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Everything posted by keiiii

  1. Sent in a little more. Looking forward to seeing the new goal met!
  2. Could I have my name all in lower case? My current name is Keiiii, and I would like it to be keiiii. (it's got four i's, BTW) Thanks in advance!
  3. Sent in $10, possibly more coming later in the month. Keep up the awesome work!
  4. I got your test message thingie. Can't wait for the preview!
  5. Yaaaay! I really want a "project artist" banner for my sig... What's the font used for that? I can edit it myself if I have the font.
  6. Ugh, tinnitus. Mine is so loud, I can't hear past 16k on normal volumes. But if I turn it up I can hear up to 18k. I'm 28.
  7. Archangel: Ooh! I listened to the stuff on your page and now I'm really looking forward to seeing (or listening) your contributions for the project! Don't completely ditch your Japanese test, though. XD (I minored in Japanese... Most of my Japanese classes were among my favorite classes) *flies off to the project forum* :0
  8. Well, it was just her face. Pictures that have the whole body, backgrounds, etc. are usually more time-consuming. So are there any specific themes and stuff you have in mind for the project artwork(s)?
  9. Yay! Thanks for the warm welcome! Looking forward to doing more detailed pictures for this project, and to listening to all the awesome music
  10. HAY GAIZ. I'm the new artist Rozovian mentioned. Here's a quick picture I just made to say hi and decorate this page of our thread! Bonus: here's something else I did for another project. It's of the Mana series as a whole, not really specific to SD3.
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