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Unstable Hamster

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Posts posted by Unstable Hamster

  1. Ok so I got in for DOTA 2 a few weeks back, and I have not touched this series since old Warcraft 3 days, so I'm gonna need some help playing this. Any tips for someone who hasn't played this in a long time?

    So if anyone want's to add me it's Unstable Hamster, and Tensei I'll set up my DOTA to automatically join that channel.

  2. Alright, more people have finally added me thanks guys!

    I'm gonna go through the first post and double check and make sure I added everyone on the list. And OCRE I just added you. Shows how much I've been updating my friend list :-P

    Edit: alright here's the people I added











    Anyone else on the list I've added already or it said it was a bad number.

    So yea, now I'm for sure updated!

  3. Hey, GameBird here! Lol, I know it's a little confusing, having 2 names :P i'm considering changing my ocr name to GameBird sometime...

    But yeah,I'm having lots of fun with swapnote. Very funny and talented people on there!

    Haha, awesome stuff Overflow.

    Hey BTW anyone who is reading this, has a 3DS, and have yet to add me please do. I've added everyone on the list and have only 4 other's add me back.

  4. Man, Rage at $15 is a steal. You gotta diagnose your system and see why it is running so slow. It runs super smoothly on my refurbished gateway and all I have is a geforce 9800gt. Fantastic game. :-D

    Yea I was figuring it was just my video card driver is out of date. I've got an ATI 5850, yet when I updated it I still didn't have any luck. I also tried changing around a few settings on RAGE itself. I'll be looking around for more stuff I can do but I fear I might have to wait til another patch comes out for Rage.

  5. Haha, wow, totally got ripped off for buying rage. The game goes at roughly 1 fps. Can run Batman: AC at 50, so I'm thinking it's that problem RAGE had with PC's. I thought they fixed that... And now Skyrim... Dang that's tempting, at least that would work...

    Oh yea I was playing Jamestown with my friends at midnight yesterday and I got the achievement for it even before the new achievements popped up. :-)

  6. Haha, not only is the crazy steam sales going on, but I just got into the DOTA 2 beta :-D

    Alright I've gotten 4 straight coal in a row... that grand prize for all steam games is cool and all, but I'm not really interested in that. So would anyone like to trade 1 or 2 coal a 25% off a steam game (HL, L4D, TF2;-))? I've also got a 50% off nimbus. It says that once you trade in 7 coal you no longer get coal, which I would rather have a chance at one game than a one in a billion for all the steam games

  7. I'm fine with that, the coupon isn't usable til the 2nd anyway right? I was thinking of grabbing that earlier than that. I was kinda bummed that these coupons are not redeemable right now, but then I saw that they have a golden tickets that you can use now. Check the asterisk under the how does it work page. So has anyone managed to grab a golden ticket?

  8. I think Steam bugged out when we traded. 8-O We each still have the coupons we traded, according to Steam.... Well, I guess there are going to be a few errors here and there.

    E: Looked on Steam forums, it sounds like it's an ongoing issue: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?p=27090936

    I will totally trade you on that extra sonic coupon. Luckily I have a 5 game indie bundle if you be willing to trade.

    Steam ID: [OCR] Unstable Hamster ;-)

  9. It's not early at all! I didn't know they did preorders, but I am preordering it - thanks man.

    I'm pretty sure this is new, I didn't see anything about preordering the last bundle and I checked it the day before it released.

    Already got my copy. =) Can't wait to see what it is.

  10. Which Macross was it where the dude had a spaceship that transformed into a speaker that got him loads of Alien Poon?

    Cause that is the only one worth watching.

    I have NO idea, but if you find it good sir,

    you win.

  11. Honestly, I'm much more interested in a full episode on the quip at the end about the "lots of brown over there". We need to see a wider color palette in games -- the real world has it, and our "realistic" games should too.

    This. I've easily been turned off by color schemes, and on the flip side colorful games have always popped out at me (e.g. El Shaddai, Sly cooper, Ratchet and Clank)

    I think that Battlefield 3 did alright at this, not amazing, but at least I enjoyed some of the views from that game than other shooters recently.

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