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Posts posted by Navi

  1. Just a note, I've not been near my computer all weekend (Stranded at home) but I'll be trying to get back to it as soon as possible.


    In fact, I will not be much of a presence in this following week. Tests, exams, school stuff...

    But it's alright, most of my song is done, I just need to fix some production standarts (taking the chance to thank Ritcher :D ) and then add gitz and final production.

    Mr.Nazgul: If you wanna record another vocal WIP, it would be great!!

    Send me what you have as an almost final. I'm going to try and get back to my PC tomorrow and record music all day. I'll be working on it for sure.

  2. Plz. I am the man...o.

    In other news, SIR NUTS. SEND ME YOUR WAV!

    don't worry I already saved it to my jumpdrive and I will upload it next monday from work(where I have a decent connection), be patient please as

    uploading a wav from my crappy connection is not gonna happen :P

    EDIT: already sent the link to MN. I'll be looking forward to the completion and launch of this great project. Good luck people!

    Please keep the link up for a few days. I've been stranded away from my computer.

  3. i will say it won't be the same without larry's show, i sincerely enjoyed bugging all you ocr people and busting larry's proverbial radio frequencies.

    but at least we all have each other.

    right? or are my 15 minutes of fame finally over.


    We can always kick out Larry and replace him with you in the OCR panel. You have more refined tastes in music than he does anyway. ;)

    There's already one woman on the panel.

  4. I might also challenge him to meet me at Chinatown Fair for a few rounds, since we both live in New York.

    Well thank you for leaving me the fuck out! After Down With Bane, THIS is how you repay me??? :cry:

    I'm kidding, of course....Anyway, I'm thinking of Wu-Tanging this Fei Long theme; anyone have (or know where I can find) SFX/voice clips from some old martial arts movies?


    I've been searching the internet for months for Shaolin sound clips (you aint the only one whose been wanting to do a Wu Tang style mix ;)). Short of ripping them from the dvds, I have no idea how to find them...:(

    Shaolin shadowboxing...and the Wu Tang sword style...

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