not having to load and leave things in memory will be fixed when there's a real install. they'll be able to dump stuff from chunks that are farther away and not continue to leave them in the memory.

    That has nothing to do with a proper install/er though and everything to do with a poorly designed piece of software. A proper installer may help with the footprint on the hard drive, but given the fact that most of the current files are minecraft specific, it won't do much. Since minecraft is more or less feature complete, notch and his team can go back and fix problems like the way chunks are loaded/unloaded and in doing so, fix the ridiculous memory usage.

  9. it uses 500mb of ram because it doesn't have an install - it's gotta load everything it uses into the ram. if/when they build an installer, it'll be much less.

    A Minecraft installer won't fix the huge memory footprint, notch and his team need to sit down and redo how resources are loaded, i.e. not loading everything under the sun when they might need it. Then again, there are a number of things that have to be completely overhauled.

  10. It's a script for photoshop that takes the image that crowbar makes, slices and dices it up so that it can be used as a tile set in google maps. Minecraft overviewer does the same thing but I was not impressed by the 2+hours it took to do a smaller server map or the resulting 900mb of png. If your world isn't ~200mb in size, I would suggest mcmap to generate a single map image.

    Also, the new map is up, doesn't look like I broke anything in the script.

  11. For deleting from the command line, something you may want to try is to run cmd as an admin. Easiest way to do this is to type 'cmd' into the start menu search box and hit Ctrl + Shift + Enter.

    Thumbnails may have been disabled somehow, to check open up 'folder options' in the control panel, select the view tab and the first option should not be checked. Explorer not loading the Computer folder is rather odd, can't say that I have seen that before so, but I will think about it and I may come up with something other then a repair install or restoring a previous backup.

    Could still be a hard drive problem even if it is new, it's not unheard of for computers to arrive with broken parts.

  12. ...interpolation (client side lag prediction)....Also clearly his name is MikeInc what kind of name is MattInc?

    Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa......WHOA. He is seriously adding interpolation? *checks blog* huzzah. Lets hope it's done right so weird shit doesn't happen.

    As for "MattInc" the guy wonders into IRC and I'm wondering how he could screw up his own name? :P

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