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    Code Tycoon

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  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Synthesis & Sound Design

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  1. Glad you posted that link. I had some old cds from 2000-2001 with songs on them I couldn't identify. They were labelled OCR, but a few didn't seem to be mentioned in the removed songs changelog. That's one less minor mystery in my life.
  2. I started playing instruments when I was about 10, took a break, discovered OCR about 10 years ago, and started messing around with Impulse Tracker. Then due to some personal crap I wound up not focusing on music for about 6 years. Now I'm getting back into it and I must say that the stuff I used to do is borderline embearassing, but at the time I thought it was awesome. Heck, stuff I did 2 months ago sounds like a joke to me now. One of these days I'm eventually going to feel like I've progressed to the point of submitting some remixes, but for now I'm just having fun improving my skills and listening to game music for ideas.
  3. I must say I really dig this remix. I agree that the saw wave was a little harsh but if it was changed up a bit to take some of the bite off of it it would fit in with the rest of the song amazingly. It's a shame that the size restrictions require the song to be edited, because the ten minute mix was good.
  4. ^ This. Other games that I own and can reccommend: Me and my Katamari: Pretty good port of the series if you're a fan. Its at least worth a try. Rock Band Unplugged: A surprisingly addictive game even without gimmicky peripherals. Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions: An update of the ps1 title. Good if you like tactical rpgs. Jeanne D'arc: Better gameplay than FFT in some ways. Pretty decent game overall. Crisis Core FF VII: Really repeatitive, but good if you're a fan of the series. Metal Slug Anthology: Collection of some of the best. Arcade games. Ever. Actually any of the collections or anthologies are pretty good and usually cheap. R-Type Command: Im a huge fan of the R-Type series and strategy games, so this is a good title in my opinion. GTA Chinatown Wars: People hate on this game, but I dig the old school top-down GTA style.
  5. Happy 10th OCR! I remember finding this site in December of 99 when I was trying to find a place to download some FF VII songs for a friend. I bookmarked the site, spent about 30 minutes each downloading 3 or 4 MP3s from the site on the crappy dial-up connection that I had at the time, and have been hooked ever since. I'd check the site weekly to see if anything new had been posted, and spent another 20-30 minutes each (man my internet connection was crappy). I remember being excited when there were enough remixes on the site to fill up an audio cd. Man. Good times. I need to come around more.
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