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Red Omen

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Everything posted by Red Omen

  1. XD
  2. Sigil and Red Night Sky, SVP. If you're taking originals, then replace RNS with Tir Calaan. They're more... interesting than Global. *glare at analoq* Except Tir Cal.
  3. In the future, when you get prank call-ins, please hang up and ignore them. We don't want to listen to them defecating on your show any more than you do.
  4. Damn, I missed a drunk call-in? That sounds like comedy gold. I'm going to have a website, or a vague semblance thereof, by the show this Saturday. Yes.
  5. I'm sure you submitting it feels like yesterday. *wheeze* You know it! Once I get decent web space, I'll resubmit it a second time (already resubmitted once, around April). Wow. This actually was quite a while ago.
  6. Well, actually it isn't a recent submission; I submitted it back in February. I appreciate you delaying it.
  7. Hell yeah, Mitsuda is definitely sexier than Justin Timberlake! It may just my opinion, but don't discount Masato Nakamura either. He's fine! No, I mean the background music. And I'm afraid I'm currently unaware of the relative sexitude of Nakamura-san. Is he the Secret of Mana composer? Hiroki Kikuta is the Secret of Mana composer, but Masato Nakamura composed the music for Sonic 1 & 2. He's also got tons of JPop under his belt with Dreams Come True. I did recognize the riffage at the end of the bumper as a tiny section from the song "Chrono Trigger". Sorry if I missed anything else, RO. Ah, the Sonic guy. Sorry, I haven't got much experience with Sega. And yes, that's from To Far Away Times, the end theme from CT. --- More importantly, I have a request to make. Please do not play Global Control this Saturday. I'd prefer that you wait until the next time, for two reasons: a) I have a football game, and I'd miss it. It's going to take some time before the people at Snake Inc are ready to give me an account. Then I'd have to upload everything. So, please wait till the 20th. (I'd also prefer that you do it within the first hour, as that's all I can listen to.) Thanks.
  8. Hell yeah, Mistuda is definitely sexier than Justin Timberlake! It may just my opinion, but don't discount Masato Nakamura either. He's fine! No, I mean the background music. And I'm afraid I'm currently unaware of the relative sexitude of Nakamura-san. Is he the Secret of Mana composer?
  9. Not a problem. I enjoyed doing it. I noticed a problem with the voice stuff as well. See, when I recorded my voice into the mike, my parents were in the house, and I had to keep kinda quiet, ya know. I'll record it again, more rambunctiously, and see if I can reproduce the background music. I'm glad Juverna liked it. I trust you recognized the bit at the end? Thank you very much. I would definitely have preferred you do it next week, as I will probably have my website more or less prepared by then and maybe even be in the AIM room myself. I have to download the thing first. Geez, I have so many messenger programs... Also, were you still considering doing remixer originals? I have some suggestions (i.e., Beatdrop's Cherry Blossom Whirlwind and Jared Hudson's Colliding Worlds and Final Showdown, among other things).
  10. Indeed it does. Too bad his net doesn't work.
  11. Yes, it's 9. http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/fireadept/wmrebump.mp3
  12. I hear you talking about Incredible Singing Robot. Go you. Lots of delay on the framerate. Now SGX. Wait... "hizzy"? Technology's great, eh?
  13. WHAA-HA!!! :D If you're gonna play something by me, please do so before 11 (10 Central). That's when I gotta shut it down. Do I need a fast connection for this? I've got 56k. I might toss together a bumper.
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