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Red Omen

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Everything posted by Red Omen

  1. So I guess DarkeSword was just trolling when he made this thread. Either that or he forgot.
  2. Christ appeared to Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:3-4).
  3. You know Helena Bonham Carter's in all his movies because he's boning her, right?
  4. Lot of familiar faces here. Lot of unfamiliar ones too. ... I don't trust new things. GET OFF MY LAWN
  5. Hah, someone found it. I didn't expect too many people to examine it that closely. Just a little bit of trivia for the project. You can't see it at all on a printed copy - or at least I couldn't... You put that there? That's awesome! See, in the "speedy" ending, you get to meet all the developers. When you talk to Yasunori Mitsuda, who looks like Toma, that's what he says. Then he walks out the door and disappears.
  6. I feel the same way. The reason why it's like that is because I was approaching deadline - and the deadline was the day I moved into college. shh don't tell anyone
  7. Aw no <3 Eon? After all, *I* was finished my part on time. OH SHI- I guess I should fix those wallpapers with the dates on them too. Versions with no date on them will be out with the torrent anyway, I believe. Is anyone actually using them? I've gotten a few people mentioning they'd like versions with no logo or quote on them whatsoever. It's still related to the project, but it's not as much of an advertisment as the original. Anyone want unblemished versions? I'm up for it if people are after it. I'm using them. And hey, if it's easy to release unblemished versions, I wouldn't turn them down.
  8. http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/7354/chronomen1td.jpg http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/2592/chronomen1zg.jpg I feel like an asshole for screwing with your beautiful wallpaper, but I couldn't resist. Compy, I don't think that's possible. <3 Compy
  9. And the Lord did grin, and the people did feast upon the lambs, and sloths, and carp, and anchovies, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats, and...
  11. Track 8, definitely. I've never heard that artist before, but he sounds really good. o wait
  12. I don't know too much myself, but in general it refers to editing the volume levels and sound quality for a smooth, balanced mix.
  13. Now that I've started playing through CT again, I've started to anticipate this project more and more. DAMMIT COMPY STOP MAKING ME ANTICIPATE
  14. Okay, as long as you're in contact with him.
  15. My dad just gave him a tuba lesson on Friday. It might be kind of weird to call him and ask about this, though.
  16. Aww. I've been plugging this all day, and I come here to find the links aren't up. It's a shame we have to release late. Good luck, Compyfox.
  17. I hope you'll feature us on VG Frequency when the time comes. If so, I'll more than likely be available for an interview, should you feel so inclined.
  18. *Checks his official piano score* hmmmmm....its not in F# as far as I can tell. And it only has one sharp. Maybe using a user-homebrewed-midi for a resource makes it difficult. I know that was the case when I once took a peek at Frog's Theme in midi, and it was almost ALL in occidentals. but if you are going for the midi arrangement, I think you may just have to buck up and deal with it? good luck, you can do it! It seems as though they only changed it to G Major so as to make it easier to play. I've tested it against the recording, and it's very definitely in F#. It won't be a big problem.
  19. You are correct. F# B C# F#, E# F# G#, F# E# F# E# D# C# FEEL MY PAIN I'm not sure about how many bizarre modulations there are after that. The melody seems to all fit in F# major, but I don't know about the trumpet fanfare in the background.
  20. It wouldn't be the same. I might do it in F or G for my sanity, but it really does sound different. And it's not too bad once I get into it.
  21. Okay, I've finally sat down to focus on writing. And now I realize why nobody wanted to do Guardia Castle. It's in F# Major. Six sharps. AUGH.
  22. I've spoken to Claado Shou, and I'll be doing Guardia Castle. I'll tie up some loose ends with my current piece and get going.
  23. Your song was definately played. And nobody died. You gave my hamster an aneurysm, but the vet says he's stable for now.
  24. I like the pot euphemism in the title.
  25. That URL no longer works. Use http://www.redomen.com from now on.
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