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  • Real Name
    Danny Adler
  • Location
    College Park, MD
  • Occupation
    Multimedia Designer


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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Synthesis & Sound Design

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  1. Hello! I made a (album) mix and it uses a song that you collaborated with Sephfire on. I hope you like where I put it!


  2. Glad to be a part of this!
  3. Free version might still be worth grabbing. Some tracks are rearranged a bit (particularly Right Back Up) which might be interesting to you. Also, they get to the point quicker, so if you have ADD you might even prefer these versions
  4. Thanks for listening guys, and thanks to those who purchased. Curious what you think about the difference between the free and paid versions? I tried to make sure the free version didn't feel cut down or gimped, while adding extra stuff to the paid that would be of interest to people who liked the free content. Hope you guys will share the free link with all your friends who haven't heard of me yet! Edit: also, thanks to Malcos for doing the voiceover in track 1 of the free version (it's a hidden track that only shows up when you download the entire Wonderful Bite Free). In case you were wondering who that was (I don't have an english accent. Hah!)
  5. Hey guys, check it out! My new album, Wonderful Bite is out! It's a lot more upbeat, fun, aggressive compared to my last album, and features two vocal tracks. It's pretty kickass! You can download it for free or stream all of it here: http://albums.sgxmusic.com/album/wonderful-bite-free However, there's a version for $5.99 download or $12.99 disc preorder that has some extras: -Longer album editions of most of the tracks -Three short interlude tracks that are rad -A bonus remix by Hollidayrain -Full album liner note art (exclusive to the disc or via the download version on Protagonist Records) -Instrumental versions of the two vocal tracks (exclusive to Protagonist Records digital version) Buy from me: http://albums.sgxmusic.com/album/wonderful-bite It's also available via cdbaby, iTunes, Zune, Amazon mp3, etc. More details on the album: http://www.sgxmusic.com/?p=328 Also, for an extra dollar when you order the CD, I'll send you a second copy for you to give to a friend who doesn't know about SGX. Details on the order page. Hope you guys like it. Thanks for listening!
  6. This track is off my new album which is coming out October 1st! Watch sgxmusic.com if you're interested. There's going to be a free version to download, plus a CD or extended download version to buy. It's good! Download track: http://sgxmusic.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/SGX-Right-Back-Up-feat.-Navi.mp3 Or stream it right here: http://www.sgxmusic.com/?p=291 Let me know what you think! Info on the upcoming album: http://www.sgxmusic.com/?p=295 Also, I'm going to be releasing a couple more free tracks via twitter and facebook this week before the album comes out. You can only get them early if you're following me, so follow me! www.twitter.com/sgxmusic and www.facebook.com/sgxmusic
  7. This album is the bizniss. Malcos' stuff is so groovy and hooky. I've been listening at work a lot. We have a free track available at www.protagonistrecords.net as well. Check it out.
  8. Just found one of your collab treasures. From Orta, "more than a weapon".

    Oddly enough I managed to find Orta from a used books store.

    *and the music is something I can never forget.

    Even though I've been a member here on OCR for years. Its fun to catch up with other members.

    Btw, I hope your current projects are going well too.

  9. The ME1 soundtrack had more of that 80's synth vibe to it than ME2. Was that a conscious decision?
  10. Liking the album a lot, dude. Will be posting Monsoon Season next week. Anyone else got some tracks? If you don't have tracks, come take a listen anyway! Posted 5 new awesome tracks since Sunday. We're rockin! www.protagonistrecords.net
  11. Yo. Just cleaned it out. Man, I hate getting PMs. Emails are best! I grabbed your album man. Skimmed through it real quick - really good stuff. I like Monsoon Season. If you wanna put that up through my dropbox I can post that one up. It's got a cool synthy bass I'm diggin. I'm up in Laurel now. Where are you?
  12. Let's do no more than 1 every two weeks. I don't want to repeat artists too often, and if I get a bunch at one time, I may be unlikely to hold onto them for a couple weeks. Thanks!
  13. I generally try to have the artist send me some previous music to sample, or his partially completed album so I can decide to distribute it later and we can plan. Can't you send demos out before your have completed the whole thing?
  14. I saw them live about a year ago in a small venue. Flippin' nuts!
  15. I might be willing to spend some money in the future, when I've revised the site design and functionality a bit more. Right now I'm just trying to boost it with more content to make it more interesting more often. Do you have ideas? I'm up for talking about how to invest a bit in the site. I haven't explored that type of thing much yet. If you have some expertise, send me an email sometime sgxmusic [at] gmail . I'd appreciate it. Totally open to business suggestions/crits. I'd be down for that for sure. He's one of my featured artists anyway. It's up to them. I'll try and mention it to them. Sorry bro. I've heard your stuff and it is sweet, but I don't think "random music blog" is niche enough to intrigue people a lot. If you have anything with any electronic flavor in it though, it may be appropriate.
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