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Posts posted by jmr

  1. Now that Arecibo Radio is back up and running at full strength (YAY!), Open Circuit is returning as well.

    Two important changes to keep in mind:

    (1) the website is now http://www.areciboradio.com/ (not .org), so update your bookmarks!

    (2) Tonight's show is going at 5PM Eastern. That's one hour earlier than usual. I'm not 100% sure if this will be a permanent change... but we'll see.

    Hope to see you all in the chat room tonight! Send in your requests!

  2. I use the World Map themes from XOC Plays 3. World 6 for unknown caller, and the rest of the world themes are spread out among my contact list (for example, World 2 if my brother's calling (fitting, as it was the first theme he remixed), etc). My morning alarms are World 4 and 8 (depending on whether or not I have to get up for classes or work).

    I still use my phone's default sounds for text messages and other alerts, but I might go through and theme the rest of those as well.

  3. Oh, there's also Rockbox if you're willing to change your player's firmware, though it won't play all chiptune formats (at least not yet). Also doesn't work on every player.
    As much as I like Rockbox, it's probably not the ideal chiptune player. On my Sansa Fuze, SPC playback used to cause all kinds of glitches and crashes, and the noise channel on a lot of NSFs sounded kinda messed up.

    As for SIDs, well, I've never tried them. As far as I know, those are the only chiptune formats rockbox supports.

    EDIT: Oh, I suppose I should mention that you can combine Rockbox's GB emulator with gbs2gb, you can play most GB / GBC soundtracks.

  4. Just stopping by to say that I support this effort. I've still got the original wav version of my one remix and access to at least a few of Random Hero's mixes. We've been without internet at chez Roberts for a few days now, so when we're connected again I'll be sure to send whatever I can along.

  5. Anyone who buys a launch release of a new Nintendo handheld isn't paying attention to history. We all know a new and better redesign of the 3DS is waiting on the horizon. Hold on to your money, and get that one instead.

    Hmm... just playing devil's advocate here:

    • When they designed the GBA-SP, they replaced the headphone jack with a proprietary connector... :(
    • My launch model GBA is still kicking (and believe me, it's seen it's fair share of drops), where my brother's GBASP gave up the ghost years ago.
    • I've seen multiple DS lites with cracked hinges and broken trigger buttons. If the original DS suffered from similar flaws, they certainly weren't as widespread.

    Just saying that all of Nintendo's handheld revisions over the years haven't always been perfect. And seriously, what are the odds that the revised 3DS would be worth the extra ~2 years wait?

  6. Besides the part where it takes half an hour for one page to load, there's the part where it takes them 20-25 minutes to build your download package, and then there's a 50/50 chance of whether or not it will actually start downloading after that. If it doesn't, you have to build the package AGAIN. If it does, there's a 50/50 chance the download will stop for no reason midway through, and there's no way to resume it, so you get to start all over again!
    Oh right, you're still on dial up, aren't you? :razz:

    I've never had any problems with their download system, so I'm inclined to think that the problem lies more with your connection than with bandcamp itself.

  7. Tell me what it is that you like about that tune. I thought the gameplay looked neat on youtube for that level. Neat what they did with the cannons. I didn't care for the tune so much since it was pretty much the same melody repeated, then modulated.

    I guess a fair bit of my love for that tune is rooted in nostalgia... I knew I submitted it that it was a bit of a repetitive source, but between the lead melody and the backing harmony parts, I think there's more than enough material to work with.

    Ahh well. Guess I'll add that one to the ever-growing list of songs I have to remix myself, since no one else seems to want to touch it with a ten foot pole.

  8. Bandcamp on the other hand, from a listener's perspective, I absolutely fucking despise. Their download system is a Grade-A genuine hunk of flaming shit-stained garbage.
    Wait, what? Are we using the same service here? I've bought several albums from Bandcamp and never had a problem. The fact that it offers all downloads in any format one could possibly want is a huge positive, as are the full-length streaming previews... what's not to like?
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